Recap: From U Dubb’s High Stakes card, Loaded Lux versus Hollow Da Don in a highly anticipated battle that really altered the game when it came to how much battlers should be paid (indeed, when first talked about, this top-tier match was supposed to be URL, but as the battlers asking price was deemed to be too high, U Dubb would swoop in and land the match instead). Lux, dressed in Black Panther garb that would prove to be a huge theme for the Harlem vet throughout the battle (tho Hollow would spout some dope freestyles in response during the matchup), would shine with a plethora of rich metaphors, stinging personals (esp. when it came to Hollow’s alleged fondness for lean), righteous pontifications and hard-hitting punches that also flexed his versatility. On the other hand Hollow, with an aggressive, personally belittling (esp. with the Lux impressions), witty, wordplay spicy and at times scheme-heavy palette, would stay competitive despite being hurt a bit after having both of his opening rounds cut a bit short due to time constraints (apparently the two battlers had already agreed to two 5-minute rounds before an unlimited 3rd round prior to the battle). That said, slightly helped by utilizing less filler while overall coming through a bit more intricate, condensed and more pointed with the bars/personals, an also more haymaker-lit Lux takes rounds 1 and 2 for the win before a debatable final round that’s noted for Hollow bringing Calicoe’s pops out on stage.
Verdict: Loaded Lux (W) 2-1
Favorite line: Loaded Lux – “Baby you a star, they love you the way you are, but I love you enough to not leave you the way you are!”