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Bill Collector defeats Coach Corleone

Recap: From T.O.S Battle League, in a 3-round bout littered with plenty of aggression. solid personals/schemes and braggadocio punches, but also a boatload of cookie-cutter raps and pedestrian bars on both sides. After the two split the first couple of rounds, a more versatile, gritty and slightly more steady hitting Bill Collector manages to hang on and edge the 3rd round for the win over Coach Corleone.

Verdict: Bill Collector (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Bill Collector – “You got RBE boasting you, weird ass Wing coaching you, all these semi-beneficial opportunities appraching you, but you ready to crash out ‘cuz a blogger roasting you?!, take that sweaty-ass hat off and be more sociable!”