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JC defeats Yunus

Recap: From URL, oh how these yung’uns think they know everything. A dope 3-rounder between JC and Yunus gets undermined by the DMV up-n-comer standing firm on the idea that his opponent would mention his much-talked-about nonexistant sex life. But wouldn’t be the case here as instead JC relied on his usual m.o. of somber gun bars, meaty set-up/punchlines, rich similes, fire grim reaper bars, festive mayhem and bardbody braggadocio lines in a much more condensed and hitting fashion to earn a Gentleman’s 30. As despite Yunus’ elongated rounds and occasional filler that hurt him in the end, the talented DMV stalwart still garned a ton of respect by making each round close what with his electric cadence, stirring schemes, witty personals and systematic wordplay.

Verdict: JC (W) 3-0

Favorite line: JC – “They just wanna to see somebody they feel promising against the top tier guys, way to go, and he just wanted his name in stone…so ‘Here Lies’!”