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Tay Roc defeats Bigg K

Recap: The long-awaited clash between Bigg K and Tay Roc finally went down on KOTD, a neutral battleground of sorts what with K repping RBE and Roc of course coming through for URL. If you saw the face-off between these two the day before, you already knew that the tension was going to be through the roof once they battled. And for the most part it was with plenty of name-calling and in-your-face theatrics from both sides. However, after K’s momentous taking off of his cap in round 2 as well as turning the lights blue in the room (in tribute to RBE’s Blue Room) near the beginning of round 3, the tension died down and the two managed to keep it professional, even hugging it out at the end.

As for the battle itself, it’s Roc who pulls off a Gentleman’s 30, edging all three rounds by staying consistent, showing more variety as well as originality and landing more haymakers in an efficinet manner than his opponent. Nonetheless, this bout was competitive and action-packed throughout. But Roc’s consistent firepower, combining a gang of crazy metaphors, some fly wordplay, graphic mayhem, wicked race angles, stinging personals and brutal gun bars, proved why he has to be favorite to win COTY this year. And while K’s rounds were tight and punch-wise often showed the heart of a true COTY when it came to witty punchlines, hard-hitting street darts, and mocking personals, overall the Dawg leaned a little too heavily on personal themes that have long been used against Roc. That slight overuse cost K some juice (even if it was funny at times). Then too was the irony of Ruc flipping K’s biggest moment–finally letting us see what was under the cap–to his advantage with a couple of fire rebuttals to start off his 2nd round, which coupled with the aforementioned roomshakers, the Gun Title co-prez ended up edging as well.

A strong 3rd by Bigg K with plenty of wicked punches, storied but still spicy personals, braggadocio lines and witty zingers only suffered a bit from some elongated set-ups. Nonetheless, Roc wasn’t having any of it. The Maryland vet venturing into ‘AMG mode’ with a plethora of speedy punches that more than delivered when it came to fire name flips, consistently hitting punchlines, potent wrestling bars and stinging gun bars to earn the shutout.

Verdict: Tay Roc (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Tay Roc – “Everybody with me will flip, I am the URL chaperone on this King of the Dot field trip!”