Recap: From URL’s Nexus card, yeah even if it’s a chick flashing her titties mid-round, you can’t let distractions get in your head and mess up your flow. Not in battle rap anyway (esp. a judged one as was the case here). As while Hansel pulls a J-Murda and pulls out his phone while his opponent raps, causing a huge slip-up (not a choke) by Dice (who was pretty solid, flippant with the personals and lyrical throughout), the feeling here is that the EFB member out-rapped his opponent in round 1 anyway. Hansel using some scathing personal breakdowns, gritty punches, fly wordplay and fiery name flips/gun bars to take both of the opening (esp. in round 2 where he was more haymaker-lit) rounds for the win before a debatable 3rd made it 2-1
Verdict: Hansel (W) 2-1
Favorite line: Hansel – “We will kidnap his bitch real, if we find out where she at, it’s a stripper’s Instagram, lock her [locker] in the back!”