Recap: A fire URL 3-round “Redemption 4” card battle here between Jerry Wess and Chef Trez, showcases each battler on their A-game. The Chef, on point as usual with a boatload of stealth (“You are not Chef, you better move away before this tool get sprayed, I’ll have a switch for Wess [West] out the blue like the Luka trade!”) gun bars, fiery name flips, clever “How to scam right” tutorials and stinging off-the dome heat. Meanwhile, Mr. Wess would come correct with a gang of hard-hitting punchlines (especially during a spitfire round 2), wily name flips, piercing similes, a couple of fly rebuttals of his own and a crazy NYC scheme. Close throughout, a crazy haymaker of a rebuttal at the end of his round (which up till then was equally punch-lit on both sides) would edge Chef round 1. The 2nd round while competitive, saw Wess performing crazy and consistently punching at such a sublime level (i.e. classic) that even a pretty solid and gritty turn by Trez couldn’t keep up. In the deciding 3rd, despite struggling a bit with his flow, Wess would still deliver a dope, punch-worthy and winnable turn. But never one to slouch, the Chef would come back with some fire rebuttals that coupled with a well-themed, righteously personal and fierce 3rd to force a tie and overall, a debatable battle.
Verdict: TIE
Favorite line: Jerry Wess – “You did a freestyle about me petting a llama, that shit wasn’t true neither, P’ll kidnap your bitch at the same place with the animals let the zoo keep her [zookeeper]!”