Over 4,000 Recaps!

Swamp defeats Qleen Paper

Recap: Damn, there used to be a time when your biggest worry with Qleen Paper was whether or not he was gonna show up to the battle. But choking? All 3 rounds?!? SMH. Needless to say after seeing his opponent fail to complete all of his rounds, it’ll never be any easier for Swamp. The South Carolina battler getting the 30 and a rare bodybag on top while doing his part via a trio of rounds filled with a bunch of sturdy punches, boastful/fiery barbs and his usual plate of Southern-style cooking served with piercing name flips, aggressive name-calling and prolific gun bars that made this URL ‘Redemption 2’ bout a mixed blessing anyway.

Verdict: Swamp (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Swamp – “The bull dog is for close range, but the scope on a rifle, for the deep threat, the swamp, you jump off in that water, you gonna more than ya feet wet!”

T-Top and Loso [DEBATABLE]

Recap: Wishing for the crowd’s to get more into your battles? Learn how to perform, utilize stage presense and control the crowd the way T-Top and Loso do here in this 3-round URL ‘Redemption 2’ matchup. Entertaining and competitive throughout in front of a crowd that was captivated from the beginning to the end, all the while dialing up versatile displays on both ends with plenty of Christian-laced darts/disses, hard-hitting personals, spicy (Loso: “Hey yo, you a lame bra, I know we not in Florida, but out here college football is what the doctor order, in other words why play off Top for, TCU getting washed in Georgia!”) set-up/punchlines, witty barbs, frenzied angles, rich struggle bars and solid wordplay, both Top and Loso kept it gritty for a trio of rounds. Add in some dope name flips by Loso and a crazy ‘How You Know Jesus Was Black’ trope by Top in round 2 to make things even more amped and after a debatable round 1, it’s a more haymaker-lit T-Top who takes the 2nd before a more steady punching/scoring Loso took the 3rd to make this sizzling bout a debatable.

Verdict: TIE

Favorite line: “T-Top – “I said ‘pause’, bro you was voted the sexiest man in battle rap, in a culture that’s 98 percent men and he had the nerve to be smiling after, they said it was between him and John John and J2’s vote was the deciding factor!”

Geechi Gotti defeats Jae Millz

Recap: One of the early Smack/DVD stars, after years of turning down a return because his asking price was too high, it’s nice to see Jae Millz finally humble himself enough to make his peace with Smack and debut on URL. And outside of a couple of lengthy rounds, Millz wasn’t bad here. The legendary Harlem emcee going back to his roots of boastful barbs, gritty street lingo and in-ya-face/mean personals to keep things competitive. Still even with the effort being there from Millz, making a decade-long comeback against the likes of Geechi Gotti is just asking for too much. And while the EFB capo half-heartedly acknowledged his opponent’s competitive fire throughout the battle, at the end of the day Millz was just overmatched what with Geechi utilizing a gang of hitting wordplay, bruising street talk, witty personals, sizzling name flips and heated gun bars to earn a 30 over a battler who might be better suited for small rooms bouts moving forward.

Verdict: Geechi Gotti (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Geechi Gotti – “Hey fuck what they say, ain’t no chill side, nigga’s thought it was food coloring, i told ’em it was how Millz [meals] died!”

Charlie Clips defeats Danny Myers (Rematch)

Recap: From URL’s ‘Redemption 2’ card, after the two split the first couple of rounds with a gang of brash bars, a slightly punch-heavier, witty and off-the-dome lit 3rd round by Charlie Clips gets him the win versus an always gutsy and competitive Danny Myers.

Verdict: Charlie Clips (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Charlie Clips – “When your wife was at her lowest [Lois] who you think provided work when she needed blow?, I watched your whole family spin off the Brown like the Cleveland…”

Shotgun Suge defeats Kyd Slade

Recap: After that epic Tay Roc battle, there was much intrigue surrounding who, where and when Kyd Slade would be battling next. Coupled with that too was just how believable Slade’s notorious ‘plug talk’ would come off on a URL stage that’s well known for being on ‘real nigga time’. Well, after witnessing 3 rounds here from this ‘Redemption 2’ card matchup vs. Shotgun Suge, the results were for the most part to be expected. The Connecticut battler addressing the ‘snitch’ allegations head-on in round 1 while thanking the fans that have stuck by him throughout this drama, throwing a few shots at Roc as well as a bowlful of gritty trap talk and sick street rhymes that often lit up the scoreboard. And that combo might have been enough to beat the off-again/on-again Suge from a few years back, but not the slender Jersey bruiser that’s up there today. Shotgun getting busy throughout this battle with a gang of flexing punchlines while doubling down on the ‘rat’ accusations with some killer punches, spicy real like talk and his own plate of hard street lines and bullish bars which with the help of Slade speaking a bit too much the statement stuff in both the 1st and 2nd rounds, led to Suge taking both of the opening rounds for the win before a debatable 3rd.

Verdict: Shotgun Suge (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Shotgun Suge – “You play with 12, leading in all-time assists like John Stickton!”

Chef Trez defeats John John Da Don

Recap: From URL’s ‘Redemption’ card, former Bullpen Battle Leageu star Chef Trez faces off with BBL owner John John Da Don and as expected it’s a highly personal one that also featured a shitload of dope punches from both battlers. Add to the mix plenty of righteous pontificating and rigid name flips from JJDD and of course, a handful of spicy rebuttals and hitting gun bars from Trez and this matchup stayed competitive throughout. However, while the curious battle fan certainly got their fix what with all the accusations John John and Trez hurled at each other on why their business relationship frayed, as for the battle itself outside of a debatable 2nd round, it’s a more steady punching and slightly haymaker-landing Trez who takes the 1st and 3rd rounds for the win.

Verdict: Chef Trez (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Chef Trez – “…but y’all know Muslims wake up before sunrise and thank God, so why wouldn’t I use the Don as prey [pray]!”

Cortez defeats Jack Diesel

Recap: From Gates of the Garden, gritty with the street bars but so-so overall until he started scoring via some fiery usage of assonance in the latter half of his round, Jack Diesel ends up making this 1-rounder competitive. Still, with a boatload of hard-hitting boastful barbs, scorching name flips and gritty gun bars/punches, it’s Cortez who unleashes more than enough damage for the win.

Verdict: Cortez (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Cortez – “Today bro you gonna have to some more than some regular rapping, this ain’t the URL TV app, but this whole batle ya boy gonna be pressed just to get a reaction!”

Ill Will and Hollow Da Don [DEBATABLE]

Recap: A couple of veteran top tiers who should be on every serious battle rap fan’s Top 10 list, it’s to be expected that Ill Will and Hollow Da Don put on a crazy show. And on this 3-rounder from RBE the two do just that, Will with a gang of rambunctious punches, witty personals, fire set-ups/name flips and gritty struggle/gun bars with steady abandon. While the slightly more unorthodox Hollow brought to the bout a rich pallete of twisted, but piercing wordplay, hard-hitting angles when it came to the name flips and personals, a handful of solid rebuttals/freestyles and a plethora of dizzying punchlines that for the most part landed on their mark. Close throughout with Will rapping a little more longer in each round, some flexing off-the-dome heat combined with a pretty punch-heavy turn from Hollow is just enough to score a debatable round 1 after a versatile Will went berserza in the opener. Round 2 was just as competitive and fiery from both sides, but one or two more haymakers from Will gets the Yaktown battler the second before yet another sterling round from Will and Hollow is edged by a boastful, but a little more (“God-tier what we done built, I can make Smack and ARP sit down, eat a meal and argue who gonna keep the bill!”) punch-heavier da Don to make this one a debatable.

Verdict: Debatable

Favorite line: Ill Will – “I ain’t the one you want to put in pursuit, I’m looking to shoot, James Bond, every nigga that play me got put in a suit!”

Dizaster defeats Anderson Burrus

Recap: In this virtual 1-rounder from AngryFan, Dizaster uses a scintillating palette of hard-hitting personals, rambunctious/mayhem-lit punches and all kinds of stereotypcial Caucasian jokes to handily beat back an overall solid, but nearly as punch-heavy turn by Anderson Burrus.

Verdict: Dizaster (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Dizaster –

Danny Myers defeats Gutta

Recap: From Taveova Battle League, all Danny Myers here as for 3 rounds the Bar God’s aggressive combo of raucous gun bars, graphic mayhem with the set-up/punchlines, steadfast name flips, boastful street raps and too cold schemes handily beat back an earnest, but mostly subpar effort from Gutta.

Verdict: Danny Myers (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Danny Myers – “Reflect with me, when these leagues hit me with work I get the same feeling when the connect hit me!”

B. Magic defeats Pass

Recap: Can’t front, before I came upon this 3-round GTX battle, I thought Pass and B. Magic had already battled too. Turns out that the two battle vets were scheduled to faceoff way back in 2015, but for whatever reason it didn’t happen. Still, it was worth the wait as both Magic and Pass came through with three rounds of pure heat. Magic intertwining a superb punch game with piercing shots of wit and sizzling name flips, while the ever-confident Pass ripped off a gang of flexing set-up/punchlines, stinging/versatile metaphors and a bunch of solid name flips/personals. A close one through and through with Pass edging the 2nd round, it’s a more condensed and consistently scoring Magic who edges rounds 1 and 3 for the win.

Verdict: B. Magic (W) 2-1

Favorite line: B. Magic – “You really need the work bad, you try to run up on me and get the works fast, I got a littel trick play that’ll reverse Pass!”

Nu Jerzey Twork defeats OG Grizzly

Recap: From Bullpen Battle League, Nu Jerzey Twork reminds the crowd that there’s levels to this shit by using a steady barrage of raucous set-up/punchlines, hazardous gun bars, studious OG flips and rambunctious lyrical street raps to handily beat back a gritty, but mostly subpar effort from OG Grizzly in this one-sided 1-rounder.

Verdict: Nu Jerzey Twork (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Nu Jerzey Twork – “The real OGs used to tell me ‘Twork you ain’t gotta move how you moving’, but I’m in a traphouse, an unfurnished basement already showed me I had room for improvement!”

Eazy The Block Captain defeats Hitman Holla

Recap: From Chrome 23, Eazy The Block Captain versus Hitman Holla, and yet another battle where you can’t buy into the narratives until you witness the battle yourself. As despite the final score this bout was a lot closer than what you heard about. Indeed, long-known for having killer round 1’s, Hitman came through with another one here. The St. Louis-ATL vet spazzing with a gang of sturdy punchlines, fiery braggadocious lines and festive sport bars that made for a shitload of haymakers to the point that one couldn’t be blamed for thinking that Holla had the opener in the bag. But continuing what’s been an amazing run for the past couple of years or so and helped a bit by a few dry spots from his opponent, using a slightly more consistent barrage of gritty punches, grimy trap talk, sterling basketball references and aggressive heat, it’d be Eazy who managed to edge the 1st. Still, moving forward the battke remained close. As Holla not only came through with another turn that displayed his underrated punching ability, but may have surprised many with a couple of dope rebuttals (that he also showed off in the 3rd). Add to that some spicy personals from Hitman and the battle stayed competitive, despite Holla having a rep for underperforming in the latter rounds. But there went Eazy again, stalking the stage with yet another round of hard-hitting lyrical bangers, deep-cutting/mocking personals, flexing wordplay, witty puns and hardbody haymakers in a more condensed turn that got him the middle roumd as well. Already decided by the 3rd, the final round was more of a talking to by both battlers with the more punch-heavy Eazy taking it to earn the 30. And while mic problems on both sides and Holla whining about the crowd dominated one too many recaps on this battle. None of that (or Eazy’s current drama with URL) should get in the way of Holla putting forth a pretty solid effort overall here or the Philly rapper looking pretty unbeatable right now.

Verdict: Eazy The Block Captain (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Eazy The Block Captain – “My shooters come from Tubi because they don’t know how to act!”

Danny Myers defeats J2

Recap: Rambunctiously lacing his punches with brutal set-ups, witty puns, flagrant personals and graphic/mayhem-laced gun lines, Danny Myers takes the first two rounds of this URL ‘Outside’ battle to gain the win over a much less punch-heavy J2 before a more scholarly 3rd by the Bad God helps a consistently gritty throughout, but at his most efficient J2 handily take the final round to avoid the shutout.

Verdict: Danny Myers (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Danny Myers – “I done shot 7-footers like I can’t dunk!”

Ms. Hustle defeats MyVerse

Recap: A dope 2nd round (littered with a bunch of witty personals and a spicy rebuttal) from MyVerse, but in this URL ‘Outside’ 3-rounder against Ms. Hustle, the Florida emcee (who also had a couple of slip-ups in Rd. 1) was clearly overmatched. As the more condensed Harlem vet, steady throughout with a gang of salacious gun bars, fire set-ups, gritty punchlines, mocking personals and nasty name flips, handily takes rounds 1 and 3 from her punch-profilic, but much less damaging opponent, while also edging the 2nd round with a couple of more haymakers for an impressive 30.

Verdict: Ms. Hustle (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Ms. Hustle – “Tek in a holster, I might drive by with the seats[?] swerving, gang in the street lurking, two guns I’m pet-breeding, bulldog and a mean German!”

Fonz defeats Mackk Myron

Recap: Always competitive with a big bowl of nasty punchlines and witty personals, Mackk Myron’s return to URL was impressive. But in this 3-round ‘Outside’ matchup vs. Fonz that was filled to the rim with a gang of dope punches, hitting personals, gruesome gun bars and spicy personals from both battlers, after a debatable (thanks in part to Fonz rapping way too long) round 1, it’s the Ohio landlord who lands a couple of more haymakers to edge the 2nd round, before a slightly more bar efficient Fonz also edges the 3rd for the win.

Verdict: Fonz (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Fonz – “This bitch hit you and take a short portion of Mackk [mac] like the kid’s menu!”

Chef Trez defeats Tom Nixon

Recap: SMH. Doesn’t matter how confident you are in your skills, choosing to go 1st against argubaly the best rebuttler in the game never makes sense. But the Chef taught him tho, delivering yet another lit recipe of stinging punchlines and a trio of nasty rebuttals during a killer round 1, before comimg back with a steaming plate of piercing off-the-dome heat, sizzling gun bars, seismic name flips and hard-hitting punches to handily take the next two rounds and score the 30 over a passionate and hitting at times, but mostly pedestrian Tom Nixon in this 3-rounder from Takeova Battle Leageu.

Verdict: Chef Trez (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Chef Trez – “You all the way bitch, not just kind of scary, Nixon [Nick son] same out pussy…Mariah Carey!”

Swervoo defeats Cortez

Recap: Even a surprising choke in round 3 fails to withstand a couple of superb rounds by Swervoo in this URL ‘Outside’ matchup against Cortez. The young DMV spitter landing a boatload of aggressive street raps, fire punches/name flips, boastful barbs and hitting wordplay to take rounds 1 and 2 for the win before the aforementioned unforced error in round 3 combined with a touching and punch-heavy turn by Tez allowed the veteran BK battler to take the final round and avoid the shutout.

Verdict: Swervoo (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Swervoo – “Matter fact, say a sentence in Spanish to the crowd right now or I’m a click and spray…no no no no no, translate ‘say what?’ in Spanish…this a K!”

Tay Roc defeats Ryda

Recap: Ryda with a bunch of sizzling gun bars, fire name flips and hard punchlines makes for a dope showing in this Banned/URL battle versus Tay Roc. But helped a bit by his opponent’s so-so personals, all the while consistently spazzing with a gang of fiery back-to-back punches, stinging metaphorsical play, versatile name flips of his own, aggressive/flippant personals, lethal schemes and hard gun lines in a slightly more condensed and haymaker-lit turn, it’s the Gun Bar KIng who edges this highly competitive 1-rounder.

Verdict: Tay Roc (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Tay Roc – “Shotgun for Ryda [rider], he got dibs on the fornt seat!”

J Morr defeats Danny Myers

Recap: A dope 1-rounder from Hunger Gamez sees the underrated J Morr uses a steady plate of gritty trap talk, hard-hitting/nuanced personals, fiery street raps and some killer (including one of the best Friday lines I’ve ever heard) punchlines to gain the win over a pretty solid and often punch/name flip-heavy, but dry spot wavering Danny Myers.

Verdict: J Morr (W) 1-0

Favorite line: J Morr – “David didn’t beat up Goliath…he shot that nigga!”

Shotgun Suge defeats Danja Zone

Recap: A 1-rounder from URL’s ‘Outside’ card sees Shotgun Suge use a scintillating and steady barrage of fiery name flips, gritty set-up/punchlines and hard-hitting personals to handily beat back a punch-heavy at times, but mostly pedestrian Danja Zone.

Verdict: Shotgun Suge (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Shotgub Suge – “I look danger [Danja] in the face I see a desert eagle with 30 friends!”

DNA defeats Calicoe (Rematch)

Recap: Calicoe almost never openly admits to losing a battle. But I believe it was last year that he admit on a Twitter Space that he got beat pretty bad to DNA back in the day (yeah, he definitely did). Well now, a near decade after they first battled, it might be time for Cal to take it up a notch and admit that when it comes to this battling shit Mr. Eric St. John just has his number. And while it was nice to see Cal actually compete harder this time around and kick a bunch of solid/gritty lines throughout this rematch, unfortunately for the Landslide capo the results would come out the same as their match as a more hardbody, 4-bar prolific punching and haymaker-landing DNA pitches another shutout.

Verdict: DNA (W) 3-0

Favorite line: DNA – “Stock rose, lock load, you gonna get taking this contract…Russell Wilson on the Broncos!”

Nu Jerzey Twork defeats NXT

Recap: Been watching NXT for too long to think he was ever a wannabee Nu Jerzey Twork. Indeed, his loud, aggressive style is defintely his own. But doppelganger accusations aside, in this URL ‘Outside’ bout, as B. Magic said it’s all about who can rap better. And even without his signature ‘Strapped It’ call out, it’s Twork by a long shot. The big man continuously rocking the crowd with a shitload of dope/raucous punches, flexing name flips, bullish gun bars and steely personals over the course of 3 rounds to handily get the win over an opponent who despite some demonic/hitting punches/personals here and there, just couldn’t keep up when it came to bar efficiency while also melting under the scope of too many mediocre personals and Twork style jacking.

Verdict: Nu Jerzey Twork (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Nu Jerzey Twork – “Put a pillow over NXT [next] get him ready for flight departure!”

Danny Myers defeats Archduke Redcat

Recap: From iBattle, against a pretty solid, punch-heavy at times and witty performance from Archduke Redcat, a more condensed Danny Myers uses some spicy off-the-dome theatrics, plenty of rigid mayhem with the punches, boastful barbs/storytelling and lucid wordplay/name flips/gun bars to score enough haymakers and edge the win this competitive 1-rounder.

Verdict: Danny Myers (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Danny Myers – “We don’t take chances, every day I keep a tool tucked, ‘cuz in Cali nigga’s beef on the corner like food trucks!”

Shotgun Suge defeats Quest M.C.O.D.Y.

Recap: A workmanlike performance here from Shotgun Suge who gets straight to it with a steady stream of braggadocious darts, mean set-up/punchlines, graphic violence and gritty storytelling to beat back a hitting at times, but too often pedestrian Quest Mcody in this 1-round BANNED battle from URL.

Verdict: Shotgun Suge (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Shotgun Suge – “I’m pissed off, I’ll let a clip off, my plug put it on a plane the whip soft, I out more powder in the air than Lebron before a tip off!”

Tay Roc defeats Swervoo

Recap: From URL’s ‘Lite Work’ series, after witnessing this battle one can tell that Tay Roc had a lot of fun writing those nssty name flips. That and a bunch of hitting wordplay and gritty gun bars spiked with plenty of ruthless mayhem with the punches gets the Gun Bar King a 30 over an overall solid, but costly when it came to taking too long to the punch Swervoo.

Verdict: Tay Roc (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Tay Roc – “”I’m toting with me two clips on a belt, they gonna have to get him some help, he gonna need unlimied health, like I avoided an accident and still injured myself, I got Swerve out of the way and hit something else!”

A. Ward defeats Soul Khan

Recap: From iBattle, a dope 3-rounder between Soul Khan and A. Ward sees the latter score left and right with a bunch of lofty punchlines, some fire wordplay and hitting personals/name flips. While Grind Time vet Soul Khan rung up some fly rebuttals, a gang of witty barbs, robust set-ups/punches and ill breakdowns that edged him round 2 after Ward took the 1st. Tied going into the 3rd, a personally-lit round filled with plenty of personal pontifications and braggadocious bars from both sides is edged by a righteously angle-lit and slightly more hard-hitting and consistently spazzing (i.e. classic) Ward to earn the win.

Verdict: A. Ward (W) 2-1

Favorite line: A. Ward – “You was trying to be so politically correct against Dizaster, we all went to sleep on the kid, well you in front of a real pro now [pronoun] and I’m about to smoek he, him and his!”

Th3 Saga defeats Swamp

Recap: Th3 Saga’s return to the URL continues to be a worthy one as the Christian barrle rapper uses a steady diet of fiery schemes, sneaky but nasty wordplay, a bunch of killer set-up/punchlines and rigorous name flips to beat back a gritty, but not nearly as consistent, a bit predictable at times and flow-challenged effort from Swamp in this 1-rounder from URL’s ‘Outside’ card.

Verdict: Th3 Saga (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Th3 Saga – “Blam the Wesson, this gonna go from Page to real life…I’m manifested!”

Tay Roc defeats Snake Eyez

Recap: From URL’s ‘Outside’ card, using a gang of nasty schemes that would make Chilla Jones proud, while coupling them with a plethora of slick wordplay, hitting name flips, sneaky but delicous metaphors, spirited gun bars, graphic odes of violence and enough righteous personals to raise the temperature in the room, a steadily bent Tay Roc takes the first couple of rounds here for the win over the ever raucous, in-ya-face punching and street-bar slinging, but less consistent/competitive (esp. during a surprisingly shortened 2nd round) and dry spot prone Snake Eyez before the Harlem rhymeslinger scores with just enough haymakers to edge the 3rd round and avoid the shutout.

Verdict: Tay Roc (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Tay Roc – “You trying to fight? expect the gadget [Inspector Gadget] to come out the coat pocket!”

First Lady Flamez defeats MyVerse

Recap: Not sure why anyone would state that Twitter Spaces ‘killed battle rap’ when so many epic arguments between battlers (which literally led to battles), spicy moments and expose’s came out of them. Hell, even the short-term, but classic Midnight Madness league wouldn’t have happened without Twitter Spaces, an audio chat room that would also spark this battle as who can’t remember First Lady Flamez screaming tirade on MyVerse’s rapping ability on TS last year? And for 3 rounds, Flamez more than backed up her rant. The Richmond, Virginia spitter never taking her foot off the gas while utilizing a steady stream of hard-hitting punches/similes, fire name flips, fiending gun bars, dapper street shit and rigid wordplay to score a 30 over an opponent who surprisingly enough put more points on the board with her witty personals (esp. in round 2 which was Verse’s best by far) and a couple of fly schemes than her punches which too often then not were pretty pedestrian and elongated especially when it came to the set-up.

Verdict: First Ladt Flamez (W) 3-0

Favorite line: First Lady Flamez – “I’ll knock the soul out this bitch and let it talk to y’all, then at her funeral MyVerse will be a monologue!”

Gwitty defeats Cortez

Recap: From Kill Switch Battle League, a lot of nasty work with the 4-bar punches and a fleet of spicy gun bars makes this 1-rounder between Cortez and Gwitty both entertaining and competitive. However, even with a couple of dry spots here and there, it’s the more performance-lit and slightly more haymaker-friendly Gwitty (while also taking advantage of a more flow-challenged Cortez) who ends up getting the win.

Verdict: Gwitty (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Gwitty – “I shot a Spanish at a wedding all you saw was rice and beans!”

Dre Dennis defeats O-Red

Recap: Efficient enough with the gory punches, borrowed tropes and sizzling gun bars that he probably had this 1-round GOTG matchup vs. O-Red in the bag around the 10 or 11 minute mark, an elongated (he did rap twice as long as his opponent) Dre Dennis, with the help of some spicy name flips and hitting personals, keeps it steady enough throughout to gain the win over an O-Red who while gruff and sometimes blazing with the wordplay and punchlines, just ended up getting beat by a fellow Jerseyian who wanted it a little more than he did.

Verdict: Dre Dennis (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Dre Dennis – “You gonna die laying, in a hospital, ya mom praying, when thay say the nigga in the ER, it sound racist!”

Saflare Sole defeats Footz

Recap: From URL’, against a consistently gritty/graphic, aggressive and mostly gun bar-toting Footz, after getting edged in round 1, thanks in part to a slip-up mid-round, a more versatile and haymaker-crazy Saflare Sole gets in his bag of spicy name flips, hard-hitting personals, fire set-ups, stealth punchlines and potent street darts to take rounds 2 and 3 for the win.

Verdict: Saflaer Sole (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Saflare Sole – “Big ass machete, I want him dead, the docs stitched him, then told him quit while he still ahead!”

Chef Trez defeats Ghost

Recap: From Major League Battles, a gritty, condensed and punch-heavy round 1 by Philly-to-Florida battler Ghost is efficient enough to make for a tie with a just as potent Chef Trez. But afterwards it’s all Trez as the ATL vet uses a steady barrage of lofty gun bars, fiending name flips, steely punchlines and well-versed freestyles/rebuttals to handily take both of the latter rounds over a solid, but not as formidable effort from his opponent and gain the win.

Verdict: Chef Trez (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Chef Trez – “Don’t start bor, ‘cuz once the Tek pop, we disrespect blocks, i just can’t stop sliding y’all…I’m in fresh socks!”

T-Top defeats Holmzie Da God

Recap: From URL’s Lite Work, a shortened 3rd round from the Bear still doesn’t stop T-Top from utilizing a gang of fire name flips, sterling rapidfire punches/gun bars and some wily personals/trap talk to handily take rounds 1 and 2 and get the win over a mostly subpar and set-up lengthy Holmzie Da God.

Verdict: T-Top (W) 2-1

Favorite line: T-Top – “The chrome firing or I got a bomb that I could detonate, they gotta make a GoFundMe for God, that’s a collection plate!”

Nu Jerzey Twork defeats O-Red

Recap: From URL’s Lite Work series, after fumbling his bars a bit and getting out-punched by a more potent O-Red in round 1, Nu Jerzey Twork steps it up and gets busier with a barrage of righteous mayhem, stinging name flips, spiteful punches/wordplay and with the help of an opponent who choked away his 2nd round and was prone to a few miscues in the deciding 3rd, earns the win.

Verdict: Nu Jerzey Twork (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Nu Jerzey Twork – “You fire, just no electricty…Amish place!”

O-Red defeats Aktive

Recap: Refuse to believe that ARP had no idea what Aktive was getting riled about after he finished his opening round. Either way, outside of a debatable round 2 (that saw a mostly bar-heavy, bullish and gritty Aktive spout a condensed/punch-lit turn that was efficient enough to tie his opponent, even in light of a dope rebuttal there by Red) in this sometimes tense matchup from RBE, it’s O-Red for the vic. The Jersey vet using some killer word association imprints, head-ringing mayhem, fly sports bars, a gang of hitting personals and stinging punchlines/name flips to take rounds 1 and 3 for the win.

Verdict: O-Red (W) 2-1

Favorite line: O-Red – “For the record I said Flex, I drop a bomb in here, it’ll be projects everywhere, shit look like a science fair!”

Chilla Jones defeats Xcel

Recap: From TBL Shark Tank. In one of those competitive and scintillating barfests you don’t often get to see, a slightly more versatile, personal-spazzing and scheme/punch-lit Chilla Jones takes the 1st round and (after a debatable 2nd) and edges the 3rd to gain the win a pretty dope Xcel in a battle that when it comes to sizzling wordplay/metaphors, fierce name flips/anecdotes, seismic similes, high battle IQ, boastful barbs and piercing set-ups/punchlines offers up a tremendous start to 2023.

Verdict: Chilla Jones (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Chilla Jones – “You trying to buy music from ‘Cel?, back in the day I ain’t even buy ring tones!”

Ill Will defeats 40 B.A.R.R.S.

Recap: Add this RBE matchup for Battle of the Year consideration. Because that’s how fire it was. 40 B.A.R.R.S. with one of her most scintillating performances ever, dishing 3 fire rounds of exquisite wordplay, jaunty well-crafted punchlines, brash darts, strong sexual innuendos and dope name flips without missing a beat. While on the other hand an always confident Ill Will came through with a shitload of crazy set-ups, witty barbs, cold performance bars, gritty/aggressive punchlines, righteous pontifications, multifaceted name flips, fire gun bars and spitfire personals with steady abandon. A close, line for line potent and hotly contested battle for all three rounds, we got a slightly more versatile and haymaker-lit Will taking rounds 1 and 2 for the win before 40 returned the favor by taking the 3rd.

Verdict: Ill Will (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Ill Will – “I mean you came from my rib, that’s making holy moves, you don’t even apples like that, you just wanted to do what you wasn’t supposed to do!”

Fonz defeats 40 B.A.R.R.S.

Recap: As talented as she is (esp. against dudes) regardless of 40 B.A.R.R.S.’ miscues with her flow in this Queen of the Ring 1-rounder, there’s almost no way she was beating this Fonz. The Landlord delivering a loud, aggressive and sublime round (i.e. classic) that pulled no punches while scoring mightily with a gang of versatile name flips, a couple of fire freestyles, hard-hitting punches, dope schemes, stinging personals and witty barbs to handily get the win over a much less bar potent and inconsistent run by 40.

Verdict: Fonz (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Fonz – “That’s what wrong with you bitches, these hoes don’t know they position, gilr you got milk and eggs in you, you belong in the kitchen!”

Shotgun Suge defeats Hank Biggs

Recap: A fiery 1-rounder from Showtime Battle Arena sees Hank Biggs get off with a gang of bullish (that ‘phone charger’ line was fire) bars and fierce punches that more than held their own. But after an elongated turn from Biggs, a way more condensed and efficient Shotgun Suge uses a bunch of steely punchlines, some nifty wordplay, mocking personals and brash ‘What His Life Like’ darts to earn the win.

Verdict: Shotgun Suge (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Shotgun Suge – “You’ze a chump nigga and I ain’t off it, I’ll put Hank in a coffin with a box of chocolates!”

DNA defeats Cortez

Recap: Gotta admit with the two of them being close friends for so long, I never thought that Cortez and DNA battling each other one-on-one would ever see the light of day. Well guess that I was wrong as here they are on URL’s 90-seconds-per-round, ‘Life Work’ platform going at it for 3 fiery rounds (with no lame rehearsal taking place before the battle either). And bar-for-bar it’s a treat with DNA and Cor dishing a bunch of gritty street raps. flagrant punches, piercing name flips, blazing heat and mocking personals to make it competitive. Nary a slip-up on either side until Cortez stumbled a bit in round 3, outside of a debatable 2nd round, it’s the slightly more haymaker-lit DNA who takes the 1st and 3rd rounds for the win.

Verdict: DNA (W) 2-1

Favorite line: DNA – “It’s always a fight when cash is involved, Joe Frazier and this cat is always lying on the bread, that’s why they call him Bodega!”

Bill Collector and Rosenberg Raw [DEBATABLE]

Recap: The longest grudge match in battle rap finally takes place and it has audio issues?!? Not a good look for The Battle Academy. Nonetheless and as expected, Rosenberg Raw versus Bill Collector (“Even URL tried to offer you a deal, and you was about to risk it all for the worst plate, perfect Gentlemen, this nigga was reaching for Bill on the first date!”) was still a goodie as the two ‘frenemies’ each got their shit off via a boatload of battle rap associated/who-did-more-for-who career allegations, gritty punchlines, hard-hitting personals and other drama surrounding crews, near fights, battle rap leagues and even family. An aggressive and haymaker-lit battle with both battlers having to get a lot off their chest due to their longstanding grudge, with each round being equally efficient and serving up zero miscues, we’re going to call this one a debatable.

Verdict: TIE

Favorite line: Rosenberg Raw – “You a freak show and everything he ever did was out of bounds, how the fuck you put a black eye on the city and you from out of town?!”

Kausion defeats Bonnie Godiva (Rematch)

Recap: From Chrome 23’s $25K tournament, Bonnie Godiva and Kausion meet up again for what probably was the ‘fastest rematch’ in battle rap history and for the most part this semi-final matchup is a goodie as both ladies brought a shitload of aggressive punches, fierce schemes, hard-hitting/ witty personals and flagrant gun bars to the bout. However with Kausion slightly out-punching and edging round 1 and a personal-lit Bonnie taking round 3, it comes down to the 2nd round which via a mid-round slip-up by Ms. Godiva coupled with a handful of griity haymakers by Kausion gave the latter the win.

Verdict: Kausion (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Kausion – “I’ll pistol-whip you till you see a bump, now you got a baby in ya face!”

Eazy The Block Captain defeats Big T

Recap: How Ethan Hawke said it when they asked him about his part in Training Day?: ‘I’m just here so Denzel can get his Oscar’. Really now. That’s how I felt watching this Big T versus Eazy The Block Captain battle on Philadelphia’s Battle Academy League stage. Consider that Eazy during the battle admitted to wanting a YouTube drop in lieu of being signed to a URL contract and thus having all his battles drop on the app. And with Big T shall we say not performing well of late, can you blame URL for letting the Block Captain take a break from his contract obligations to show off on his home league against an opponent who hasn’t been competitive at all lately? Not really. As for the battle itself? Pretty one-sided and an easy 30 for Eazy as the Gutta City capo dished 3 rounds of pure heat, staying on T’s neck with a boatload of gritty street raps, boastful hometown barbs, sizzling trap talk, fire personals and hard-hitting punchlines. As for T, not that it provides much comfort but at least he didn’t get bodied. The Chi-town vet, despite a gang of dry spots, using his slick punches/wordplay and witty humor to hang in there in front of an away crowd that was clearly there to root for their hometown hero. That being said, with yet another ‘L’ in the books, I’m thinking going forward that Big T might want to stick to small room battles and lower tier opps until he gets his groove back.

Verdict: Eazy The Block Captain (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Eazy The Block Captain – “See for me, this is nothing, this a resurrection of your career if you clip me, and it’s a favor I’m the Captain, I’m used to nigga’s saying pick me!”

Nu Jerzey Twork defeats Real Sikh

Recap: Does it get any more exciting on a battle stage than a focused and prepared Nu Jerzey Twork? Probably not. Back on URL for the first time in quite awhile, a rambunctious and consistently lit Twork uses a barrage of fiery wordplay, hazardous set-ups/name flips, hard-hitting performance bars, mocking personals, stinging gun bars, plenty of mayhem and gritty/head-ringing punchlines to score more haymakers and hand out a Gentleman’s 30 and beat back a mostly solid, rebuttal spicy, witty at times, aggressive and gritty with the punches Real Sikh. For Twork (who also took some fierce shots at Smack in round 3) to remind everyone of what he brings to the table when he’s on his A-game on this ‘Civil War 3’ card, could make for a scary 2023.

Verdict: Nu Jerzey Twork (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Nu Jerzey Twork – “Merciless, it’s petty killers that I’m working with, I charge 60, I give them 50, take my little paper off the top, it’s a Hershey Kiss!”

Tay Roc defeats Kyd Slade

Recap: Funny watching emotionally biased bloggers recap this battle and steer their conclusions to their liking regardless of who really out-rapped who. Because isn’t that recaps are supposed to be about? That said, we Tay Roc with a clear win. The Gun Bar King superbly (i.e. classic) using a snitch angle (that literally dropped in his lap before the battle) on opponent Kyd Slade in round 1 via a gang of well-crafted smiles (everything from the dizzying ‘witness protection’ bar to the killer ‘Ah Di Boom/Bigg K’ line at the end), dope storytelling bars and potent personals/wordplay to take an opening round that was as aggressive and heated as we’ve seen on a URL stage without the battle having to be stopped. And while a trap-talking, street rap-lit Slade had a solid 1st as well, Roc’s stellar turn and a couple of slip-ups by Kyd would cost him. The 2nd round was simply a matter of Roc out-punching his opp. This time with a plethora of steely set-up/4-bar punchlines, well-finessed wordplay, residual mayhem, potent drug talk and fiery gun bars that with a slightly more condensed turn equated to a more haymaker-rich and versatile middle round for Roc to earn him the win over another punch-heavy and personal-bent at times, but not nearly as consistent run by Slade. The 3rd round would see Roc go into ‘AMG’ mode and offer up a fire run of speed rap with jaunty punch symmetry. However, it’s a multifaceted Slade, steadily aggressive and head strong with a boatload of piercing punches and hard-hitting personals, who would edge the final round and avoid the shutout.

Verdict: Tay Roc (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Tay Roc – “You talk too much, we can’t be friends…Deborah Cox!”

40 B.A.R.R.S. defeats Cheyraq

Recap: Outside of Cheyraq struggling with her flow and cutting her 2nd round short, this 3-rounder from Takeova Battle League versus 40 B.A.R.R.S was a dope one. As the Massachusettes up-n-comer made 40 sweat with a boatload of delicious metaphors, fly similes and gritty aggressive punchlines. But after getting edged to her slightly more haymaker-lit opponent in the opening round 40 would never waver. The Boston vet spouting two rounds of consistent heat via a bunch of hard-hitting personals, well-finessed wordplay/schemes, piercing punchlines/name flips and boastful darts to take round 2 and edge the deciding 3rd for the win.

Verdict: 40 B.A.R.R.S. (W) 2-1

Favorite line: 40 B.A.R.R.S. – “Picture me worried about this pussy spraying in my face when she don’t know that I squirt too!”

O’fficial defeats Jade

Recap: Adding some witty personals to her usual arsenal of hard-hitting punches, graphic violence and fiery gun bars, O’fficial does enough to beat a gritty punching and whimisal Jade who while able to keep it competitive with a gang of haymakers, mistepped here and there when it came to her flow in this 1-rounder from Showtime Battle Arena.

Verdict: O’fficial (W) 1-0

Favorite line: O’fficial – “She gonna need the Father and the preacher to save her…she ain’t Diggy!”

Rum Nitty defeats Fonz

Recap: Not much for ‘Battle of the Year’ conversations, but for 2022 Rum Nitty versus Fonz has gotta be mentioned. A blazing back-n-forth between two of the best punchers in the game, this URL Civil War matchup, which also featured a bunch of crazy name flips and fiery schemes, was punch-drunk from the jump. Fonz, ever aggressive and bullish throughout, earned his paycheck with a gang of fire ‘Rum/4th quarter’ flips, steely 4-bar set-ups/punchlines and flippant personals/gun bars that were only negated by a few reaches here and there as well two elongated rounds (the 2nd & 3rd). On the other hand Nitty, outside of a few dry spots, came correct with a rich palette of animated/sublime punches, fly similes, potent set-ups as well, flagrant gun lines and a shitload of gritty/electic darts that kept your head nodding. Close all the way through, the deciding factor here was basically who was more efficient with their haymakers, thus we got Fonz edging round 1 before the more condensed Nitty edged both of the latter rounds for the win.

Verdict: Rum Nitty (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Rum Nitty – “I’m ’bout to send a nigga to hell with this lead, close range, shell to the leg, shell to the head, when the spirit leave the body it’s like T.I., you can tell when he dead!”

Danny Myers and Quban [DEBATABLE]

Recap: Quban and Danny Myers do the fair one for 1 round at the Battle Academy and it’s a goodie as a versatile Bar God scores with a gang of fiery, aggressive punches, while a gritty and set-up lit Quban raps his ass off to the tune of some delicious (“I know he think he too cold, but do that make you heat resistant!”) haymakers and righteous darts/schemes. And while Quban had a stronger ending to his round, an elongated run combined with one too many dry spots by the former Goonie coupled with Danny suffering from some subpar bars here and there makes this bout debatable.

Verdict: TIE

Favorite line: Danny Myers – “My nigga Jonny Ice exposed Surf was fucking your baby mama, I ain’t even have to ask if it’s true, my nigga told me she gave him head, butt…like Jaz special move!”

Chef Trez defeats Shi Dog

Recap: A fire 3-rounder (with Billy Boondocks literally switching sides and providing extra entertainment throughout the battle in case the fierce back-n-forth betwen the rappers wasn’t enough for ya) from CRS Battle League between Chef Trez and longtime vet/underrated punchsmith Shi Dog goes the distance with Trez impressing throughout with a boatload of gritty gun bars, dope rebuttals (including ‘4 of them things’ in round 1, which he egded), massive name flips and some hitting personals/punchlines. While the unorthodox wordplay, galiant schemes, rigid streams and flexing set-ups/punches/rebuts/name flips of Shi Dog stood tall as well. A close bout throughout with the two battlers splitting the first couple of rounds, it’s the slightly more haymaker-lit and versatile Trez who ends up taking the 3rd for the win.

Verdict: Chef Trez (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Chef Trez – “You named yourself Shi Dog, that explains right out the gate why you never had barf!”

Chef Trez defeats Nunn Nunn

Recap: The final score doesn’t dictate it, but for the most part a strong showing here from Nunn Nunn in this URL ‘Civil War 3’ match against Chef Trez. The North Carolina vet using slick humor, a gang of gritty punchlines, some solid rebuttals and some hitting personals to stay competitive. But as it turns out Trez was just too much here. The Chef cooking up a hot plate of fire gun bar, stinging freestyles/rebuttals (including 3 of them things in round 1 to edge the opener), crazy set-up/punchlines, brash storytelling, piercing ‘Nunn Nunn/Hunger Games’ name flips and robust wordplay/similes to score a Gentleman’s 30.

Verdict: Chef Trez (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Chef Trez – “I even got young’un’s to shoot for me so it’d be sort of cool, cuz the little nigga’s under Chef carry more than Jordan Poole!”

Jaz The Rapper defeats Shiest Raw

Recap: From The Battle Academy’s ‘Frenemies’ card. In what’s easily been her most prolific year on the battle rap stage, Jaz the Rapper visits Philly to give up-n-comer Shiest Raw a shot and let’s just say you might as well just give ‘Big Bag’ the WOTY crown now after this thoro demolishing. The Brooklyn vet using an aggressive gang of sizzling name flips, profound schemes, hard-hitting set-ups/punchlines and a couple of stellar freestyles in round 3 to handily get the 30 against an opponent who bar-wise was clearly overmatched. And while Jaz went home with an easy vic, some credit should go to Raw for not giving up and finishing her rounds (really wack move by Anwar, throwing in the towel like that during Sheist’s final round) despite experiencing what looked to be some severe leg cramps during the battle.

Verdict: Jaz The Rapper (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Jaz The Rapper – “Y’all think I won’t take her serious?, well I don’t care what y’all saying, James Harden…I came from Brooklyn to Philly and I’m not playing!”

Chef Trez defeats Afro Kenobi

Recap: Never seen the Chef get violent before. But in this last-minute (both of their original opponents no-showed) 1-rounder from DHBL, outside of a couple of unsportsmanlike penalties, a pretty hyped Trez gathers himself enough to spout a slew of hard-hitting personals, some sick rebuttals, stinging punchlines and a gang of potent freestyles to beat back the aggressive and sometimes hitting stylings of an Afro Kenobi who clearly lacked the off-the-dome ability of Trez and basically used the same rhymes he had for his original opp.

Verdict: Chef Trez (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Chef Trez – “Who you teaching?, you dress like a substitute!”

Chess defeats Theory Truth

Recap: From No Games Battle League, a 1-rounder with some apparent We Go Hard history to it, sees Chess use a bunch of sizzling name flips, dope wordplay, pent-up mayhem and bodacious punches/personals to beat back a gritty and solid, but not nearly as steady effort from Theory Truth.

Verdict: Chess (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Chess – “Get hospitalized, his food?, he gonna have to eat without it cooked, if I put you in a coma it’s gonna be hard for Truth to come out like when you beat around the bush!”

Ms. Hustle defeats JC

Recap: From URL’s Lite Work battles, using a steady combo of hard-hitting personals, mean set-ups and aggressive/gritty punchlines while also taking advantage of a pretty solid overall, but flow-erratic JC, Ms. Hustle scores more than enough haymakers in each round to earn the 30.

Verdict: Ms. Hustle (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Ms. Hustle – “They know I’m Ape, but like a Fedora I’m around the brims!”

Chef Trez defeats Megladon

Recap: In this 1-rounder from DHBL, Chef Trez uses a consistent diet of fiery gun bars, lethal 4-bar set-ups and gritty punchlines/wordplay to handily beat back an earnest and hitting at times, but most;y subpar with the punches Megladon.

Verdict: Chef Trez (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Chef Trez – “I’m not with the extra’s, keep the bullshit, I’m wilding on him, Calvin Johnson, I’ll squeeze and pull it and make Megladon Megatron ‘cuz he gonna receive a bullet!”

Rum Nitty defeats Bill Collector

Recap: Having just signed a 2-year contract with URL, the feeling here is that Bill Collector’s success on Smack will largely depend on his ability to display the same kind of consistency and mettle that we saw during the recent Season 1 KOTD tournament that he won. Easier said than done of course, but it really comes down to how bad Bill wants it. As besides showing more consistency, for Bill it also means more performance-lit bars, clever wit, hard-hitting personals, no more recycling bars and a strong freestyle game. Lanes of which Bill showed pockets of (esp. to start his 3rd round) here in this 3-round Traffic 5 battle vs. Rum Nitty, but once again exhibited an air of apathy (in this case too many weak name flips, subpar punches and reaches) that often times plagues his pen, thus leaving him with very little chance of beating the likes of Nitty. The Gun Line King using a plethora of sizzling metaphors, rich similes, sterling set-ups/gun bars, piercing wordplay, fiery personals, hitting punches and stellar name flips throughout to earn the 30.

Verdict: Rum Nitty (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Rum Nitty – “Scope on him, got me squinting through the lens…it’s an eye exam!”