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A. Ward defeats Steams

Recap: In this 1-rounder (that incredibly enough doesn’t start until the 7-plus minute mark) from Street Talk Ent, A. Ward uses a variety of spicy sport schemes, solid name flips, witty personals, boastful barbs and wily punchlines to edge a lyrical with some gritty wordplay/punches here and there, but mostly pedestrian Steams.

Verdict: A. Ward (W) 1-0

Favorite line: A. Ward – “I already killed J2, you ain’t nobody special, I went from him downstairs to HIM upstairs and now I’m showing you levels!”

A. Ward defeats J2

Recap: From Calicoe’s BMBL league, outside of a lazy gay/race angle in round 2, a bunch of pedestrian bars and a handful of slip-ups throughout his 3 rounds, J2 manages to unleash a solid, gun/street bars-heavy and gritty effort in front of a Detroit crowd that was into the entire battle. Too bad that A. Ward just on one here. The Kansas battler delivering a superb opening round, littered with a gang of righteous darts, fly name flips, mocking/witty personals, dope punchlines and fiery off-the-dome heat that combined to handily take the opener. Then in round 2 exposing the advantages and drawbacks of being a prominent gay rapper in battle rap while also dishing plenty of fly rebuttals and hitting punches/personals. Already up 2-0, Ward would bring down the energy a bit and offer up a solid and punch-worthy 3rd that coupled with J2 struggling with his flow to the point that he had to cut his round short, easily gave A. Ward he 30.

Verdict: A. Ward (W) 3-0

Favorite line: A. Ward – “Hey, listen to this, ‘cuz this how the story goes, Smack called your phone, you was giving some head!”

Ave defeats A. Ward

Recap: From Bags and Bodies, imagine one of your weaknesses (in Ave’s case, a rep for being nothing but a one-trick pony when it comes to his punchline game) coming back to help you win a battle? Well that and a basic difference in skill level was certainly at play here. As after an opening round that saw the off-the-dome heat and gang of witty and mocking personals from A. Ward combine to edge a pretty solid and punch-heavy, but elongated and not quite as efficient round from Ave, the Norfolk, VA vet immediately turned the tables in a way that might have been even a little surprising to himself and was enough to handily comeback and gain the win. Ave flexing with the versatility in both of the latter rounds, while using a boatload of righteous darts, gritty street lines, wily personals, fly religious-themed zingers and of course, a shitload of nasty punches to beat back an opponent who practically admitted in round 2 that outside of the usual assortment of jokes and personals we’ve grown accustomed to seeing against Ave, he didn’t have much to offer except for some hit-or-miss punches and (tho he did have a dope one midway through the 2nd) freestyles…oh the irony.

Verdict: Ave (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Ave – “Bro what the fuck, you use religion like a damn fraud, you pull back then cross over, how you gonna sham God [ShammGod]?!?”

Hollow Da Don defeats A. Ward

Recap: From Black Ice Cartel Battle League, getting super creative via some wicked wordplay while also scoring with a boatload of mocking personals, searing set-up/punchlines, cadence-switching colloquialisms, witty/boastful barbs and stinging anecdotes/rebuttals, up against a mediocre A. Ward who had some hitting punches here and there, but overall was too mired in a bunch of filler, subpar punches and weak personals, Hollow Da Don once again shows that there’s (esp. during sublime round 1) levels to this shit on his way to way to an easy 30.

Verdict: Hollow Da Don (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Hollow Da Don – “Make his wish he didn’t play, when the lead getting raised, that’s a dead giveaway!”

Tay Roc defeats A. Ward

Recap: In this much anticipated three-round battle from The Riot, Mr “Anti-URL” A. Ward gets his dream battle against Tay Roc and results are about what you’d expect. The more haymaker-lit and pocket-switching Tay Roc taking the first two rounds (which included a classic sublime/classic 1st) via some superb wordplay, clever name flips, witty bars, adept use of religious themes, piercing gun bars and a gang of gritty punchlines. And while Ward kept it competitive with a bunch of impressive freestyles/rebuttals and pretty solid punchlines throughout, the Christian battle rapper’s watered-down personals and lack of efficiency towards the end of both his opening rounds would contribute to him falling short. Despite that, with a will to win proving equally intense and proficient on both sides, the final round ended in a tie. Thus, allowing Ward to avoid the 30.

Verdict: Tay Roc (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Tay Roc – “I’ll pull up with a K for you, spark that iron, you pull up on nigga’s and pray for ’em, you call that slidin’?!”

A. Ward defeats Bonnie Godiva

Recap: From QOTR, unless said white rapper has actually shown signs of racism in the past, black battle rappers have really gotta stop using lazy race angles against them. That choice by Bonnie Godiva here versus A. Ward in the 3rd round being even more suspect when you consider it’s a Christian battle rapper you’re going up against, who you also happen to be in the same battle group (YTG) with. But then along with her opponenet, Bonnie never seemed to be on her A-game either. Yet, professional battle vets that they both are, the two still competed hard while offering up a variety of punches throughout. But after splitting (had Bonnie edging round 1 before Ward came back and returned the favor in round 2) the opening rounds, a pretty mid 3rd on both sides gets edged by the slightly more efficient Ward, who’s win heer is even more impressive when you consider how often he’s been battling of late .

Verdict: A. Ward (W) 2-1

Favorite line: A. Ward – “For a nice gun bar I’m always down like the Mcflurry machine!”

Charlie Clips defeats A. Ward (Rematch)

Recap: From Chrone 23, Mr. Anti-URL, A. Ward, gets a 3-round rematch with Charlie Clips and in a clear display of battling way too often of late, spends an inordinate amount of time on dated (i.e. ‘syke I lied’, pops a snitch, fat jokes, ya pops a snitch) Clips’ themes that brought very little creative spirit, when he wasn’t kicking a gang of subpar punchlines throughout the battle. Nonetheless, after a sublime opening round that he easily took what with a plethora of hard-hitting set-up/punchlines, witty bars, fire wordplay and fiery boastful darts, midway through his 2nd round Clips unsurprisingly resorts to freestyling and still wins the round with enough off-the-dome (including one that A. Ward walked right into) heat and a variety of solid punches that with the help of his opponent not being on his A-game. The verdict already decided, a pretty pedestrian 3rd on both sides is edged by the Christian rapper’s spicy rebuttals.

Verdict: Charlie Clips (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Charlie Clips – “You wanna know what I learned from the Bible?, I’m able to lump this nigga the fuck up and leave his top leaking, ‘cuz I got to the part wher it said ‘thou shall not…’ and I just stopped reading!”

Aye Verb defeats A. Ward

Recap: From RBE, let’s start with that ‘turn the Glock 40 on your bitch ass’ bar from A. Ward here in round 1 having to be in the running for Bar of the Year. Moving on, after the more eclectic, rebuttal spitting and just as hard-hitting Ward edged round 1, the latter couple of rounds would prove that Aye Verb can still stand tall with the best of them when he when he wants it bad enough. The St. Louis vet (who judging from all the shit-talking he did prior to this battle up in Twitter Sapces, is clearly the No. 1 battle rap promoter in the game) continuing to snap in round 2 with a gang of stealth punches, righteous darts, rich similes and rapid haymakers to take the second, despite a pretty solid and scheme-lit turn from Ward. Tied going into the 3rd, the final round would be a nail-biter with a condensed Verb still punching mightily and dishing stinging boasts at will. However, even with a beatable round from his opponent, the usage of some questionable/old angles by Ward coupled with a few dry spots during an elongated turn that overall just wasn’t as efficient, ultimately hands Verb the win.

Verdict: Aye Verb (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Aye Verb – “The cheers you getting?, they mean nothing ‘cuz blacks embrace they clones, cheers from me are worth double ‘cuz nigga’s hate their own!”

Frak defeats A. Ward

Recap: From GTX/Grind Time, a close on until round 3, Frak and A. Ward put on an entartaining show filled to the rim with a bunch of witty puns/personals, fiery schemes, spicy rebuttals, religious barbs, storied angles and formidable punchlines. And while Ward kept it competitive through and through, a slow start to his 3rd to go along with some fire style breakdowsn by Frak, helped the more consistently-lit Bay area vet score a 30 over an opponent who may be taking on too much in a short amount of time.

Verdict: Frak (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Frak – “Aaron turns the other cheek, A. Ward got some fire crosses, A. Ward on the side of violence, Aaron [airing] on the side of caution!”

Emerson Kennedy defeats A. Ward

Recap: Against an A. Ward who was solid throughout, but not at his best when it came to overall punch prowess, the eccentric rhyme patterns of Emerson Kennedy, scoring with efficiency when it came to wordplay, boastful darts and mind-bending set-up/punchlines, even while surviving a slip-up early on during his turn, are enough to edge this 1-rounder from Mic Masters.

Verdict: Emerson Kennedy (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Emerson Kennedy – “I really had to sleep in a car while you was working on an image, if I clicked my heels 3 times I’d wake up in a Honda Civic!”

A. Ward defeats Viixen The Assassin

Recap: After sound defeats in the past by Loso on URL and here against A. Ward on Chrome 23, Viixen The Assassin may want to look into staying away from the Horsemen. Either that or come up with a new gameplan on how to beat one of these Christian batttle rappers as this one was pretty much all Ward. The Kansas City, MO, rapper using a performance-heavy, steady and spirited barrage of boastful barbs, hard-hitting/witty personals, steely pontifications, spicy rebuttals and sizzling punchlines/name flips to take each round over an opponent who was suprisingly up-n-down with the personals, punches and gun bars (tho Viixen would fight back in the latter half of each round to try and make things competitive) all through the match.

Verdict: A. Ward (W) 3-0

Favorite line: A. Ward – “You are not an assassin, you’re a mother, sex sells, that’s why she gets plates she don’t deserve, I’ll repeat myself one time on stage ‘cuz it’s absurd, she’s basic with the words, it’s the cake that they observe, so of course her entire career is graded [makes hand gesture around Viixen’s butt] on a curve!”

Bigg K defeats A. Ward

Recap: Probably alluding to Bigg K rapping in different pockets outside of his usual pedigree of rapid punching, A. Ward might’ve been right when he told Bigg K that it was him that was forcing K to rap this way. Nonetheless with plenty of white-on-white violence, aggressive/raucous punches on both sides, a surprising display of solid rebuttals from K, a plethora of hard-hitting personals from Ward (esp. in round 3), stinging Christian-laces disses and wtty barbs from K, a bunch of dope wordplay/schemes from Ward and a shockingly elongated at times K showing off some strong versatility throughout this battle, all-in-all this matchup (which notoriously got pushed back from last year due to Ward’s last-minute bout with sickness) ended up being spitfire and competitive. A trio of rounds that were all close and had the RBE crowd buzzing throughtout, assisted by a couple of more haymakers in round 1 and some nasty off-the-dome work that edged him the 2nd round, it’s Bigg K for the win before a more direct and slightly more steadily hitting A. Ward edged the final round to avoid the 30 piece.

Verdict: Bigg K (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Bigg K – “I ain’t saying God fake, I hope he exist, but if he made you in his image, I know he a bitch!”

A. Ward defeats Soul Khan

Recap: From iBattle, a dope 3-rounder between Soul Khan and A. Ward sees the latter score left and right with a bunch of lofty punchlines, some fire wordplay and hitting personals/name flips. While Grind Time vet Soul Khan rung up some fly rebuttals, a gang of witty barbs, robust set-ups/punches and ill breakdowns that edged him round 2 after Ward took the 1st. Tied going into the 3rd, a personally-lit round filled with plenty of personal pontifications and braggadocious bars from both sides is edged by a righteously angle-lit and slightly more hard-hitting and consistently spazzing (i.e. classic) Ward to earn the win.

Verdict: A. Ward (W) 2-1

Favorite line: A. Ward – “You was trying to be so politically correct against Dizaster, we all went to sleep on the kid, well you in front of a real pro now [pronoun] and I’m about to smoek he, him and his!”

Rum Nitty defeats A. Ward

Recap: Who knows if the day will ever come that sees A. Ward grace us with his talents on a URL stage. But the feeling here is that if Ward (who’s clearly out to prove that he doesn’t need an appearance on the URL to solidify his battle rap career) continues to go after top tier ‘URL battlers’ (which he is wanton to do) his resume would warrant much more credibility if he did 3-round battles on the likes of Geechi Gotti’s The Riot league then say 1-rounder’s in front of a garage door. That being said, a dope 3-rounder here between Ward and Rum Nitty, littered with a plethora of sizzling punchlines, fiery gun bars, righteous name flips, filthy Godspeak and well-oiled wordplay by Nitty versus a gang of fiesty rebuttals/freestyles juxtaposed over the course of 3 rounds with some flexing punchlines/personals, witty barbs, aggressive schemes, rigid wordplay and stinging boasts/name flips from Ward (who did have reaches here and there) makes this a competitive matchup with the more haymaker-lit Rum taking round 1 before Ward, helped by his off-the-dome aptness, edged round 2. Tied going into the 3rd, it’s a more steadily hitting, intricate and innovative with the pen Nitty (despite a crazy latter half to his round from Ward) who takes it in the end.

Verdict: Rum Nitty (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Rum Nitty – “Disrespect, I’ll shoot a Christian with a nail gun!”

Q.B. (Black Diamond) defeats A. Ward

Recap: From RBE, relying less on shock value in light of more potent punchlines, spicy religious darts and crafty personals/braggadocious zingers, after taking an L in round 1 to a punch-heavier A. Ward, a slightly more condensed and consistently hitting QB comes back to edge both of the latter rounds of this 3-rounder for the win over an opponent who despite some hard-hitting punches and personals in rounds 2 and 3, could never get back in the same steady groove as he displayed in the opener.

Verdict: QB (W) 2-1

Favorite line: QB – “So my razor gonna carve him in a perfect scuplture, ARP offered me a plate, I what’s on the menu?, he said a culture vulture!”

A. Ward defeats Don Marino

Recap: In a battle he clearly wanted to win (word has it that not only had Don been wanting to battle A. Ward for at least two years, but the back-n-forth these two were engaging in online after the match was announced got a little testy at times), a versatile and hard-hitting Don Marino gets in his own way once again, choking away what could’ve been a fire 2nd round (after getting edged to a just as punch-lit, but also off-the-dome spicy Ward in round 1) to lose this WarTown Battles 3-rounder, before taking round 3 in a competitive bout that was also laced with fiery personals, schemes and set-ups by both battlers throughout.

Verdict: A. Ward (W) 2-1

Favorite line: A. Ward – “You are a URL benchwarmer, Coach P gets to choose y’all reps!”

Geechi Gotti defeats A. Ward (Rematch)

Recap: Better than their first match (which A. Ward won) and more consistently spicy with sizzling off-the-dome heat from both battlers, from Geechi Gotti’s Riot league, this much-talked-about rematchbetween the Kansas City Horseman and the EFB capo lives up to the hype. Ward, with a bunch of stinging/mocking personals, fiery (“God already split a Red Sea, what you think will happen to a blue one!”) punchlines, righteous Christian-laced darts, different flows, witty barbs and some hard-hitting set-ups/wordplay/storytelling throughout the battle, came to win. While an aggressive Gotti, equipped with gritty punchlines/wordplay of his own, vociferous bully lines, discourteous religious darts, oft-wicked (“I will give your mama some angry dick like ‘fuck you mean!'”) personals, fire street-themed, West-coast bangers and steely gun bars, clearly wanted to make up for his earlier loss. And he did, with slightly better consistency with his bars, a couple of more haymakers in each of the opening rounds and the ability to equal Ward’s freestyles with a couple of his own, before the more potent Ward edged the 3rd, give Geechi rounds 1 and 2 for the win.

Verdict: Geechi Gotti (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Geechi Gotti – “Nigga, you came prepared for me, but don’t make the worng move, we was literally whipping with a chrome spoon, so much work in the crib, it look like I was home-schooled!”

A. Ward defeats Lu Castro

Recap: Always able to rely on a nice rebuttal game, but also taking advantage of a 2nd round Lu Castro choke, after getting edged by his slightly punch-heavier opponent in round 1, a spirited A. Ward uses a boatload of fly set-ups, righteous/mocking personals, off-the-dome darts, rich storytelling, witty barbs and stinging punchlines/schemes to take round 2 and handily win the deciding 3rd for the vic in this 3-rounder from VLMG & Tha Kulture.

Verdict: A. Ward (W) 2-1

Favorite line: A. Ward – “Hey Lu Lu, you might be wild strong but I’m mildly athletic!”

Charlie Clips defeats A. Ward

Recap: Witty and scheme-heavy on both sides with A. Ward also flexing with a handful of spicy off-the-dome theatrics and Charlie Clips getting busy with a gang of fiery 4-bar set-ups and hard-hitting, Christian-laced personals, this dope 1-rounder from The Rap Committee comes down to the slightly more consistently lit and more haymaker scoring Clips edging it in the end for the win.

Verdict: Charlie Clips (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Charlie Clips – “Do you got space on your squad for a nigga like me?, ‘cuz I ain’t join nobody camp in awhile, I coudl change my name to Charlie Horse if you want…but then that’d be cramping my style!”

Ryda defeats A. Ward

Recap: Spicy, Christian-themed darts, fiery storytelling rhymes, fire set-ups, witty barbs and a gang of stinging gun bars/punchlines…for Ryda it’s a versatile and consistently hitting performance that altogether adds up to more than enough haymakers to beat back a freestyle-lit, but otherwise topsy-turvy (esp. on the name flips) A. Ward in this 1-rounder from House of Wolves.

Verdict: Ryda (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Ryda – “I’m here to let you know I am the first Buddist battle rapper…now see how I’m already the best at that?!

A. Ward defeats Shotgun Suge

Recap: After getting edged by a bullish, personally disrespectful and slightly punch-heavier turn by Shotgun Suge in the opening round, despite being a little elongated with his raps, A. Ward uses a gang of witty personals, hard-hitting set-ups/schemes, righteous bangers and scintillating punchlines/Godspeak to edge the 2nd round before handily taking the deciding 3rd in this 3-rounder from The Battle Academy, thanks mostly to a bunch of piercing punches/personals, but also assisted by a Suge choke.

Verdict: A. Ward (W) 2-1

Favorite line: A. Ward – “This is unfortunate for you, for the first time ever you done bit off more than you can chew!”

Arsonal Da Rebel and A. Ward [DEBATABLE]

Recap: A gang of steely wordplay to go along with some disrespectful/righteous name flips/punchlines by Arsonal combined with a more versatile flexing with heavy schemes, ill set-ups/punchlines, NJ battle rapper darts and witty/’disrespectful’ (“I will convert all your music to cassette tapes and only put the songs on side B!”) barbs equates to a debatable in this dope 1-rounder from The Rap Committee.

Verdict: Debatable

Favorite line: Arsonal – “You Kansas City crackers, I don’t get tho, your whole congregation anti gang bang, but all invested in some Crypto [Crip tho]!”

Xcel defeats A .Ward

Recap: Opportunities are opportunities, but I’m taking on a couple of dope pen’s like Ill Will and Xcel within a week’s time, might just be asking for too much. Not that A. Ward, with his ability to spout witty barbs, rigid punchlines and wily off-the-dome heat didn’t keep things competitive. But in this 3-rounder from IBattleTV, Xcel’s piercing wordplay, fierce set-ups, boastful punches, bruising personals and witty/righteous heaters wins him all 3 rounds here.

Verdict: Xcel (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Xcel – “Now answer me quickly so the subject can change, I won’t speak ill on your God because we one and the same!”

Ill Will defeats A. Ward

Recap: Competitively speaking, Ill Will and A. Ward bring the heat to this 3-round RBE battle that was highlighted by a handful of spicy freestyle’s/rebuttals on both sides. Yet, for all the racial shenanigans, personal shots at Loso, Christian-laced darts and righteous punches by Will to go along with the mocking imitations, hitting personals, fierce schemes and solid name flips/punchlines by Ward, with a surprising load of mediocre lines, a few reaches here and there and quite a few dry spots from both battlers, although this bout was both entertaining and close throughout, I wouldn’t say that either Will or Ward brought their A-game (which in Ward’s case could be due to him battling so much of late). That said, after A. Ward edged round 1 and Will returned the favor in the 2nd, a still spotty at times but also condensed and more consistently hitting Ill Will edges the final round for the win.

Verdict: Ill Will (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Ill Will – “These white boy’s get in the game and think they us, that’s what changed duke, why the fuck would I give a fuck about Regulators when we still seeing Strange Fruit?!”

Da Kid Klutch defeats A. Ward

Recap: Yes, A. Ward’s rebuttals are crazy (and his ability to freestyle is nothing to sneeze at either) and with some able wit mixed in, when added to a versatile punch-game, Ward has long shown that he can compete with anyone. That said, you have to really appreciate Da Kid Clutch here as the West-coast emcee uses a steady fleet of gritty punchlines/gun bars, fiery/witty personals more associated with his opponent individually than his Christian faith, fierce set-ups/name flips and racial angles that for the most part hit to beat back a pretty solid, punch-heavy at times and off-the-dome-savvy, but not quite as consistent effort from Ward in rounds 2 and 3 (call the 1st debatable) for the win.

Verdict: Da Kid Clutch (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Da Kid Clutch – “And your attire is part of the reason you will never last, ‘cuz he show up to battles looking that one track coach that was never fast!”

A. Ward defeats Riggz

Recap: In a spirited and competitive 3-rounder from Wartown Battles, after the two split the first couple of rounds, a righteous and punch-heavy at times, but wayward thematically 3rd by Riggz gives way to an also righteous, but consistently personal-lit turn by A. Ward, thus giving the 4 Horseman a well-earned win.

Verdict: A. Ward (W) 2-1

Favorite line: A. Ward – “I told ya, I have no chill like Surf predictions!

O-Red and A. Ward [DEBATABLE]

Recap: Pretty solid matchup between O-Red and A. Ward on RBE ends up a draw as a more direct and punch-heavy Ward takes the 1st round before Red comes back with a more condensed and wordplay-lit 2nd to tie things up going into the final round. A competitive battle already featuring a bunch of gritty sports references, fierce double-entendre’s, religious (O-Red : “You fishy with that Bible, I said it Peter…now pop off!”) derision, witty personals and festive name flips, would spout more of the same in a 3rd round that was equally potent with enough haymakers on each side to force a debatable.

Verdict: Debatable

Favorite line: A. Ward – “You picked the worst time, y’all had me meet [meat] Red on a rare plate?, this ain’t fair wait, I’m locked in, he Ricky Bobby, I’m Sidney Crosby, he think he fire, I’m a top Pen!”

A. Ward defeats Dre Dennis

Recap: For as many resounding gun bars and pure, utter mayhem Dre Dennis can toss at you on any given night, the execution doesn’t matter much when you know how often you’re going to get lit up and tattered to shreds. Still, a pretty solid showing by Dennis gets edged by A. Ward, who’s combination of mocking personals, hitting punchlines, witty barbs, rich storytelling and Christian-tinged darts were not only well-executed, but showed off a slightly more versatile pen to gain the edge here in this highly competitive 1-rounder from GOTG.

Verdict: A. Ward (W) 1-0

Favorite line: A. Ward – “If I smoke you it’s ‘My bad Ward, the editing is taking some time’, if you smoke me, A. Ward versus Dre Dennis dropping later tonight!”

A. Ward defeats Danny Myers

Recap: Taking advantage of an up-n-down, pedestrian bar-prone and sometimes predictable opponent in Danny Myers, but also equipped with his own rich palette of feelgood sermonizing, steely punchlines, feisty schemes, mocking personals and of course, some flexing rebuttals, A. Ward scores a well-earned 30 in this 3-rounder from RBE.

Verdict: A. Ward (W) 3-0

Favorite line: A. Ward – “Parallel bars are easy…Jesus was a carpenter that died by hammers and nails!”

Mackk Myron defeats A. Ward

Recap: Even without the random, oft-hilarious potshots at his opponent’s fellow IV Horsemen Loso throughout the battle, Mackk Myron’s gritty mix of searing punchlines, spicy name flips, stinging metaphorical play and witty personals/set-ups do just enough to edge the first couple and get the win before a personal and punch-heavy A. Ward takes it up a notch to salvage the final round in this dope, 3-round barfest from GOTC TV.

Verdict: Mackk Myron (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Mackk Myron – “The only time I use an angle…is when I send your mama a dick pic!”

Chef Trez defeats A. Ward

Recap: In addition to A. Ward supplying a just-as-fire rebuttal game, a versatile and punch-heavy Chef Trez has his work cut out for him for the first two rounds in lieu of the Christian rapper also dishing a host of fiery punchlines, witty barbs, jaunty name flips and some stinging mayhem to match his opponent’s potency and points on the scoreboard. But after the two battlers split the opening rounds, helped a bit by Ward’s solid, but 1/3rd pontificating and filler-bent turn, it’s a still cogent with the punchlines, gun bar swinging and fly with the schemes/punches Trez who takes the deciding 3rd for the win.

Verdict: Chef Trez (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Chef Trez – “Who cold as this?, no matter where I go my opponent’s get slaughtered, I haven’t seen a person this year who went harder, so fuck talking about who pen harder, ‘cuz I write nothing but nice shit…like a kid’s author!”

Charron defeats A. Ward

Recap: For the first two rounds here, when not doing on-point impressions of each other, Charron and A. Ward equally spout a boatload of stinging personals, fiery punchlines, righteous Godspeak, soldi rebuttals and ringing schemes to split things going into the 3rd round. Too bad neither battler’s pen could maintain the same consistency it showed earlier in the deciding round That’s moreso the case with A. Ward, who when he wasn’t too steeped in on personals, was just all over the place on bars that mostly leaned on basic then anything spitfire. And while Charron also lacked the same fire he’d shown in the previous rounds, the Wild-N-Out cast member’s penchant for witty punches along with a slew of mocking personals easily gets him the round the win.

Verdict: Charron (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Charron – “Fuck what you’ve done both years, I’ll make this cutthroat clear, this ain’t Noah’s ark there’s only one goat [G.O.A.T.] here!”

A. Ward defeats Bill Collector

Recap: In a highly entertaining, fiery and competitive 3-rounder from Krack Liberty Battle League that also featured Bill Collector with a bunch of his dopest 1-2 punching, raucous and witty best (close enough to score round 2 debatable) a couple (including a classic round 1) of stellar-name flipping, punch-heavy, personal-lit and brazen when needed rounds by A. Ward gets the Christian battle rapper the win.

Verdict: A. Ward (W) 2-1

Favorite line: A. Ward – “So this where the game end, blame Zim, the man tried me, said he had an idea he needed ran by me, then I got that Bill Collector call, y’all know…scam likely!”

A. Ward defeats Geechi Gotti

Recap: Another one of those battles that’s a lot closer than what the comments section will tell you. But in this 3-rounder from Bar Fight Battle League, the ever-competitive A. Ward still pulls off a minor upset over the always hard to beat Geechi Gotti. Using a plethora of righteous punchlines, some fierce personals, witty (“One Tech, you trash, man you the idol they watch?, you got locked up and out of jail before the microwave stopped!”) barbs, one more haymaker and a nifty freestyle towards the end of his round, the Christian rapper manages to edge the 1st round before getting beat by a more condensed, raucous, shit-talking and gun bar (“Nina with me, I been through everything with this bitch, I think it’s time we settle down!”) spazzing Gotti in the 2nd. The deciding 3rd round was thisclose with Gotti going at length on his opponent’s spirituality vs. his own belief system, all the dishing fiery punches during a turn that was only hurt by some recycled themes and Geechi’s nimble attempt at freestyling (which, for the most part were really unnecessary). Any holes in Gotti’s 3rd would be taken advantage of by a more consistent Ward, who along with potent sermons/personals that spoke to the heart of Geechi’s gangster lifestyle, would deliver a series of loud barking religious zingers and bodacious shiners to edge the round

Verdict: A. Ward (W) 2-1

Favorite line: A. Ward – “You dead, it’s over in fact, your slogan is when it’s real you can see it in their eye’s…makes a lot of sense that yours stayed closed when you rap!”

Cortez defeats A. Ward

Recap: More constructed in his raps and a little more consistent overall bar-wise than his opponent, who seemed to be spitting themes at random throughout the battle, Cortez can be forgiven for the misuse of Bret Hart in the 4 Horseman reference, in an otherwise well-themed and personal 3rd round that serves as the difference maker in this win versus Christian rapper/KOTD stalwart A. Ward.

Verdict: Cortez (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Cortez – “Ain’t shit we gotat speak about, ask Hollohan bitch, i killed God already!

DNA defeats A.Ward

Recap: Dope performance, along with solid (“The game don’t stop here, we could take it outside like Nintendo Switch!”; “I don’t believ a round till I see it like flat-earthers!”) bars and witty personals from Christian rapper A.Ward, makes for a competitive matchup here on the KOTD stage against DNA. However, a little too much filler as well as a handful of pedestrian bars in the first couple of rounds hurt’s the Tennessee up-n-comer overall, leaving the efficiently crazy punches, fierce name flips, nice gun (“If I’m getting to his team and the toolie jam, then its to the Mystery machine, that’s Scooby’s van!”) bars and stinging wordplay from DNA with plenty enough in the tank for the win.

Verdict: DNA (W) 2-1

Favorite line: DNA – “Y’all got DNA backwards trying to match A and D, the First 48 gonna be a cold case if y’all see A&E!

Real Deal defeats A. Ward

Recap: A. Ward and Real Deal put on a dope, competitive and punchline-lit match for a KOTD crowd that stayed enthralled throughout. The newbie Ward kept it aggressive and fiery for the entire battle, while displaying excellent showmanship, piercing punchlines, witty zingers and salacious personals. And while Real Deal also helped himself to a bag of stifling personals, the gym teacher/battle rapper would also come through with plenty of jaunty sport bars, Christian-laced darts, boastful barbs and shrewd set-ups/wordplay. A matchup that was also littered in white culture references as well as a couple of nice rebuttals from each side, after a slightly punch-heavier Ward took the 1st round, the more haymaker-friendly Real Deal edges both of the latter rounds for the win.

Verdict: Real Deal (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Real Deal – “You got me fucked up…like Jesus Christ in every depiction!”

Franchise defeats A. Ward

Recap: A highly competitive battle between Franchise and A. Ward results in the former using aggressive schemes, lucid gun bars and a load of fiery punchlines to take rounds 1 and 2, and thus a well-earned win on his home turf.

Verdict: Franchise (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Franchise – “Yo, what up, it’s time for your man to die my friend, he Christ-like?! [bwoh!]. I bet you that this body won’t arise again!”

Saint Mic defeats A. Ward

Recap: After splitting (Mic took the 1st while Ward got the 2nd) two rambunctious, lyrically heated and competitive rounds littered with plenty of dope punchlines, righteous schemes/boasts, fiery theological pontifications and piercing name flips, A. Ward and Saint Mic are left to settle things in a 3rd round that while punch-heavy on both sides, is won by a more condensed Mic’s more finessed wordplay and banging personals.

Verdict: Saint Mic (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Saint Mic – “Look at his face, he gonna try and say he isn’t bothered, but he is, he starting to see the difference between his Creator and [slaps himself on the chest] his father!”