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Charron defeats Skarm

Recap: It’s well-known that battle rap is really popular around certain parts of the world and that includes the Philippines where rooms to see two emcees out-rap each other are often filled to capacity. That said, it’s fitting to see one of Canada’s finest, Charron, go overseas to battle Filipino battling vet Skarm for 3 rounds on the FlipTop stage and do his thing, beating back a solid trio of turns from his multi-flowing, but topsy-turvy opponent with an aggressive mix of syrupy personals, boastful darts, some lofty wordplay and a boatload of banging punchlines/rebuttals and score a 30.

Verdict: Charron (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Charron – “Y’all observe, I’ll make him watch his words like karaoke machines!”

Charron defeats HFK

Recap: For two battlers that allegedly ‘didn’t want to battle each other’ due to their friendship, Charron and HFK still put on a dope show for KOTD, delivering 3 spirited, highly competitive rounds that was littered with frequent boasts/disses, piercing punchlines and a slew of spicy personals and storytelling bars. Still, while the battle stayed close throughout, it’s a slightly more consistent and less pontificating Charron who edges all 3 rounds for the win.

Verdict: Charron (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Charron – “You’re an impatient, ignorant bastard who couldn’t get any fatter, eating your Advent calendar in one day doesn’t make Christmas come any faster!”

Charron defeats Manaz ill

Recap: Against the witty, self-deprecating and sturdy pontifications of blind emcee Manaz Ill, after getting edged by a dope rebuttal in the 1st round, Charron uses a boatload of stinging punchlines, hard-hitting rebuttals of his own, spicy personals and boastful shiners to easily take each of the latter rounds for the win.

Verdict: Charron (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Charron – “You dick-sucker, always on your knees in ya house, there’s so much skeet in ya mouth you could get a bitch pregnant just by eating her out!”

Charron defeats Escrol

Recap: Wow, apparently the judges in this final round freestyle battle between Charron and Escrol weren’t actually watching the battle as in one the greatest battle rap robberies you’ll ever see, Charron who clearly out-punched and served up some nice rebuttals at his opponent for 3 round,s somehow ends up on the losing end to a guy that outside of a weak Charron impression, didn’t do much of anything to standout, much less deserve a win, yet 4 clueless judges disagreed.

Verdict: Charron (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Charron – “On the microphone I’m a clever MC, being dope is something you’ll never be!”

Charron defeats Fortunato

Recap: A tournament freestyle battle with $1k on the line, in this semi-final round I’m not sure how many actual freestyles Fortunato used (as opposed to what sounded like mostly written’s or previously used mixtape material), but a gang of pedestrian lines from Fortunato plus Charron’s off-the-dome heat and spicy punches during all 3 rounds were enough to get the win regardless.

Verdict: Charron (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Charron – “Look at me muthafucka, I’m your idol, hey yo Escrol I’m meeting you in the finals!”

Charron defeats Cashtro

Recap: Some awful audio here makes one have to listen to this 2-round, freestyle battle a few times before they can decipher anything, But at the end of the day the potency of Charron’s punches in both rounds clearly outweigh anything from the aggressive, but subpar Cashtro.

Verdict: Charron (W) 2-0

Favorite line: Charron – “Your name don’t hold weight, just like Fat Joe!”

Charron defeats Jordan Bennett

Recap: Here’s the infamous video that made it to World Star of a young Charron battling a kid named Jordan Bennett in high school. Anyone familiar with Charron’s love for mean personals and sexual incest jokes can see that it started pretty early for him.

Verdict: Charron (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Charron – “You talking about fucking my girl?, you should get charged for incest because I’m dating your sister!”

100 Bulletz defeats Charron

Recap: Close KOTD 3-rounder between 100 Bulletz and Charron goes Bulletz’ way as the Ontario rapper’s more coalesced breakdowns of his opponent’s rap style, condensed turns and spicy personals/punchlines do just enough damage to edge both of the opening’s over a Charron who until the 3rd round never quiet seemed on his A-game when it came to consistently piercing punchlines or personals.

Verdict: 100 Bulletz (W) 2-1

Favorite line: 100 Bulletz –  “In the paint sniffing, no, you in the paint sniffing my balls up in ya face pimp’in, I’m Blake Griffin!”

Charron defeats Tricky P

Recap: The unique punching, sometimes sing-songy/off-the-dome and oft-witty styling’s of Tricky P do their part in keeping things interesting for 3 rounds here against Charron. But in this highly entertaining KOTD matchup, it’s Charron’s continuous barrage of piercing punchlines, hard-hitting personals, fiery schemes and ill freestyles/rebuttals that gets Corey an easy win over his look-alike opponent..

Verdict: Charron (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Charron – “If your sex life was made into a movie they’d sell it in the fantasy section!”

Charron defeats Bowski

Recap: A speedy flow from Bowski doesn’t offer much substance when it comes to bars, leaving Charron with plenty of room to maneuver and spout some solid punches/personals for the win, despite not quite being on this A-game, in this Don’t Flop tournament battle.

Verdict: Charron (W) 2-0

Favorite line: Charron – “I wanna win the 80 pounds…you wanna lose like 80 pounds!”

Charron defeats Lefty

Recap: Don’t Flop Entertainment 2-round freestyle battle between Charron and Lefty sees the latter put forth a solid effort with a couple of worthwhile punches mixed in. But Charron, now a veteran when it comes to these off-the-dome contests, takes each round easy with a gang of fiery punchlines, clever name flips and piercing personals.

Verdict: Charron (W) 2-0

Favorite line: Charron – “If you’re a Lefty, I’m fucking ambidextrous!”

Charron defeats Pamflit

Recap: 3-round freestyle in the streets battle between Charron and Pamflit is pretty one-sided as Charron’s prolific sex jokes, fiery punchlines and deft usage of the scenery to create bars more than beat back his opponent’s mostly subpar lines.

Verdict: Charron (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Charron – “You’re like a fat chick’s yearbook, you’ll never get signed!”

Charron defeats Spesh K

Recap: Charron uses a slew of hard-hitting punchlines/personals to easily beat back the pedestrian raps from Spesh K in this 2-round Proud2BEhBattleMC WD2 tournament battle from KOTD.

Verdict: Charron (W) 2-0

Favorite line: Charron –  “When I fuck your sister, I double-fist her!”

Jonny Storm defeats Charron

Recap: Despite some indirect bars here and there and helped a bit by Charron dishing a wide load of Mexican jokes on a guy who’s Dominican (granted in a past battle against Forkfarm, Charron did the same thing as far as mistaken identity goes, but he also had a shitload of other noteworthy punches to stand out there), after the two split the first two rounds, a more versatile, steady with the heat, schemes/personal-heavy and freestyle/punchline-savvy Jonny Storm outlasts his opponent in the deciding 3rd round for the win.

Verdict: Jonny Storm (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Jonny Storm – “I didn’t sleep on this kid, but I’m sure Michael Jackson did!”

Charron defeats Forkfarm

Recap: OK, so perhaps we should believe it when opera singer/battle rapper Forkfarm says he’s not Jewish. But damn were all those Jewish punchlines from Charron incredibly stinging. Put those over-the-top racial barbs alongside a host of piercing fat jokes and other well-equipped schemes/punches over the course of 3 rounds and it’s a 30 for That Kid Charron.

Verdict: Charron (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Charron – “You’re so fat you got your stomach stapled…to a fucking table!”

TheSaurus defeats Charron

Recap: Veteran emcee and two-time Scribble Jam champion TheSaurus serves up a spicy dish of boastful darts and nifty punches/flips/rebuttals in each of the 3 rounds here against a less-potent Charron to catch (besides a debatable 3rd) an easy win from this KOTD Proud2BEhBattleMC WD2 battle.

Verdict: TheSaurus (W) 2-1

Favorite line: TheSaurus – “You want to be what I was in 2005!”

Charron and Rone [TIE]

Recap: Two-round battles have never made any sense to me. But it’s even worse when they happen during a tournament as this Charron vs. Rone matchup does what with Charron out-punching a pretty subpar Rone in the 1st to take that round before Rone returns the favor in round 2 for a tie. Yet, somehow in one of those rare moments where an overtime round would’ve been the proper thing to do, the judges give the win to Charron instead.

Verdict: TIE

Favorite line: Rone – “Just like my shirt I’m a monster off the head!”

Cruger defeats Charron

Recap: Weird seeing Charron with so few rebuttals, but either way don’t know if they would’ve made a difference as after a debatable 1st round, UK challenger Cruger’s deft humor, mocking personals and nifty punchlines do enough to take both of the latter rounds for the win in this altogether competitive matchup from KOTD.

Verdict: Cruger (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Cruger – “You’re the only person who carries fake ID that says you’re younger!”

Charron defeats Ubiquitous

Recap: It’s Charron, so Ubiquitous knew the Asian jokes were coming and he handled himself with flair, spouting some astute breakdowns of his opponent to go along with some fierce punchlines and make things competitive. Still, even without the stereotypical racial barbs, for the opening rounds Charron nonetheless scored, using some aggressive name flips, rank humor and piercing rebuttals/punches/personals of his own to take the 1st round and edge the 2nd for the win.

Verdict: Charron (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Charron – “You have such low self-esteem, that nothing helps, you’re so pathetic during sex you fantasize…that you’re someone else!”

Charron defeats Nat Select

Recap: In this 3-rounder from KOTD, Nat Select was able to dish some nice breakdowns here and there, but with a punchline game that was mostly subpar and a charged up Charron spouting a wide array of mean personals, old age jokes and head-twisting punchlines, it’s a pretty win for the younger guy.

Verdict: Charron (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Charron – “Your skin’s so f-ckin’ light, you make Betty White look like Wesley Snipes!”

Charron defeats poRICH

Recap: Sure, he punched with his usual virtuosity, but it’s a fabulous rebuttal game that highlights yet another win for Charron in a freestyle battle. This time against a totally outclassed poRICH in the finals of KOTD’s Proud2BEhBattleMC 9 tournament.

Verdict: Charron (W) 4-0

Favorite line: Charron – “I’m not Home Alone, your sister was inside my room!”

Charron defeats Q (Rematch)

Recap: Establishing himself as one of the best freestyler’s in the game, Charron not only takes down opponent Q’s rampant attempts to predict his rhymes with some spicy rebuttals, but bodies him (again, as this was the 2nd time these two battled) with some hardcore punchlines/personals as well to take this 2-round, semi-final tournament battle from KOTD.

Verdict: Charron (W) 2-0

Favorite line: Charron – “I am a nerd ‘cuz your bitch gives me brain!”

Charron defeats Genocide

Recap: Not impressed by opponent Genocide’s frequent usage of bully bars, Charron uses some sizzling name flips and piercing punchlines to get the win in this semi-final matchup from KOTD’s 2-round Proud2BEhBattleMC’9 tournament.

Verdict: Charron (W) 2-0

Favorite line: Charron – “Fuck Adolf Hitler and fuck any Genocide!”

Charron defeats Diaz

Recap: Charron retires as a 5-time ‘Rap City’ freestyle champion, out-punching a solid, but not-as-potent Diaz for 1 round to earn the prize.

Verdict: Charron (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Charron – “I’ll turn your Spanish mother to my Latin lover!”

Charron defeats White Fang

Recap: Another ‘Rap City’ 1-round freestyle battle for Charron and this one was a tight one as opponent White Fang impressed with a pretty dope flow while integrating the show’s freestyle words with relative ease. But while Charron wasn’t as steady as his opponent was delivery wise, the champ made up for that with harder-hitting substance to his punches and a couple of nice personals to edge the bout in the end.

Verdict: Charron (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Charron – “Hey yo, watch man, Youtube views, why am I battling Shaggy from ‘Scooby-Doo’?!”

Charron defeats Gibs

Recap: Rap City freestyle battle sees Gibs hang in there and bring some steady, if not a bit cautious, off-the-dome heat. But for the champion Charron (aka ‘That Kid Charron’) what with the ability to incorporate the given freestyle words more effectively in his raps, while punching at a more scorching rate, it’s another win.

Verdict: Charron (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Charron – “Unbelievable is the rhymes that I said, unbelievable is how your girlfriend describes me in bed!”

Charron defeats I Deezy

Recap: In yet another display of his fierce off-the-dome acumen, Charron makes the judges decision a no-brainer after easily out-punching an overwhelmed I Deezy in this 1-round freestyle battle from Rap City.

Verdict: Charron (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Charron – “I’m a son you like Peter did to Corey Gunz!”

Charron defeats Junia-T

Recap: Charron takes his talents to BET’s “Rap City” program and shows off his exquisite freestyle game against challenger Junia-T, offering up a more deft and more condensed use of the required 3 words in his raps to earn the win and move onto the next round of the show’s ‘Freestyle Battle Week’.

Verdict: Charron (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Charron – “Everyone knows I’m clever and fresh ‘cuz I drop it hot like a Mexican chef!”

Charron defeats Mista Conspiracy

Recap: Two rounds only and not Charron at his freestyling best, but still enough spicy punches from the kid from Ottawa, Canada to beat a mostly subpar Mista Conspiracy in this battle from KOTD.

Verdict: Charron (W) 2-0

Favorite line: Charron – “Don’t blame your lack of rhythm on your Asperger’s Syndrome!”

Charron defeats A-Class

Recap: Nice, versatile and rebuttal-savvy effort from A-Class in this KOTD 3-rounder gets beat by a Charron who after taking the 1st round and getting out-punched in the 2nd, just had too many spicy punchlines and hilarious Asian jokes at his dispensary for his opponent to survive the deciding 3rd.

Verdict: Charron (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Charron – “Believe me, everyone here is aware of your size, when your girl asks for 8 inches, you fuck her 4 times!”

Charron and Knamelis [TIE]

Recap: Well, here’s a battle that SHOULD have went to OT as Charron’s stinging rebut’s and hitting personals easily got him round 1 of this KOTD freestyle battle, while Knamelis’ more consistent and punch-heavier 2nd got him that round. The ridiculous idea that Organik would ask both emcee’s if they want to do an OT promo AFTER the judge’s decision (which went to Knamelis) instead of making this a 3-rounder in the first place shouldn’t be lost on anyone.

Verdict: TIE

Favorite line: Charron – “And after this I’m dropping insane, if you’re the Netherlands, call me Spain!”

Charron defeats Q

Recap: In yet another KOTD battle that inexplicably went to overtime, a far more punch-heavier, rebuttal-friendly and name flip savvy Charron easily took the opening rounds of this semi-final tournament bout against a clearly over-matched lyrically Q and then somehow had to put a foot to his opponent’s neck upon being forced to kill him again in the OT.

Verdict: Charron (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Charron – “Fuck the alphabet, I’m shitting on Q!”

Chedda Cheese defeats Charron

Recap: Judges were pretty on point with this one as despite a dope effort from the always resilient and witty Charron, Chedda Cheese’s piercing multi-syllables, fiery personals, self-deprecating nerd narratives and stinging punchlines did just enough to edge both of the opening rounds for the win before a more consistently spicy Charron took the 3rd to avoid the shutout.

Verdict: Chedda Cheese (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Chedda Cheese – “Don’t even bother trying to conjure up some intellect, you’re an adult who pretends to be a child…like your father on the internet!”

Charron and Bartone [TIE]

Recap: Short, 2-round freestyle battle between Charron and Bartone splits down the middle as a stronger {“I already beat you in the middle of pre-school!”) bar-wise and more consistent Bartone edged the 1st round before the witty/uber-personal styling’s of Charron easily took the 2nd.

Verdict: TIE

Favorite line: Charron – “You’re not the Greatest of all Time (G.O.A.T.) ‘cuz you look like a goat!”

Charron defeats DSkinnz

Recap: KOTD 2-round freestyle battle between Charron and DSkinnz sees the former use some spicy personals and a handful of stinging 4-bar set-ups to take each round easy over his very pedestrian opponent.

Verdict: Charron (W) 2-0

Favorite line: Charron – “You gotta realize I’ll smash ya world, on the mic I stay high like Organik’s girl!”

Charron defeats Surgeon General

Recap: After getting out-punched by a gritter and witty Surgeon General in round 1, assisted by a hilarious football coach impression of his opponent, some piercing personals, a couple of nice rebuttals and a subpar S.G., Charron mounts a blistering enough comeback to take the latter two rounds for the win.

Verdict: Charron (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Charron –  “You claiming you a thug and you clapping all the 9’s, the only time you clap is when you reacting to your own lines!”

Charron defeats Amzilla

Recap: Grind Time Now vs. KOTD battle sees Charron and Amzilla kill it with about 8 rounds of pure, off-the-dome freestyles, building off each other’s rhymes with acute timing and using everything from crowd apparel to piercing personals to fellow battle rappers to enhance their bars. A close one throughout, it’s the more versatile and persevering Charron who takes it in the end.

Verdict: Charron (W) 5-2

Favorite line: Charron – “I’ll leave his throat slashed in, the chance of you beating me is like the chance of Thesaures being a spokesperson for Proactive!”

Charron defeats Arcane

Recap: SMH. Yet, another example of how bad judged battles can be as somehow 4 different dudes gave Arcane a win (one even had the audacity to knock Charron for rebutting several times) here despite a more versatile Charron clearly out-punching and/or outshining his opponent when it came to wit, racial angles and feisty personals in the opening and final rounds. Not that Arcane was that bad here, offering some hitting punches/personals in the 1st round and edging Charron in the 2nd with more steady shiners. But with Arcane spouting a totally bland and very basic bar-wise 3rd, even a mediocre turn by Charron was enough to take the deciding round easy.

Verdict: Charron (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Charron – “You’re in your mid-30s and you dress like a thug, you’re about as real as the ID I used to get in this club!”

Charron defeats Tommy Gunz

Recap: Tourettes Without Regrets 2nd round freestyle battle between Charron and Tommy Gunz with a chick dancing on a stage in the back just in case the battle doesn’t excite you enough, sees Charron not only flexing his off-the-dome skills again, but getting downright mean with it, using a handful of flippant personals in each of the two rounds to easily take the win.

Verdict: Charron (W) 2-0

Favorite line: Charron – “I’m a Holocaust victim, you’re skinnier than Anne Frank!”

Charron defeats Marquee

Recap: Not sure what’s going on in the back with the chick dancing on the stage while the battle went down, but either way it gets no easier for Charron here, dominating this 1-round freestyle battle against a clearly overmatched Marquee with a boatload of roundhouse punches and spitfire personals.

Verdict: Charron (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Charron –  “You said you’d fuck my brother?!…you belong in Frisco!”

Charron defeats Sosh

Recap: 17yo, armed with a shitload of Asian jokes as well as other sordid personals and clearly able to go on forever with the freestyles, Charron bodies a very underwhelming Sosh for 10 rounds to win the final round of this Tourettes Without Regrets freestyle tournament.

Verdict: Charron (W) 10-0

Favorite line: Charron – “I rhyme profound, this guy’s a clown, you don’t belong in the final round, go back to Chinatown!”

Charron defeats OZ

Recap: Not including the OT round for review in a battle that Charron clearly had already won as Corey’s storied schemes, witty personals and frenetic punchlines/name flips secured easy vic’s in the opening rounds over an uber-condensed, but nowhere near as potent OZ before a debatable 3rd round.

Verdict: Charron (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Charron – “And MTV’s in the house so you’ll get burned to core, your mom’s a dirty whore who’s got more herpes sores than there’s Guido’s up in Jersey Shore!”

Charron defeats Lokust

Recap: In a battle of two KOTD undefeated’s,  after a debatable round 1, Charron’s more consistent jocular styling’s, which included a boatload of ya mama jokes and stinging/off-the-dome personals in the latter two rounds easily beats back a much less hitting Lokust.

Verdict: Charron (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Charron – “Your face looks like the ball’s sac of a bear!”

Charron defeats Syco

Recap: A mean and witty Charron impression gets opponent Syco the 2nd round. But one too many over-the-top and hilarious Asian jokes along with other spirited personals and piercing rebuttals/punchlines in rounds 1 and 3 gives Charron the vic in this entertaining 3-rounder from KOTD.

Verdict: Charron (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Charron – “In high school my teachers yell at me for chatting and being so late, his teachers yell at him for sleeping in class [points at and raises eyebrows]…when he was really awake!”

Charron defeats JWalker

Recap: Dishing fire rebuttals in each round to go along with a couple of well-loaded schemes as well as a plethora of witty punchlines/personals/4-bar setups, a charged-up Charron easily beats back a hitting at times, but mostly subpar effort from JWalker in this 3-rounder from KOTD.

Verdict: Charron (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Charron – “I said put your money where your mouth is…he swallowed his shoes!”

Charron defeats Sandman

Recap: Even early on in his battle rap career Charron was displaying a dope freestyle game, mixing up a gang of nifty off-the-dome heaters–here in his KOTD debut against a very pedestrian Sandman (who didn’t matters by tossing that shirt at Charron in round 1)–with agile punchlines, spicy rebuttals and witty personals to score an easy 30.

Verdict: Charron (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Charron – “Siamese prostitutes wouldn’t give two fucks about you!”