Over 4,000 Recaps!

Chef Trez and Jerry Wess [DEBATABLE]

Recap: A fire URL 3-round “Redemption 4” card battle here between Jerry Wess and Chef Trez, showcases each battler on their A-game. The Chef, on point as usual with a boatload of stealth (“You are not Chef, you better move away before this tool get sprayed, I’ll have a switch for Wess [West] out the blue like the Luka trade!”) gun bars, fiery name flips, clever “How to scam right” tutorials and stinging off-the dome heat. Meanwhile, Mr. Wess would come correct with a gang of hard-hitting punchlines (especially during a spitfire round 2), wily name flips, piercing similes, a couple of fly rebuttals of his own and a crazy NYC scheme. Close throughout, a crazy haymaker of a rebuttal at the end of his round (which up till then was equally punch-lit on both sides) would edge Chef round 1. The 2nd round while competitive, saw Wess performing crazy and consistently punching at such a sublime level (i.e. classic) that even a pretty solid and gritty turn by Trez couldn’t keep up. In the deciding 3rd, despite struggling a bit with his flow, Wess would still deliver a dope, punch-worthy and winnable turn. But never one to slouch, the Chef would come back with some fire rebuttals that coupled with a well-themed, righteously personal and fierce 3rd to force a tie and overall, a debatable battle.

Verdict: TIE

Favorite line: Jerry Wess – “You did a freestyle about me petting a llama, that shit wasn’t true neither, P’ll kidnap your bitch at the same place with the animals let the zoo keep her [zookeeper]!”

Arsonal defeats Chef Trez

Recap: You know Chef Trez might be in some trouble when he barely rebuttals or freestyle’s. Indeed, outside of a seismic, gritty and haymaker-lit round 3 that he handily took, in this Nexus bout from URL, while he was still able to deliver a couple of pretty rounds, Trez’s inability (or choice) to dish any off-the-dome heat ends up costing him here against Arsonal. Da Rebel, while still a bit smitten with subpar here and there, overcoming that with a gang of piercing braggadocious raps, disrespectful personals, able wit, hitting trap talk and filthy name flips/punchlines in both of the opening rounds to out-punch his opponent and earn the win.

Verdict: Arsonal (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Arsonal – “I hold Nina tight at night, that’s a cuddle, show up to ya funeral, open the casket just to tell you I’m still waiting on that rebuttal!”

Chef Trez defeats V-Gotti

Recap: From Aftermath Battle League, definitely a Gentlemen’s 30 as a really dope (esp. in round 2) rebuttal game and a bunch of gritty/pretty solid punches from V-Gotti kept the Louisiana battler competitive for 3 rounds. But with the likes of Chef Trez solid isn’t enough as the ATL vet would unleash a gang of sizzling trap talk, fiery gun bars, hard-hitting name flips/metaphors and cold-blooded, mayhem-drenched punchlines to score more haymakers in each round to earn a shutout.

Verdict: Chef Trez (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Chef Trez – “You a damn clown, I’ll put him in the dirt, bow ya head, by the time they look it’s in for Church, 30 rounds, let a semi burst, it look like a whole leg hanging out the ratchet…it’s a mini-skirt!”

Chef Trez defeats Swervoo

Recap: From OSBL, a pretty good 1-rounder between Chef Trez and Swervoo features plenty of fiery gun bars from both battlers as well as a boatload of gritty punches, gratuitous flexing and hitting name flips. Definitely a close one, but after (for him, anyway) a bit of a slow start, it’s the slightly more punch-heavy and haymaker-lit Trez who edges it in the end.

Verdict: Chef Trez (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Chef Trez – “They don’t see no ‘g’ in him, I feel like I’m getting my license when I’m gripping heat killer, you know how they give you a number before you get to meet with ’em?, it’s the same here, because you’ll see A40 [a .40] flash on a DMV nigga!”

Chef Trez defeats Hero

Recap: From Reel Spit Battle League, Chef Trez graces the stage of yet another independent battle league and comes away with another 30. The ATL vet using a boatload of gritty 4-bar set-up/punchlines, fiery gun bars, solid name flips/personals and potent off-the-dome theatrics to drop the hammer on what was (esp. in the latter two rounds) was a pretty solid and punch-heavy effort from opponent Hero.

Verdict: Chef Trez (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Chef Trez – “Look fam, you never hit the corner with enough work to serve plates till tomorrow, hitting the block so much that you ain’t no more pages to follow!”

Chef Trez defeats EA Zay

Recap: From The Ilustration, battling almost every other day it seems like nowadays, a prolific Chef Trez stil manages to put forth a top-notch effort. Once again using some fiery gun bars, hard-hitting/witty personasl and a bunch of gritty punchlines to take the first two rounds for the win here against a less haymaker-lit overall, but pretty solid (his bet round in the 3rd got hin the edge there), fkexing at times with both the personals and punches EA Zay.

Verdict: Chef Trez (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Chef Trez – “Ever see an angry bitch tweet?, it’s a sub-machine!”

Chef Trez defeats Quis

Recap: Damn, thought that the often punch-lit Quis had a chance there. But once showing that there’s levels to this, Chef Trez’s (on one day’s notice nonetheless) steady barrage of glistening gun bars, scorching set-up/punchlines, stinging wordplay, bullish darts and flippant personals/name flips prove to be too much in this competitive 1-rounder from No Entourage.

Verdict: Chef Trez (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Chef Trez – “I told my hitman it was a 5-10 nigga with a nerd posture, but he gonna put you 6 feet by 7, 6 2 like the Spurs roster!”

Chef Trez defeats Vino Collins

Recap: In this 1-rounder from Full Effect Battle League, Chef Trez uses a gang of hard braggadocious raps, some mean 4-bar set-up/punchlines, a couple of brash freestyles and stinging gun bars to beat back a street-themed, aggressive and pretty solid, but not nearly as steadily potent Vino Collins.

Verdict: Chef Trez (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Chef Trez – “But I had all kind of clientele, I’m a real hustler, I even served the Asian’s dog food, I’m a myth buster!”

Chef Trez defeats Xcel

Recap: Chef Trez might disagree, but members of the crowd screaming ‘1-1’ after two rounds of this dope KOTD, 3-round matchup between Trez and Xcel, had it correct. As the slightly more efficient and haymaker-lit Trez edged round 1, before (despite some solid freestyles/rebuttals that took place during a jaunty turn from the Chef) the ever wordplay/punch and name flip-heavy Xcel returned the favor in round 2 to split things up going into the 3rd. And that’s where Trez really turned it up, got versatile and had a classic, utilizing some more salacious personals/gun bars, fierce off-the-dome heat, fire set-up/punchlines and graphic/mayhem-lit darts/name flips to take the 3rd for the win in light of another competitive and gritty turn by his opponent.

Verdict: Chef Trez (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Chef Trez – “But you still act like a bitch do, the boy hating, act wrong the toy blazing, I’m for sure waving, the handle wood, but the slide chrome, it got a nickleback, peep the formation!”

Tay Roc defeats Chef Trez

Recap: We gonna keep it consistent here. As for the umpteenth time: a choke is when you totally forget your bars and thus have to end your round. Secondly, a slip-up (which should still be penalized) is when you forget and/or mangle your bars during a round, but are still able to get it back and finish your turn. So miss me with Tay Roc telling the world (and his opponent Chef Trez) that he lost this 3-round URL Bars over Politics 3-rounder because he “choked” during round 3, when instead he slipped up midway and got it back to deliver what was still a pretty solid round. And while Roc did get edged in the 3rd, thanks in part to Trez having a cleaner and slightly more efficient run at it, that doesn’t take away from what happened in both of the earlier rounds. The more versatile Roc beating back a pretty dope, but gun bar-heavy and slightly less haymaker-lit Trez (who despite being complimented by Roc on his freestyle/rebuttal ability, ironically didn’t do much of it here) with some superb wordplay, 4-bar/hard-hitting back-to-back punchlines, plenty of graphic violence, steely gun bars, fire name flips, jaunty personals/storytelling bars and fiery gun lines of his own to earn the win.

Verdict: Tay Roc (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Tay Roc – “Gun butt, scarred jaw, broke his wisdon, pull put a stick, up the nose for Covid symptoms!”

Chef Trez defeats Joe Cartega

Recap: From Only The Real Battle League, although some extra rapping occurs afterwards, we’re only recapping the seemingly agreed 1-round here. That said, a pretty solid effort from up-n-coming battler Joe Cartega here, who with a shitload of fiery street rhymes and piercing name flips made it competitive. But a Chef Trez armed to the tilt with 5 of them things to start things out, plus a bunch of sturdy gun bars and wicked/mayhem-laced punches during a more condensed and efficient turn, allows the Chef to chalk up another vic.

Verdict: Chef Trez (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Chef Trez – “I’ll be the reason there’s brain fragments everywhere, the Chef is wicked, I’ll put his IQ on the wall…I’m trying to test his vision!”

Chef Trez defeats Onetake McGuyver

Recap: From Body Bag Battle League, a warning to all viewers: one could get hot just watching this battle–that’s how much sweat seemed to be piling up in the room. Nonetheless, a pretty solid, gritty and punch-lit at times effort by One Take McGuyver gets beat back by a Chef Trez on one with a boatload of fiery gun bars, piercing personals/punchlines, hard-hitting/mayhem-lit street bars, dizzying gang talk and sizzling rebuttals/freestyles in a 1-rounder that should’ve came with some air conditioning.

Verdict: Chef Trez (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Chef Trez – “You not legit, I was at them dice games where that bread at, I seen Unc serve crackheads and turn around and yell ‘Head crack’!”

Ave defeats Chef Trez

Recap: As expected, a dope 3-rounder from URL’s Nexus card between Ave and Chef Trez. The latter keeping it close with a gang of fiery gun bars, wily personals, a handful of salacious freestyles/rebuttals and wicked punchlines. While Ave dished out a plethora of exquisite punchlines, a variety of fire name flips/metaphors and boastful/mayhem-lit barbs. A 3-rounder made more appealing by the fact they’re both ex members of Tay Roc’s Cave Gang, it’s slightly more punch-heavy and haymaker-lit Ave who takes the opening round before also edging round 2 for the win via a more condensed turn that was also well lit with bodacious punches. Despite another close round thanks to yet another dope turn by Ave, the slightly more efficient with the punches Trez would edge round 3 to avoid the shutout.

Verdict: Ave (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Ave – “Let him step, I’ll go to the belt where the .9 is stashed, 10 shots, give him 8 then bail…it’s a dine and dash!”

Chef Trez defeats Coach Corleone

Recap: From One Shot Battle League, Chef Trez and Coach Corleone go at it for 3 rounds and it’s pretty much a one-sided affair. As despite an aggessive, gritty and overall solid effort from the Coach, one too many pedestrian bars from the Chicago battler and a Chef Trez delivering a consistent barrage of sturdy gun bars, fly name flips/metaphors, hitting personals and potent punchlines earns the latter the 30.

Verdict: Chef Trez (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Chef Trez – “Those punches good now, but it’s nothing we quote later, you never gonna be a star, the best coaches was just role players!”

T-Top defeats Chef Trez

Recap: T-Top and Chef Trez both give the Bullpen Battle League crowd their money’s worth in this fiery, competitive 3-rounder that stayed close throughout. And while the battle featured what you’d expect when it comes to Trez’s off-the-dome theatrics and Top’s greasy angles, it’s the Bear’s slightly more efficient use of crispy punchlines, boastful barbs and ridiculous name flips that edged him the victory. The more versatile Top taking the first round with a boatload of well-structured set-up/punchlines to set a strong tone early on. However, Trez would fight back hard in the second, showcasing his freestyle prowess and earning the round (over a solid, scheme-heavy turn by Top) with a bunch of impressive street darts and witty personals. Going into the 3rd round tied, T-Top would seal the win with a powerful closer, blending fire schemes, gritty trap talk and crowd control to tip the scales in his favor while also being assisted by a suprisingly righteous (tho Trez did turn it up and score more frequently in the latter half of his round) turn from his opponent.

Verdict: T-Top (W) 2-1

Favorite line: T-Top – “You my brother chef, so I don’t wanna let the beef continue, but you been asking for it like a secret menu!”

Chef Trez defeats Dylan

Recap: In this 1-rounder from The Stage in ATL, Chef Trez uses a handful of spicy rebuttals, a gang of piercing gun bars, cutthroat mayhem, stinging race angles and witty/mocking personals to handily beat back a round rife with personals and some hitting punches, but mostly pedestrian effort from Dylan.

Verdict: Chef Trez (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Chef Trez – “I enter his ttown on a Sunday with a pistol clutched, walk in his church and hit Dylan [points hands like gun at opoonent’s head] roof, I’m trying to do to him what he did to us!”

Chef Trez defeats Wise

Recap: From Gates of the Garden, credit to Wise for making the Chef work hard for this one. Trez using a barrage of fierce gun bars, slick rebuttals, fire name flips and hard-hitting schemes/punchlnes to edge rounds 1 and 2 in this 3-rounder for the win before Wise, who was competitive, gritty and punch & scheme-lit throughout the battle, handily took the 3rd.

Verdict: Chef Trez (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Chef Trez – “His grave like the vein of a heroin user, the boy in it!”

Chef Trez defeats Monsta

Recap: It came down to way too many jabs from the Chef. In this 3-rounder from the New Udubb, as extremely hard-hitting, aggressive and street-themed as Monsta could be, too many dry spots from the Southern battler and a Chef Trez consistently hitting on all cylinders when it came to potent gun lines, spicy rebuttals/freestyles, greasy name flips and wicked punches gives the ATL vet a sturdy 30.

Verdict: Chef Trez (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Chef Trez – “Potato in front of this shrimp, he in hot water, we making gumbo!”

Chef Trez defeats Da Example

Recap: From Universal Bars Battle League, against a solid effort from Da Example that was littered in persuasive drug talk and other violence-induced punches, Chef Trez flips out with a gang of gritty gun bars, flexing double entendres, some sporty off-the-dome heat and a boatload of piercing punchlines to handliy get the 30.

Verdict: Chef Trez (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Chef Trez – “Let him try it, drive-by, hop out with hella choppers, in front of his house with a stick, it’s a pressure washer!”

Chef Trez defeats Midas

Recap: From Dark Horse Battle League, outside of needing to be more clear with his vocals, newcomer (according to VerseTracker anyway) Midas delivers a pretty solid and gritty effort here in this 3-rounder against fellow ATL-ien Chef Trez. But nonwithstanding a debatable round 2, it’s all Trez here as the veteran and highly prolific battler responds to his opponent’s fiending street bars with a boatload of fiery gun bars, piercing off-the-dome heat, graphic/mayhem-lit darts and potent punchlines to handily take rounds 1 and 3 for the win.

Verdict: Chef Trez (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Chef Trez – “This ratchet killing every possibility, it got its tubed tied!”

Chef Trez defeats Charlie Clips

Recap: From URL’s Smack Vol. 11 card, after edging round 1 here vs. Chef Trez with a couple of spicy mid-round rebuttals, a heavily scheming, metaphor flipping Charlie Clips goes back to ‘Which Clips will show up?’ mode, resorts to way too many freestyles and after getting beaten badly in round 2 to the way more haymaket-lit Trez, delivers a mostly pedestrian/off-the dome/oft-indirect turn in the deciding 3rd, helping the consistently punch-lit, rebuttal-spazzing, gun bar flashing and personal/scheme/name flip-fiending Trez get the win.

Verdict: Chef Trez (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Chef Trez – “What’s the reason?, nuthin’ you say legit, we all go scrolling down that rabbit hole when it’s late as shit, but nobody can out-do how you be playing Clips!”

Los Premee defeats Chef Trez

Recap: If he can stay consistent with the heat, this kid Los Premee has a very bright future ahead of him in battle rap. The iBattle up-n-comer, here against an always competitive, rebuttal-lit and oft-punch heavy/potent gun bar slinging Chef Trez, impressing again with 3 rounds of spitfire lines. Whether he was fiercely flipping the Chef’s slogan against him, spouting a gang of crazy anime bars/similes, going toe-to-toe with Trez when it came to spicy rebuttals, flexing with a bunch of hard-hitting street darts or dishing gritty haymakers via a sublime punch game with rapid and relative ease, Los Premee seems to be putting even to top tiers on notice. That said, after a debatable round 1, it’s the more prolific scoring Premee who takes rounds 2 and 3 for the win.

Verdict: Los Premee (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Los Premee – “I was just gonna rob him, then he tried to run so I dumped the ‘matic instead, dropped him instantly, it’s schizophrenia, I got 3 of them things in the back of the head!”

Yunus defeats Chef Trez

Recap: From Body Bag Battle League, showcasing some incredible wordplay throughout to go along with a boatload of fiery gun bars, sporty rebuttals of his own, stinging name flips and a gang of crazy 4-bar set/punchlines, after handily out-punching opponent Chef Trez in round 1, a more versatile and slightly punch-heavier Yunus survives a dope round 2 from his veteran opp to edge the middle round for the win. However it’s Trez, still competitive while serving up a rich palette of fierce off-the-dome heat, sturdy gun bars and gritty punches throughout the bout, who takes the 3rd with a bit of help of a more indirect and struggle bar prone Yunus, to avoid the shutout.

Verdict: Yunus (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Yunus – “You don’t get that tho?, this is Tic Tac Toe, I’m trying to X out 3 of them thangs!”

Fonz defeats Chef Trez (Rematch)

Recap: Damn, Chef Trez and Fonz battled each other so long ago, it’s easy to forget that they met up already. Either way, this rematch from URL’s “Redemption 3” card, while certainly a goodie, moreso established how much Fonz has evolved over the years to become one of the best punchers in the game. The Landlord wasting no time with his elite punch game while going at his opponent with a rapid stream of filthy similes, stinging name flips, bullish boasts, hard-hitting personals and fiery linguistic darts that after a debatable round 1, proved to be more efficient during the latter two rounds for the win. That said, despite Chef Trez delivering his usual strong performance, it was surprising that after the opening round, he didn’t utilize more (after dishing ‘3 of those things’ in the opener) rebuttals in the battle, which along with being elongated in rounds 2 and 3, might have contributed to his defeat. Nonetheless, by showcasing his usual m.o. of impressive gun bars and fire punchlines, Trez made it clear that even in a loss, he’s still worth the price of admission.

Verdict: Fonz (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Fonz – “Trez you can’t fuck with me, I’m only trying to reason with’cha, ‘cuz like a torn ACL, you facing a seasoned killer!”

Chef Trez defeats Kid Chaos

Recap: In this exclusive URL App 3-rounder, Chef Trez utilizes a gang of banging off-the-dome heat, flippant personals, gritty name flips, fire set-up/punchlines and sturdy gun bars to take the first couple of rounds for the win over a pretty solid-as-usual Kid Chaos. The South Carolina vet competing hard with a plethora of ill breakdowns, eccentric wordplay and gutsy punches/name flips, but unable to overcome his opponent’s more formidable rounds until his best turn in the 3rd, which he edged to avoid the shutout.

Verdict: Chef Trez (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Chef Trez – “Mr. Language Arts I quit school, but I know every story got a body in it!”

Chef Trez defeats Jayrone

Recap: From Family Battle League, against the bullish/street-themed overtones of a solid, but mostly pedestrian Jayrone, via a nice healthy mix of gritty gun bars, wicked name flips/personals, stinging punchlines and of course, some off-the-dome heat to plant his mark, Chef Trez gets another handy win.

Verdict: Chef Trez (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Chef Trez – “Nigga’s trying, but I don’t be around haters, and I don’t owe this nigga 3 of dem things, it’s Family Battle League, we don’t count favors!”

Chef Trez defeats Wordplay The Menace

Recap: From OSBL, some hard street rhymes and rapid punches from Wordplay The Menace makes for a solid effort. But nothing of sorts from WTM is able to overcome a steady stream of fiery off-the-dome heat, sturdy gun bars and gritty punchlines from Chef Trez in this mostly one-sided 1-rounder.

Verdict: Chef Trez (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Chef Trez – “All these shots I gave, I’m not the one to call if you seeking sobriety!”

Chef Trez defeats Chadoe Cerious

Recap: In this 1-rounder from Black Elite Battle League, a gritty and solid effort from Chadoe Cerious gets overmatched by way more haymaker-lit Chef Trez, who used a fiery barrage of graphic mayhem, steely gun bars, sturdy name flips, fire wordplay and sublime set-up/punchlines on his way to an easy win.

Verdict: Chef Trez (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Chef Trez – “I’m talking deuce-deuce for this OG, he Bobby Johnson, you think I’m just a yung’un, y’ll better tell this cat stop, I’m raising everything, it’s a caps lock!”

Chef Trez defeats Young Herb

Recap: A 1-rounder from the League of Championship Kulture sees Young Herb spout some gritty punchlines, rigid boasts and a gang of piercing personals to keep things competitive. But armed with a couple of spicy rebuttals to go along with a bunch of sturdy gun bars, stinging 4-bar set-up/punchlines and some well-positioned personal bangers of his own, this one ends up with Chef Trez as the vic.

Verdict: Chef Trez (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Chef Trez – “You a goof, always bitching, crying, reaching for hope, complaining, shaming when you speaking on Facebook, people wanna reach for ya throat, Deandre Ayton type nigga’s, you gotta son them when they weak on the post!”

Chef Trez defeats Tre Boogie

Recap: From The Stage, crazy and fire effort from Tre Boogie, who with a shitload of gritty 4-bar set-up/punchlines made things close. But unexplicably choosing to go first in a 1-rounder against the rebuttal king in Chef Trez and then having to face a rigid gang of off-the-dome heat in addition to a plethrora of fire gun bars and name flips, proves to be Boogie’s downfall while allowing Trez to edge this one for the win.

Verdict: Chef Trez (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Chef Trez – “My gun is part of my wingspan and it’s always at arm’s reach!”

Chef Trez defeats Shankk Prezzy

Recap: From The Battle Academy, rarely do you witness an opponent with enough guts to encourage Chef Trez to rebuttal against him. But credit to Shankk Prezzy, who not only went there, but with some dope ‘pre-rebuttals’, a bunch of witty barbs/personals, gritty punchlines and a knack for piercing wordplay, kept things competitive and even took the opening round in this 3-rounder. But with Trez being Trez, you just knew he’d meet the off-the-dome freestyle/rebuttal challenge and then some, including a plethora of stinging name flips, wily gun bars and fiery/more direct punches of his own to come back, edge both the 2nd and 3rd round’s and earn the win.

Verdict: Chef Trez (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Chef Trez – “But you know I can clear a whole strip with this Uzi shooting?, nigga I’ll put ya whole block in a clip, it’s a Tubi movie!’

Chef Trez defeats Shastaffa

Recap: A 3-rounder from Takeova Battle League sees Chicago battler Shastaffa deliver a gang of hard punches to keep things competitive. But despite a solid performance from his opponent, a suited-up Chef Trez armed to the teeth with a shitload of spicy personals, flexing gun bars, spitfire rebuttals and gritty punchlines proves to be way too much in the end on his way to a well-earned 30.

Verdict: Chef Trez (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Chef Trez – “You wanted a shot?, well it’s gonna be an ugly one…Ben Simmons!”

Swamp defeats Chef Trez

Recap: As much positive work that these two have put in over the years, Swamp versus Chef Trez definiteluy deserved to be on the big stage at Summer Madness 13. But instead this much-anticipated matchup appears on Banned and guess what? Not only is it still a doozy, but the darkened, cozy setting here actually enhances both the battle and the bars. Indeed, Trez with his boatload of fierce gun bars, serene rebuttals and fiery punchlines/name flips as he always does, came to compete. While Swamp on his A-game with zero unforced errors throughout, brought it back to his classic Your Honor battle, what with the lofty levels of trap talk, stirring/action-packed gun lines, witty ersonals and fire similes/punches that he unleashed here. And that ended up being the difference, with the slightly more steady and haymaker-lit Swamptown capo edging rounds 1 and 2 for the win, before a just as combative Trez and his trio of thangs edged the 3rd.

Verdict: Swamp (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Swamp – “I tried to rob a nigga with an empty shotgun, I was pump-faking!”

Chef Trez defeats LL Coogi

Recap: From Jack City Battle League, back in Dre Dennis-mode with battles like every other day, a tenacious Chef Trez uses a fleet of sturdy gun bars, stinging punchlines, lofty rebuttals and gritty personals/name flips to beat back a formidable and punch/personal-lit effort from LL Coogi, Trez taking the first and 3rd rounds outside of a debatable 2nd.

Verdict: Chef Trez (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Chef Trez – “He’s hurt, don’t like they never warned ya, just ‘cuz ya known around here don’t mean I won’t pull a Beretta on ya, you’ll owe ya life and we sliding by, the debt is on ya, I’ll let ya face card get ya a 5, 5, 6…ya credit’s karma!”

Chef Trez defeats Duffy Boy Zilla

Recap: A 1-rounder from The Stage in ATL sees Duffy Boy Zilla fiercely compete with an aggressive barrage of mayhem-drenched punches and salacious gun bars. But even with his opponent making him earn it, it’s just another day at the office for Chef Trez, who uses a handful of spicy rebuttals/freestyles, gangly 4-bar set-up/punchlines and otherwordly gun bars/name flips to gain the win.

Verdict: Chef Trez (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Chef Trez – “This ain’t your night, grim reaper got another soul to take, it’s ATL so Mr 3 of the Them Thangs gotta load a trey, but I’m the Chef, nigga you’ll get buried deep they’ll find ya clothes in clay, if I hit his spot I’ll shoot my way in, shoot my way out…Golden State!”

Chef Trez defeats Poppy G

Recap: In this 3-rounder from Underground Battle League, a pretty solid effort from Poppy G via a boatlaod of hard street rhymes and boastful punches gets blown to bits by an even more effcetive Chef Trez, who with a gory combo of fiery gun bars, scintillating punchlines, mayhem-rich darts and wily rebuttals easily scores the 30.

Verdict: Chef Trez (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Chef Trez – “All the extra moving lead to a shooting, bullets is what I’m sending your way, get too hype get hit with a drake, the can hit him with all that aggression…nigga I’ll make an energy drink!”

Clone defeats Chef Trez

Recap: A fire battle from Bullpen sees a versatile punching Clone use a slightly more consistent variety of gritty punches, fiery schemes, some slick wordplay/name flips/wordplay, witty/hard-hitting personals and a solid rebuttal game of his own to score than more than haymakers and edge each round over the always formidable Chef Trez, who while keeping it competitive throughout with a plethora of piercing gun bars, a flexing freestyle/rebuttal bag and dope name flips/boasting barbs/rigid personals, just couldn’t quite keep up with an opponent on his A game for all 3 rounds.

Verdict: Clone (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Clone – “This ain’t me in the flesh, just the spirit against you, you said ‘making Clone like a scientist’…I came to experiment with you!”

Chef Trez defeats Shotti P

Recap: From Bar Wars Rap Battles, noted KOTD punch feen Shotti P delivers a wicked/witty religious/Muslim angle to take round 2 of this 3-rounder. But outside of that it’s too much Chef Trez here as the ATL vet uses a boatload of ill gun bars, gritty punchlines, mocking personals, flexing trap talk and hitting rebuttals/freestyles to handily take rounds 1 and 3 for the win.

Verdict: Chef Trez (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Chef Trez – “.38 caught a case behind Shotti…like 6ix9ine!”

Chef Trez defeats 6IX Shotz

Recap: From Purebars RBL, some slick wordplay and a bunch of heavy heat from 6IX Shotz keeps things competitive throughout this 3-rounder. But steadily armed with a gang of stifling gun bars, sturdy rebuttals, fierce name flips and fiery punchlines, it’s Chef Trez all day for the 30.

Verdict: Chef Trez (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Chef Trez – “I’ll murk him, squeezing the nina, put his body on this ratchet when I peep ya demeanor, i don’t throw away the gun, I believe in the diva, plus no bitches cost too much, it’s cheaper to keep her!”

Jakkboy Maine defeats Chef Trez

Recap: In this fire, App-exclusive 1-rounder from URL, a slightly more condensed overall, flow/wordplay-lit, punch-heavy, sizzling/wildly expansive when it came to food themes/metaphors and other salacious punches Jakkboy Maine manages to edge a Chef Trez, who while hellbent on delivering fiery tropes of mayhem, a gang of sturdy gun bars and a bunch of wicked punchlines, lacked enough firepower (and rebuttals, of which he surprisingly only had one) to keep up with the former Goonie’s efficiency and revelry.

Verdict: Jakkboy Maine (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Jakkboy Maine – “Them Christmas carols end with a scream, so my past, present and future Chef seen all 3 of them thangs!”

Chef Trez defeats Gunpowder Patt

Recap: Who doesn’t love a dope style clash? And this 3-rounder from We Go Hard was ceratinly that as Chef Trez with ominous barrel of piercing gun bars, sublime off-the-dome heat and gritty punchlines faces off against the aggressive, personal-lit, witty and entertaining polemics of Gunpowder Patt. A close one throughout, despite a pretty solid and hard-hitting opening round from Trez (that was spoiled a lit bit due to Chef taking a bit too long to land the punch), Patt’s colorful angles, humorous stylings and clever/steely punchlines edges Gunpowder the round. And then the Chef got to cooking. Landing a boatload of fly name flips and a handful of fierce rebuttals to go along with a gang of raucous punches/gun bars, Trez would do just enough to edge round 2 over an opponent who cane with it when it it came ill braggadocius lines, more crazy wit and fiery street anthems. Tied going into the 3rd in front of a rocking WGH crowd, even while dialing back a bit on the rebuts, Trez would still score at will via a rich palette of robust punchlines, some hitting personals and well-finessed wordplay to take the 3rd and get the win over a G.P. who while still compettiive, just seemed to run out of steam when it came to landing as many haymakers as he did in the previous rounds.

Verdict: Chef Trez (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Chef Trez – “Catch steel from Chef, you know what’ll happen at point blank if I squeeze bitch?, I’ll get blood on my gun, marinera falling off a chopper…it’s a cheese stick!”

Chef Trez defeats Showoff

Recap: Chef Trez versus Showoff. Security guard verssus security guard. ARP interrupting battles as usual…it’s all there for 3 rounds on RBE and it was a dope one. Showoff, aggressive, boastful and gritty as usual with his trademark ‘lingo’, delivered a standout performance with a gang of bodaciosu street raps, some sizzling wordplay, a couple of fire rebuttals, some straight ‘talking to’ personals (esp. in round 3) and a boatload of steely punches. While Trez, battling on RBE for the first time in awhile, came through with a shitload of fire punchlines, crazy name flips, hard-hitting personals, spicy schemes and of course, a handful of head-ringimg rebuttals. All in all, another ‘Blue room’ goodie, but at the end of the day it’s the more consistently-lit and haymaker-friendly Trez who manages to take all 3 rounds to score a shutout.

Verdict: Chef Trez (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Chef Trez – “Quit bluffing, nigga all that tough seem fake, with that same blade I’ll pick ya side, we running screenplays!”

Nu Jerzey Twork and Chef Trez [DEBATABLE]

Recap: From URL’s ‘Outside 2’ card, a fire 3-rounder between Nu Jerzey Twork and Chef Trez features the latter utilizing a gang of rambunctious set-up/punchlines, stifling gun bars, witty/hard-hitting personals and righteous mayhem to make his mark. While the always-on-point Chef offered up a sizzling plate mixed with a boatload of piercing rebuttals, gritty (“Put a ratchet behind Twork, y’all know bitches like to dance with each other!”) punches, head-ringing gunplay and flexing name flips/wordplay to stay in the game. Close all the way though, a slightly more cohesive and less flow-challenged Trez would edge round 1 before an equally efficient punchfest from both sides would add up to a debatable 2nd round. The final 3rd round in a battle that never lacked for entertainment and crazy bars, would get edged by the slightly more haymaker-lit Twork thus making this one a debatable.

Verdict: TIE

Favorite line: Nu Jerzey Twork – “You is a weirdo and a fucking fraud, wasn’t you just over there with RBE doing a bunch of cards?, he seen URL on Caffiene with celebrities & he said ‘What’s up with y’all?!‘”

Chef Trez defeats John John Da Don

Recap: From URL’s ‘Redemption’ card, former Bullpen Battle Leageu star Chef Trez faces off with BBL owner John John Da Don and as expected it’s a highly personal one that also featured a shitload of dope punches from both battlers. Add to the mix plenty of righteous pontificating and rigid name flips from JJDD and of course, a handful of spicy rebuttals and hitting gun bars from Trez and this matchup stayed competitive throughout. However, while the curious battle fan certainly got their fix what with all the accusations John John and Trez hurled at each other on why their business relationship frayed, as for the battle itself outside of a debatable 2nd round, it’s a more steady punching and slightly haymaker-landing Trez who takes the 1st and 3rd rounds for the win.

Verdict: Chef Trez (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Chef Trez – “…but y’all know Muslims wake up before sunrise and thank God, so why wouldn’t I use the Don as prey [pray]!”

Chef Trez defeats Tom Nixon

Recap: SMH. Doesn’t matter how confident you are in your skills, choosing to go 1st against argubaly the best rebuttler in the game never makes sense. But the Chef taught him tho, delivering yet another lit recipe of stinging punchlines and a trio of nasty rebuttals during a killer round 1, before comimg back with a steaming plate of piercing off-the-dome heat, sizzling gun bars, seismic name flips and hard-hitting punches to handily take the next two rounds and score the 30 over a passionate and hitting at times, but mostly pedestrian Tom Nixon in this 3-rounder from Takeova Battle Leageu.

Verdict: Chef Trez (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Chef Trez – “You all the way bitch, not just kind of scary, Nixon [Nick son] same out pussy…Mariah Carey!”

Chef Trez defeats Ghost

Recap: From Major League Battles, a gritty, condensed and punch-heavy round 1 by Philly-to-Florida battler Ghost is efficient enough to make for a tie with a just as potent Chef Trez. But afterwards it’s all Trez as the ATL vet uses a steady barrage of lofty gun bars, fiending name flips, steely punchlines and well-versed freestyles/rebuttals to handily take both of the latter rounds over a solid, but not as formidable effort from his opponent and gain the win.

Verdict: Chef Trez (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Chef Trez – “Don’t start bor, ‘cuz once the Tek pop, we disrespect blocks, i just can’t stop sliding y’all…I’m in fresh socks!”

Chef Trez defeats Shi Dog

Recap: A fire 3-rounder (with Billy Boondocks literally switching sides and providing extra entertainment throughout the battle in case the fierce back-n-forth betwen the rappers wasn’t enough for ya) from CRS Battle League between Chef Trez and longtime vet/underrated punchsmith Shi Dog goes the distance with Trez impressing throughout with a boatload of gritty gun bars, dope rebuttals (including ‘4 of them things’ in round 1, which he egded), massive name flips and some hitting personals/punchlines. While the unorthodox wordplay, galiant schemes, rigid streams and flexing set-ups/punches/rebuts/name flips of Shi Dog stood tall as well. A close bout throughout with the two battlers splitting the first couple of rounds, it’s the slightly more haymaker-lit and versatile Trez who ends up taking the 3rd for the win.

Verdict: Chef Trez (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Chef Trez – “You named yourself Shi Dog, that explains right out the gate why you never had barf!”

Chef Trez defeats Nunn Nunn

Recap: The final score doesn’t dictate it, but for the most part a strong showing here from Nunn Nunn in this URL ‘Civil War 3’ match against Chef Trez. The North Carolina vet using slick humor, a gang of gritty punchlines, some solid rebuttals and some hitting personals to stay competitive. But as it turns out Trez was just too much here. The Chef cooking up a hot plate of fire gun bar, stinging freestyles/rebuttals (including 3 of them things in round 1 to edge the opener), crazy set-up/punchlines, brash storytelling, piercing ‘Nunn Nunn/Hunger Games’ name flips and robust wordplay/similes to score a Gentleman’s 30.

Verdict: Chef Trez (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Chef Trez – “I even got young’un’s to shoot for me so it’d be sort of cool, cuz the little nigga’s under Chef carry more than Jordan Poole!”

Chef Trez defeats Afro Kenobi

Recap: Never seen the Chef get violent before. But in this last-minute (both of their original opponents no-showed) 1-rounder from DHBL, outside of a couple of unsportsmanlike penalties, a pretty hyped Trez gathers himself enough to spout a slew of hard-hitting personals, some sick rebuttals, stinging punchlines and a gang of potent freestyles to beat back the aggressive and sometimes hitting stylings of an Afro Kenobi who clearly lacked the off-the-dome ability of Trez and basically used the same rhymes he had for his original opp.

Verdict: Chef Trez (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Chef Trez – “Who you teaching?, you dress like a substitute!”

Chef Trez defeats Megladon

Recap: In this 1-rounder from DHBL, Chef Trez uses a consistent diet of fiery gun bars, lethal 4-bar set-ups and gritty punchlines/wordplay to handily beat back an earnest and hitting at times, but most;y subpar with the punches Megladon.

Verdict: Chef Trez (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Chef Trez – “I’m not with the extra’s, keep the bullshit, I’m wilding on him, Calvin Johnson, I’ll squeeze and pull it and make Megladon Megatron ‘cuz he gonna receive a bullet!”

Chef Trez defeats Presidential Dubz

Recap: Against a performance-stunting but less consistently bar-heavy Presidential Dubz, a more steady with the handle Chef Trez uses a plethora of fiery gun bars, sick wordplay, gritty 4-bar set-ups and piercing punchlines to get the win in this 1-rounder from the Fight Back Arena.

Verdict: Chef Trez (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Chef Trez – “Is this bitch sleep?, let this bum play, I’ll let a gun spray, I’m quick to run down stair and grab the meal [mil]…I woke up late!”

Chef Trez defeats C Dot

Recap: One-rounder from Body Bag Battle League sees South Carolina emcee C Dot pull up with a strong showing that was littered with a bunch of fierce 4-bar set-up/punchlines, spicy personals and gritty name flips. However, coming off the long overdue announcement that he’s finally returning to URL, Chef Trez puts the celebration aside and with a gang of filthy gun bars, a fistful of off-the-dome bangers, potent name flips of his own and a slightly more steady fleet of mayhem-rich punches, it’s the more haymaker-lit Trez for the win.

Verdict: Chef Trez (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Chef Trez – “Aim then squeeze next, it’s on-sight and me putting Dot on the gun is just a reflex!”

Chef Trez defeats Awthentic

Recap: From URL’s Final Exams card, Chef Trez makes yet another return to Smack and it’s a dope one as opponent Awthentic gives the ATL vet all he can handle. The Connecticut spitter scoring left and right with a buttery, floetic cadence that produced a nice mix of greasy name flips, spirited 4-bar set-up/punchlines and gritty gun bars/personals. And while Awthentic did have some near reaches here and there and almost caught a slip-up in round 2 (which he had enough haymakers/rebuttals to edge), all in all the former Crucible battler certainly kept it competitive throughout, thus making the Chef work for this one. Which he did, displaying a workmanlike performance via a versatile game plan that featured a plethora of piercing heat, fiery punchlines/name flips, hitting personals of his own, nimble at times but effective wordplay, gritty similes, aggressive boasts and of course, steely off-the-dome polemics for all the Trez fans out there expecting such, all the while edging rounds 1 and 3 for the win.

Verdict: Chef Trez (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Chef Trez – “Get a clip, steady aiming set to kill so when the toolie clap, but you can’t guess the gun, dog it’s a mystery machine…they brought Scooby back!”

Chef Trez defeats The Saurus

Recap: From GTX, giving the fans what they craved with spicy rebuttal games unleashed on both sides, after a debatable round 1, punch-for-punch it’s a wordplay-lit Chef Trez who flexes more, out-scoring and outlasting a pretty solid effort from The Saurus to take both of the latter rounds for the win in what was a competitive 3-rounder.

Verdict: Chef Trez (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Chef Trez – “Paul, Peter, Roll, I’m snatching hope from him, but I’ll never rob Peter to pay Paul…I’m getting both of ’em!”

Yung Riddick defeats Chef Trez

Recap: From 7 Shark Cities Rap Battle League, steady and confident with his brash street raps throughout, that coupled with a mix of steely wit and gritty name flips/personals flexed his versatility, up-n-comer Yung Riddick manages to out-punch and edge a gritty, gun bar-lit and pretty solid Chef Trez (thanks in part to a trio of dem things Trez would edge the 3rd) in the 1st couple of rounds, earn the win and pull off an upset.

Verdict: Yung Riddick (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Yung Riddick – “I punch different, but bitch you better pray to God that I don’t come to you with open hands!”

Chef Trez defeats Kidd Nyheem

Recap: A gritty and competitive 3-rounder from WarTown Battles filled to the rim with a host of flexing gun bars, real street talk and piercing punchlines, after a slightly punch-heavier Kidd Nyheem takes round 1, leave it up to a more condensed Chef Trez to add some fiery name flips and hard-hitting (including a dope one at the end of his 3rd) rebuttals to the mix to edge each of the latter two rounds and gain the win.

Verdict: Chef Trez (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Chef Trez – “You hella light, I’ll let it ring and let off shots if you too amped, you’ll get hit teh wildest couple…Marriage Boot Camp!”

Chef Trez and Leo Bronze [DEBATABLE]

Recap: In this crazy 1-rounder from League of Championship Kulture, an impressive performance by Leo Bronze, who with a barrage of sizzling punchlines, gritty street talk, fire similes, witty (Leo Bronze: “You don’t even got your own face, fake-ass Ja Morant!”) personals/angles and a fiery cameo appearance from his 7yo daughter, let you know that he came to win, gets measured up by a dope showing from Chef Trez. Who with a quartet of hitting rebuttals, piercing gun bars, well-armed name flips and plenty of stinging punches of his own, does just enough to earn a draw.

Verdict: TIE

Favorite line: Chef Trez – “We all know about the law of attraction, and by naming yourself Bronze you already took away that number one spot!!”

Chef Trez defeats Alpha AR

Recap: Able to withstand his opponent Alpha AR’s theme music intro, some serious Calicoe vibes when it comes to his raps and some out-of-nowhere personals that were just weird, outside of a close round 2, Chef Trez uses a gang of mayhem-rich punches, festive name flips, spicy rebuttals and stinging personals/gun bars to handily get the 30 in this 3-rounder from DHBL.

Verdict: Chef Trez (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Chef Trez – “Bullets will go through AR abs like a Philly nigga!”

Saynt defeats Chef Trez

Recap: In a close 3-round GTX battle that was littered with blazing gun bars throughout, in both the 1st and 3rd rounds Saynt takes advantage of an off-the-dome light and less potent with the punches Chef Trez (who surprisingly enough was at his best with the personals here), with a slightly more consistent set-up/punch game that edges the aforementioned rounds for the win.

Verdict: Saynt (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Saynt – “Now everybody’s a gremlin, let this bitch test me, I’ll put this gremlin in a box, that’s a NFT!”