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Hansel defeats Dice

Recap: From URL’s Nexus card, yeah even if it’s a chick flashing her titties mid-round, you can’t let distractions get in your head and mess up your flow. Not in battle rap anyway (esp. a judged one as was the case here). As while Hansel pulls a J-Murda and pulls out his phone while his opponent raps, causing a huge slip-up (not a choke) by Dice (who was pretty solid, flippant with the personals and lyrical throughout), the feeling here is that the EFB member out-rapped his opponent in round 1 anyway. Hansel using some scathing personal breakdowns, gritty punches, fly wordplay and fiery name flips/gun bars to take both of the opening (esp. in round 2 where he was more haymaker-lit) rounds for the win before a debatable 3rd made it 2-1

Verdict: Hansel (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Hansel – “We will kidnap his bitch real, if we find out where she at, it’s a stripper’s Instagram, lock her [locker] in the back!”

Chess defeats Dice

Recap: From GOTG, like Drugz back in the day, when you use a one-syllable moniker for your battle rap name that’s popular in the hood, you gotta know that come every battle you’re most likely going to get name flipped to death. That said, making excellent use of a gang of flexible name flips, but also scoring with some wicked set-up/punchlines, head-ringing gun bars, boastful zingers and mocking personals, Chess manages to score enough haymakers during a slightly less time-consuming turn to beat back a pretty solid effort from Dice. Who while delivering a plethora of hard-hitting punches/personals and blistering street darts and Chess-isms to make it close, suffered a bit from one too many pedestrian bars to get the win in this fiery 1-rounder.

Verdict: Chess (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Chess – “Nigga Chess Godly, where you from you get respect hardly, a nigga did somethin’ to you and he slept calmly, a nigga even dream about doing somethin’ to me and he woke up and said sorry!”

T-Top defeats Dice (Tenn.)

Recap: From The CampOut, Tennessee battler Dice spouts a gritty and pretty effort in this 1-rounder versus T-Top. But not to be undone, much less have an up-n-comer pull off an upset on his birthday, The Bear’s rugged combo of stinging set-up/punchlines, piercing name flips, hitting street rhymes, wicked gun bars and spicy off-the-dome heat gets the North Carolina vet the win.

Verdict: T-Top (W) 1-0

Favorite line: T-Top – “If we warring, I’m popping up to every damn hood, to make an opp a vegetable, you se every can good!”