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DNA defeats Dre Dennis

Recap: From GOTG, a pretty good and equally competitive 1-rounder here between DNA and Dre Dennis with plenty of roundhouse punchlines, witty/righteous personals, lofty name flips and mayhem-lit gun and yes knife lines. Nonetheless, via spicier wordplay as well as a plethora of gritty bars that overall were slightly more haymaker-lit, it’s DNA who ends up edging this one.

Verdict: DNA (W) 1-0

Favorite line: DNA – “Fucking with me was the wrong option, I don’t care how he may feel, this ain’t gonna be a happy ending, DeShawn Watson!”

Jerry Wess defeats DNA

Recap: One thing one has learned from years of recapping battles: when everybody and their mother says it’s a 30, it’s usually not. Not to take anything away from Jerry Wess here, because he’s always been a dangerous opp for any battler. But this URL Summer Madness 13 against DNA was still close and competitive throughout. DNA scoring with a gang of dope 4-bar punches, some fire rebuttals (esp. during the start of his round 2), hitting personals and potent/mayhem-lit darts, came to win. While the underdog Wess’ performance-lit punches, jaunty name flips, props, hardbody boasts and full embrace of his ‘scammer’ rep also lit up the scoreboard. Still, a slow start of both battlers in round 1 ends up with the more haymaker-lit Jerry edging the opener before the trio of aforementioned rebuttals by DNA edged him round 2 to tie things up going into the 3rd. And while DNA had another pretty solid round, the deciding 3rd saw Wess go ham with the punches, performance and variety during a more steady showing that earned him the win.

Verdict: Jerry Wess (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Jerry Wess – “You wanna be a nigger’s top 5?, cool, but Mt. Rushmore this bitch buggin, when it comes to legends we don’t really consider you DNA…5th cousin!”

DNA defeats Casey Jay

Recap: From URL’s ‘Kings vs. Queens 4’ card, against an often electric, gun bar popping and name flip/punch spazzing Casey Jay who had one of her best performances in recent memory, DNA ups the ante and with a slightly more condensed and steadier slinging of hard-hitting gun lines, sturdy current event bars, stinging name flips, some solid rebuttals, gritty personals and hard 4-bar set-up/punchlines, manages to edge both the 1st and 3rd (call the 2nd debatable) rounds for the win.

Verdict: DNA (W) 2-1

Favorite line: DNA – “You know the one thing that could stop a voodoo doll?…a pen [pin]!”

DNA defeats Calicoe (Rematch)

Recap: Calicoe almost never openly admits to losing a battle. But I believe it was last year that he admit on a Twitter Space that he got beat pretty bad to DNA back in the day (yeah, he definitely did). Well now, a near decade after they first battled, it might be time for Cal to take it up a notch and admit that when it comes to this battling shit Mr. Eric St. John just has his number. And while it was nice to see Cal actually compete harder this time around and kick a bunch of solid/gritty lines throughout this rematch, unfortunately for the Landslide capo the results would come out the same as their match as a more hardbody, 4-bar prolific punching and haymaker-landing DNA pitches another shutout.

Verdict: DNA (W) 3-0

Favorite line: DNA – “Stock rose, lock load, you gonna get taking this contract…Russell Wilson on the Broncos!”

DNA defeats Cortez

Recap: Gotta admit with the two of them being close friends for so long, I never thought that Cortez and DNA battling each other one-on-one would ever see the light of day. Well guess that I was wrong as here they are on URL’s 90-seconds-per-round, ‘Life Work’ platform going at it for 3 fiery rounds (with no lame rehearsal taking place before the battle either). And bar-for-bar it’s a treat with DNA and Cor dishing a bunch of gritty street raps. flagrant punches, piercing name flips, blazing heat and mocking personals to make it competitive. Nary a slip-up on either side until Cortez stumbled a bit in round 3, outside of a debatable 2nd round, it’s the slightly more haymaker-lit DNA who takes the 1st and 3rd rounds for the win.

Verdict: DNA (W) 2-1

Favorite line: DNA – “It’s always a fight when cash is involved, Joe Frazier and this cat is always lying on the bread, that’s why they call him Bodega!”

DNA defeats K-Shine (Rematch)

Recap: Grafting the energy of a BET crowd that for the most part probably aren’t ardent battle rap fans with fiery punchlines and effervescent current event bars that even your average recluse could keep up with, in this 1-rounder from BET’s Hip Hop Awards show, a more steady hitting DNA is able to beat back (and get a bit of revenge from their earlier match on URL almost a decade ago) a gritty and pretty solid, but a bit too deliberate with the pace and less haymaker-lit K-Shine.

Verdict: DNA (W) 1-0

Favorite line: DNA – “I’m a dump a Glock, he gonna hit with a bunch of shots, then I’m a make him disappear outta nowhere…like the monkeypox!”

Arsonal defeats DNA (Rematch)

Recap: Remnants of the Grind Time era here with URL’s new ‘Lite Work’ battles, that will still feature 3 rounds, but with a minute-and-a-half time limits per round. A fly concept without a doubt, it’s only right that a couple of GT graduates, in this case Arsonal and DNA, set it off. And this rematch from their infamous Don’t Flop battle almost a decade ago was just as competitive and fiery with a slightly more punch-heavy and trap-talking Arsonal taking the first, before a personal and set-up-lit DNA returned the favor in the 2nd. The 3rd round while also close, would get edged to Ars here as his opponent’s penchant for taking a little too long to get to the punch to go along with da Rebel’s more steady/rapid punching power ends up giving the Jersey capo the win.

Verdict: Arsonal (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Arsonal – “Even tho I don’t get nuthin’ but head, I like Beavis!”

DNA defeats Dre Dennis

Recap: Was there any promo for this one? If so, I must’ve missed it. Either way, despite a solid, gun-bar lit and punch-heavy at times effort from Dre Dennis, a bit of a struggle with his flow as well as one too many reaches and subpar bars from the Loud Boys capo to along with a more versatile and steady DNA unleashing a barrage of stifling set-ups/punchlines, fiery wordplay/schemes, pouty gun lines, boastful barbs and hard-hitting personals, gives the Queens, NY vet the win in this 1-rounder from The Rap Committee.

Verdict: DNA (W) 1-0

Favorite line: DNA – “Dennis you know not to play with DNA…Jurassic Park!”

DNA defeats Tubbs

Recap: Tubbs uses an impressive array of gritty punchlines and hometown references to make things close. But in this competitive 1-rounder from Houston Bar Code’s HOME 4 card, a couple of hard-hitting rebuttals to go along with a gang of stinging name flips, fiery 4-bar set-ups and mayhem-lit punches gives DNA the win.

Verdict: DNA (W) 1-0

Favorite line: DNA – “Remember last time I battled JC?, I said ‘razor’ since he super tough, but this time you get one star like the Uber sucks!”

DNA defeats O’fficial

Recap: Can’t say that before this battle took place, that it didn’t cross my mind that DNA vs. O’fficial would potentially be a better bout if NWX was still a group. Well, let me admit that I was wrong. As for the most part, the two former crew members really gave it their all, while putting on a dope and competitive show. O’fficial, who had a crazy and versatile round 1 (her best), came with it, dropping a plethora of spicy gun bars, hard-hitting/mocking personals and gritty punchlines to stay close. While DNA, shrewdly rocking the crowd with a bunch of fire punches that were laced with local references, when he wasn’t scoring via a bunch of disrespectful personals, fiery wordplay and piercing set-ups/name flips, was in top form as usual. An entertaining matchup that also sliced and diced with plenty of chatter on what happened their former squad, had the slightly more potent O edging round 1, before DNA with the help of some stinging off-the-dome darts and a couple of not-quite-as-steady rounds from O’fficial, taking both of the latter turns for the comeback win.

Verdict: DNA (W) 2-1

Favorite line: DNA – “I guess why they brought me to Charlotte, so I could get my team back from New Orleans!”

DNA defeats Hollow Da Don

Recap: Considering that they were once ‘boys’ you had to know that Hollow Da Don vs. DNA was going to get pretty personal at times. What one didn’t expect tho was to what extent it’d go personally or how emotional Hollow–a longtime vet and a guy who almost always keeps it professional on stage–would get here, which in the end would help in him losing the battle. A 3-round matchup on URL’s Resolution 2 card that was also a pretty tense at times, aggressive and spirited on both sides and competitive throughout certainly lived up to the hype that these two Queens, NY, heads (who both go back all the way to the days of Grind Time) had long built up. Indeed, while Hollow would slow flashes of brilliance in the early rounds with his noted unorthodox punches/personals and maelstrom of wit, it wouldn’t be till the final round that he’d be able to keep up with his opponent’s versatile barrage of potent bars, spicy storytelling/angles/schemes, ill personal breakdowns, witty barbs and off-the-dome heat. As a fly rebuttal/freestyle game by DNA (often in response to Hollow either talking through his rounds or going off on emotional outbursts throughout the battle or awkwardly stopping and re-starting his rounds) combined with a more consistent effort overall would give the former NWX capo the win as he would edge rounds 1 and 2 before a debatable 3rd.

Verdict: DNA (W) 2-1

Favorite line: DNA – “Of course you could tell me about Blackjack, you a drug addict, you took your first hit on 17!”

DNA defeats Real Sikh

Recap: Fire battle from URL’s Smack Volume 9 card between the vet DNA and popping newbie Real Sikh saw the former lighting up the room with an aggressive and versatile performance that featured a shitload of fiery name flips, stinging 4-bar set-ups/punches, flexing wordplay/mayhem, spicy schemes, hard-hitting personals (esp. in an elongated, but righteous 3rd round) and rich similes. As for Real Sikh? Yet, another dope showing. The Jersey star staying competitive throughout with a gang of rousing punches when he wasn’t going at his opponent with a bunch of piercing personals and roundhouse lyrical stunting. Still, with a handful of more haymakers in a slightly more steady rounds 1 & 2 DNA gets the win before Sikh gets the edge in round 3, thanks to a more condensed turn that was just as quantitative in over-the-top heaters as his opponent.

Verdict: DNA (W) 2-1

Favorite line: DNA – “You see I’m the best at this, you peep that whole connection Sikh?, human centipede!”

DNA defeats King Los

Recap: A couple of dudes, King Los and DNA, who’ve been going at it online for a few years now, finally meet up on the URL/Smack Volume 8 stage and for the most part it was a goodie. ‘Industry rapper’ Los, in only his 3rd professional battle, did pretty well here (tho he still needs to work on his timing and performance), delivering three pretty solid rounds that contained fleeting moments of righteous gems, some lofty wordplay and bruisimg personals/punchlines. That said, this was all DNA. The Queens, NY, vet taking his opponent to task with an often sublime mixture intricate lyrical warfare, fire set-ups, brazen punchlines, fierce schemes, grandiose pontificating and to cap it all, a haymaker-rich, personal-lit, personal breakdown-heavy, hard-hitting and superbly-executed 3rd round that amounted to a classic. DNA with the 30.

Verdict: DNA (W) 3-0

Favorite line: DNA – “You do all this talking about Ancestry, but still need DNA to remind you where you from!”

DNA defeats B. Dot

Recap: After getting edged in round 1 due to gang of sizzling personal breakdowns and rigid heat from his ever conscious opponent, DNA uses a plethora of righteous haymakers, aggressive wordplay, fire set-ups, pointed personals and brazen punchlines/name flips/schemes that with a bit of help from a still pretty solid, but not as consistently spicy B. Dot (who was hurt by a round 2 slip-up and one too many Charlie Clips bars) edged the NWX capo the last two rounds for the win in this URL/NOME XI matchup.

Verdict: DNA (W) 2-1

Favorite line: B. Dot – “I seen you link with shorty on Queens vs Kings 2, nigga I peeped the flip, but you trying to battle a woman who promotes thot bars, I couldn’t believe the shit, but then I said of course we’ll see Dot egging on Yoshi…it’s an easy lik!”

DNA defeats Ave

Recap: It’s only been a couple of battles since he came back from Covid, but it’s nice to see Ave’s repertoire expanding a bit from boastful barbs and piercing wordplay to getting more personal, angle-lit and righteous with his raps. That said, even with Ave dishing 3 solid turns, this one was all DNA. The NWX capo delivering 3 rounds of steady heat in this Smack Volume 7 battle without a missing beat, whether it was via sizzling name flips throughout the match, nifty punchlines after punchlines, flexing set-ups, fierce multi’s or salacious personals that leveled up to the point of dropping haymaker after haymaker and schooling Ave for an entire 3rd round (a classic) for his lack of a strong promo (amongst other things) game when it comes to his own battle rap career. Shit, it’s only January, but damn, if this new ‘No Gun Bar DNA’ isn’t becoming a serious problem.

Verdict: DNA (W) 3-0

Favorite line: DNA – “You wanna punch? Get hit wit’ the left quickly, the vets busy, the set hit me, you’ll never be the next Nitty, the closest we gon’ see Ave to Rum? wet Willie’s!”

DNA defeats Geechi Gotti (Rematch)

Recap: A highly anticipated rematch between DNA and Geechi Gotti sees the two get righteous as well as personal and deliver much more of a talking too at each other than expected. And while both battlers got their point across when it came to individually-slanted zingers, a more effective with the wordplay/schemes, consistent spicy, prophetic and less predictable DNA does enough to edge the first two rounds for the win before the more brazen Gotti earns the 3rd.

Verdict: DNA (W) 2-1

Favorite line: DNA – “New rules, I’m old-school I use the left-hand often, somebody better put Mark Cal away [Calaway] or he gonna be a dead man walking!”

DNA defeats Lu Castro

Recap: Valiant effort from Lu Castro, who’s hardbody rhymes, ringing sound effects/gun bars and gritty personals/name flips certainly showed he was up to the task of facing off against a vet like DNA. But whether it was a sublime 3rd round (after taking the 1st and a debatable 2nd round) of scathing personals or a bunch of piercing name flips/underlying wordplay/schemes or self-deprecating lines to get a point or two across or fiery punchline after punchline that unlike his opponent came with nary a dry spot to edge the 1st and 2nd rounds///hell, maybe we don’t deserve DNA.

Verdict: DNA (W) 2-1

Favorite line: DNA – “So stop dissing Shine, ya shoulda hit ,my line, ‘cuz y’all think it’s all about peace and good written’s [good riddance], dissing the wave, well I see you on the flip side of this shit, a lie, that’s why I’m just try’na toodaloo [tutor Lu] on different ways of getting by!”

DNA defeats Viixen The Assassin

Recap: DNA returns to battle rap after a long hiatus and delivers what you’d expect from ‘The Champ’, a consistently spicy, thorough, name flip-savvy, political/racial-centric, punch-heavy, talking too to Viixen The Assassin, who while showing up with 3 aggressive, momentous at times, wordplay/personal-lit and boastful turns, wandered into a couple of dry spots and a slip-up or two here and there, especially during the 1st and 3rd (which we’ll call a debatable due to so many indirect bars from DNA, tho overall it was still stellar) rounds. For DNA, who may be a victim of some reverse sexism due to the polls on the app of this URL Kings vs. Queens battle, it’s an impressive win nonetheless.

Verdict: DNA (W) 2-1

Favorite line: DNA – “When we walk in the room, notice they get to staring, I told the culture they don’t deserve me, this the closest I’m a get to Karen!”

DNA defeats John John Da Don

Recap: Another one of those ‘Can’t believe these two never battled already’ bouts pits longtime vets DNA and John John Da Don finally getting together for a 1-round Quarantine matchup on IG live. Both JJDD and DNA sprung together some punch-worthy turns with some dope schemes, fire wit and grandiose personals mixed in. But with an equal amount of haymakers from each battler, DNA’s ability to kick a wicked freestyle in the midst of his writtens and go extra hard on the personals, gives him the edge here.

Verdict: DNA (W) 1-0

Favorite line: DNA – “He shaking his head, I see a lot of ‘nahs’ [Nas] here, but that’s a Thief’s Theme!”

DNA defeats Drugz

Recap: Will we see more of this Drugz in the future now that he’s a part of NWX? As even with a loss here, this is one of the best, consistently punch-heavy and (“You with wifey?, I’ll put the chrome to her chest, and let the hammer blast, bucks in breast, like grandma’s stash!”) gun’s-a-blazing versions of Drugz we’ve seen of late. That said (undoubtedly to his opponent’s chagrin) DNA happened to be on his shit too, the battle vet delivering a steady stream of fire name flips, fierce personals, rigid battle rap tutorials and a host of lyrical (“Wolf of Wall Street, Drugz [drugs] gonna make the stock drop!”) shiners to take rounds 1 and 3 for the win.

Verdict: DNA (W) 2-1

Favorite line: DNA – “Beam, I’m a buck it tonight, Ray Charles, I’m a shoot Drugz [drugs] with nothing in sight!”

DNA defeats Aye Verb

Recap: Confident and aggressive the entire time during this Smack Volume 5 battle, DNA uses a barrage of stinging punchlines, wily personals, flexing schemes, opponent style breakdowns and pointed name flips/wordplay to beat back fellow battle vet Aye Verb in this 3-rounder from Smack. And while Verb put forth a pretty solid, visceral, personal, set-up/ punch-heavy at times and scheme-drenched effort throughout the match, in each round the St. Loui capo just couldn’t keep up with DNA’s consistency and potency.

Verdict: DNA (W) 3-0

Favorite line: DNA – “I’m on a tear and T know (Tarantino), I shoot till the clip outta order, doctors shaking tables, trying to make him stable, ‘cuz how he gonna ‘Showtime’ if he hooked up to basic cable?!”

DNA defeats Chilla Jones (Rematch)

Recap: It’s 2019 and rematches are slowly becoming a thing, so why not Chilla Jones versus DNA Part 2? The two vets, who first battled each other way back in 2013, return here on the GOTC TV stage and make it tight with a gun bar-heavy and performance nice DNA edging the 1st round before Jones returned the favor with a blistering, scheme and punch-lit 2nd round to edge what was a pretty dope turn by his robust opponent. But DNA, who was more consistently prepared throughout the match, turned it up in the deciding 3rd round what with a wordplay-heavy, personal-spazzing, rebuttal/tutorial fiery and punchline-drunk turn that easily beat a solid, but inconsistent and not as potent run by Chilla.

Verdict: DNA (W) 2-1

Favorite line: DNA – “I got better since NOME 3, I just got way too much respect for my fans, so the only way y’all will see the same DNA…Gemini Man!”

DNA defeats Bill Collector

Recap: Don’t get to see Bill Collector on the big stage too often these days, but he turns in a nice showing here against DNA–the Norristown, PA, vet recalling his old days on URL and equalizing his usual performance-rich antics with a gang spicy/witty punches/personals in round 1 to force a draw. However, things would veer left and go back to what you probably expected in the latter rounds of this battle with DNA still dishing a plethora of fierce gun bars/4-bar setups/schemes, consistently hitting punchlines, fiery personals and solid name flips/wordplay while Bill, never able to quite reach the versatility and depth he showed in round 1, settled back into a bunch of questionable personals (too often at others that weren’t his opponent), some witty lines here and there and one too many pedestrian bars, thus giving DNA the win.

Verdict: DNA (W) 2-1

Favorite line: DNA – “I’m getting super-duper close, then I’m gonna aim, what good is a Super-duper scope [moves towards B.C.] when you close range?!”

DNA defeats Geechi Gotti

Recap: 90 seconds and only one round, but it still counts. That is, Geechi Gotto versus DNA on the BET Hip-Hop Awards ’19 stage for 25K, which ‘The Champ’ edges thanks to a slightly more consistent flow littered with some dope wordplay, spitfire name drops and rapid shiners on current events. Gotti’s turn, while solid in its own right with some fiery/braggadocio punches/gun bars and a couple of nice rebuttals, still slacked in lieu of piggybacking too much oo his opponent’s bars and also coming off a little sluggish with his raps, which altogether cost him the battle.

Verdict: DNA (W) 1-0

Favorite line: DNA – “Y’all watch Power?, he better get down, I name my gun Trey Songz, it’ll mess up a big rich town!”

DNA defeats Heiron

Recap: Nice effort by Heiron, the winner of Charlie Clips and DNA’s “Draft Night 3 Road To DNA” tournament, who solidifies his spot as a rising up-n-comer with a solid, aggressive and versatile showing (tho his pen did lose some steam towards the end of his turn) here in this 1-rounder versus DNA. That said, bringing his A-game to prove once again that he never takes anybody light, DNA’s consistent flexing of lofty punchlines, earnest gun bars, some wicked wordplay and steely name flips along with some nice rebuttals and a random freestyle mixed in to cap his turn, makes this one a no-brainer.

Verdict: DNA (W) 1-0

Favorite line: DNA – “From here on out, the plan is to take Heiron out, I studied you and found out your real name, so for the rest of the round we gonna hear Ron out, Ronald Dawson, see that name is clever, but I can make it better, ain’t it crazy, I’ll have Ronald running in the 80s…this the Reagan era!”

DNA defeats Quill

Recap: Not that he seemed too heartbroken about it at the end there, but in this judged battle from Don’t Flop, DNA got robbed here as opponent Quill’s filler-prone, rambunctious, speed-rapping, oft-dated personals really don’t add up to much on the scoreboard, much less beat a freestyle/rebuttal-dishing, name flip shining, gun bar spazzing and punchline heavier DNA.

Verdict: DNA (W) 3-0

Favorite line: DNA – “I take a head shot and lift his thoughts, I’m innovating!”

DNA defeats Vicci

Recap: Vicci may not be a household name in battle rap, but having gone way back to the days of Grind Time (and he had an early PG), the experience is certainly there. However, here in this 1-rounder against DNA, even a solid (although a bit inconsistent) effort by the Staten Island vet, doesn’t stand a chance when faced with a boatload of stinging name flips, fire schemes and well finessed punchlines by the infamous PG Killer.

Verdict: DNA (W) 1-0

Favorite line: DNA – “That fight, when you was ready with K-Holla, you had your nigga’s waiting, would you scrap with a nigga from Jersey, sure [Jersey Shore], till Vinnie’s in a Situation!”

DNA defeats MVP

Recap: 1-rounder from Street Status features a cocky and solid with the bars, but elongated and a bit reach-heavy MVP succumb to DNA’s more potent punchlines, a couple of nice rebuttals and flashy gun bars/name flips.

Verdict: DNA (W) 1-0

Favorite line: DNA – “You said you put 30s into 16 like statutory rape?, well that bar deadly, I’ll remix it, I’ll put 40 in 16, I’m R. Kelly!”

DNA defeats Danny Myers

Recap: Peppering his opponent with waves of spicy punchlines mixed in with some stellar wordplay and fiery schemes, while for the first two rounds, staying away from the usual assortment of personals (he’d get to them in the 3rd round) we see against Danny Myers, DNA beats back a hit or miss opponent who too often went for lackluster personals and easy name flips then his winning forte of consistently substantive boasts/mayhem/punches, rich storytelling and otherworldly karma. A fly rebuttal game and some fierce punches in the 3rd round helped Danny ring up enough heat to equal the potency from DNA’s more personal-driven turn, land a draw and avoid getting 30’d.

Verdict: DNA (W) 2-1

Favorite line: DNA – “There’s no way you can split my movement, I let the .8 spray, if not, it’s the fifth I’m using, I’ll have Danny see the tre way [Treyway] more than 69 stupid!”

DNA defeats Mickey Factz

Recap: His best effort coming in the 1st round via a mix of fierce (“Okay, you let your let machete spray, I get it, ‘cuz some rifles gotta blade on it, but when a fan recite it, they look stupid and get blamed for it!”) punchlines, even-handed sermonizing and some to-be-expected personals, overall, a confident Mickey Factz makes for a pretty solid effort here against DNA. And that’s a good thing for performance artists looking to get into battle rap. But this version of DNA, aggressive throughout, heated with the punches, flexing on the mayhem, potent with the name flips, rich with the (“It’s too late to revoke, I got nothin’ but hate for this vulture and the beam on the side of Mause [Mouse] gonna change the state of the culture!”) storytelling bars, consistently nice with the heat and blessed with a pen game that was clearly motivated by a long-held dislike for his opponent, would’ve beat just about anybody on their best day, recording artist or not. Add to mix Factz’s bent for pedestrian bars displaying itself more and more as the battle proceeded and this long-anticipated grudge match ends with a 30 for DNA.

Verdict: DNA (W) 3-0

Favorite line: DNA – “You like do to do metaphors and tell Black people about their credit scores, like ‘You’ll be left in a slum, If you don’t got 720 or better you’ll be dead in a month, well that’s a lie ‘cuz with a .357 I can get whatever I want!”

DNA defeats Mr. Tongue Twister

Recap: In this 1-rounder from Don’t Flop, DNA uses a barrage of fiery name flips, spirited jokes, fierce set-ups, and piercing punchlines to beat back a solid and sometimes witty effort from Mr. Tongue Twister.

Verdict: DNA (W) 1-0

Favorite line: DNA – “If you wanna die, I’ll find the exorcist [ex assist], see me team will get it done, or find out what Deacon possess with one head tap, now I’m speaking in tongue!”

DNA defeats Reed Dollaz

Recap: Quick and gritty 1-rounder between DNA and Reed Dollaz has the latter kicking his renowned O.G. raps with plenty of braggadocios lines laced with a boatload of street scientifics–the type of adage Reed is known for, but not near enough on the potency side to beat a gun bar spazzing,  punch-crazy, name flip fiending and more consistently nice DNA.

Verdict: DNA (W) 1-0

Favorite line: DNA – “If I see Reed snitching, I’m smacking him with the ‘matic, I’m shooting the rat out of Dollaz, I feel like Johnny Tapia in teh attic!”

DNA defeats Big Hann

Recap: From Verbal War Zone, 3 rounds with Wutang’s “Triumph”, Braveheart’s “Oochie Wally” and Mobb Deep “Shook Ones 2” serving as beats, you can’t go wrong with the instrumentals. Too bad, outside of a dope 3rd round from both battlers (which the harder-hitting Big Hann edged), the punches in the earlier rounds were mostly so-so. Still, it’s the more consistently-lit bar-wise and slightly more flow-astute DNA who takes rounds 1 and 2 for the win.

Verdict: DNA (W) 2-1

Favorite line: DNA – “Your legacy got a recipe with another style, don’t mention me, I’ll make pedigree out of Puppy Chow!”

DNA defeats Nu Jerzey Twork

Recap: When this battle was 1st announced, I thought Nu Jerzey Twork was getting a Top Tier vet like DNA too soon. But hey. Twork is not only hot, but along with Tay Roc, he’s like the face of URL right now, so in that vein it makes sense to match him up with almost anybody, regardless of tier. And then, to see Twork use a fire, rambunctious and (“Expose DNA with the black light…Room Raider!”) haymaker-drenched 1st round to edge things to start….well, feel free to slap me silly for doubting the timing of this matchup. But then, as the battle proceeded on, everything started falling apart. That is, a despite a couple elongated rounds from DNA that were both pretty solid with the usual assortment of stinging jabs, potent (“Saw the gun and made the nigger freeze on sight, that’s Smack with Pay-per-view!”) gun lines and saucy personals, Twork just lost it, literally struggling with his flow and having to pause a few times in a shortened 2nd round, before choking away the deciding 3rd round after like 2 minutes in front of a stunned crowd (including a pretty shocked Smack). Yeah, maybe they should’ve waited on putting these two together.

Verdict: DNA (W) 2-1

Favorite line: DNA – “Both of my parents did drugs, seeing mommy shoot up made me burst in tears, see, that’s the difference a nigger who steals purses and a nigger who perseveres!”

DNA defeats Mosprob

Recap: From Don’t Flop, a witty at times freestyle battle between DNA and Mosprob in which both battlers acknowledged their screw-ups, it’s the more consistently on-point DNA who takes both of the opening rounds for the win before getting edged in the 3rd.

Verdict: DNA (W) 2-1

Favorite line: DNA – “So why you act like you tough and ypu can murder it dog, when those sneakers you got on make you look like Kermit the Frog!”

JC defeats DNA

Recap: Well, what an interesting turn of events that was. After DNA dishes a performance-heavy, set-up (“Y’all remember verse Ill Will when I messed up the slogan, when I switched the liquor?, well I could fuck up the Yak again, then I’m a different nigga!”; “Let’s see if you could manage a punch, where Rome at?!”) savvy, witty, crazy personal, hometown-friendly and punch-slinging 1st round that was so consistently formidable that it leaned on being a classic, “The Champ” just took all the momentum he had here against a 1st-round-solid, but drawn-out JC and tossed it all away. Weird to say the least. Starting with an episode of “What The Fuck Was He Thing?!?”, using the high caliber NOME 8 platform to “experiment” and bring out champagne as well as Tech-9 for a 2nd round “interview” with “The Champ” that was just mostly lame and ultimately a boo-fest. Meanwhile JC, clearly more confident with his bars then the previous round, just turned it up, dropping stifling punchlines and wild personals/schemes that were littered with elite (“When I up the arms, you can’t up your arms to contest the shot!”) gun bars and a boatload of filthy haymakers. Tied going into the 3rd, DNA with nowhere to go but up, delivered what was a solid round with a usual assortment of nice gun bars, amicable schemes that Jay-Z would surely love and a few witty personals. Still, with his opponent handing him an easy opportunity to win the round (and the battle) with a turn that wasn’t too crazy, somehow JC finds a way to almost drop the ball. The Pontiac, Michigan battler starting off extra nice and spicy with continuously fiery (“These fucking bullets will penetrate anything, they got no standards!”) punchlines and extra heated darts, while continuing to mock DNA’s rap style (and missing tooth), but coming close to blowing the battle with 2-plus minutes of mostly filler towards the end of his turn. Indeed, if the raucous Houston crowd hadn”t told JC that he had the battle won already so he could stop rapping, DNA might’ve been warranted in serving them all with champagne too for giving him the vic instead.

Verdict: JC (W) 2-1

Favorite line: JC – “Bitch, the .38 special, like every class you sit in up until graduation!”

DNA defeats O-Red

Recap: Much hyped battle of two ‘Champions’ doesn’t necessarily live up to the billing (unless you want to count O-Red and T-Top almost getting into it and a tag-in to Nu Jerzey Twork by Red in the 3rd) as while lyricism, personals, mayhem and punches were at the forefront, anyone who has followed both DNA and O-Red’s career has certainly seen better from each. Still, the battle was close and competitive (I got a more versatile DNA edging the 1st and a surprisingly more-condensed-than-usual Red doing the same in the 2nd even if a couple of those gun bars were influenced by Twork) throughout with DNA getting the edge here in the deciding 3rd with a more consistent and solid turn that with a couple of freestyles and a very nice tooth scheme on top, beat back O-Red’s mostly so-so attempts at humor and less potent bars in the same round. Not to mention, the Twork tag-in was a little puzzling when you consider the strength of DNA’s rebuttal game.

Verdict: DNA (W) 2-1

Favorite line: DNA – “You was always in the back row and the last to grow, you like wisdom teeth!”

DNA defeats Scotty

Recap: Scotty’s wit and fiery (“I go everywhere with this stick, you gonna think that I’m flying!”) punches keep this one-rounder close against DNA. But with the NWX spitter already in relax mode with the robe on, for the Houston rapper there just was no beating a sizzling display of sporty schemes, feelgood wordplay and potent punchlines.

Verdict: DNA (W) 1-0

Favorite line: DNA – “I only took this one round ‘cuz I love wreck, you could only afford a sample of DNA…drug test!”

DNA defeats E. Ness (Rematch)

Recap: If you’re Elliot Ness, the chance to redeem yourself after the horrible showing you spouted in Summer Madness 2 versus DNA should be a blessing. Especially in Philadelphia, with your hometown crowd amped at every bar you spit and there being zero chance you could whine about a supposedly biased crowd. And with a now performance-heavy Ness having changed his style of rap so much since their last battle, who knows what could happen this time around, right? Well, if you still predicted DNA dishing another 30, you’d be absolutely right as the NWX leader used a fleet of rigid gun bars, some robust name flips and salacious schemes/punchlines to easily beat back the mostly pedestrian bars from his opponent during all 3 rounds of this rematch. But hey, at least Ness stayed professional and kept his mouth shut during DNA’s rounds and didn’t whine this time around.

Verdict: DNA (W) 3-0

Favorite line: DNA – “I’m done with logic, don’t throw no water, don’t touch my pockets, or everything I need will point [needle point] at E…fuck a compass!”

Rum Nitty defeats DNA

Recap: Fire and competitive throughout, DNA and Rum Nitty both do what’s expected of them in this 3-round battle from Smack/URL. Elongated in the 1st round, but more versatile with his (“What you a Crip with your faking ass?, if you don’t wanna die just move, this an imitation crab [Bwoh!] now to try to process food!”) punches, at times witty and scheme-heavy, DNA does just enough to edge what was an unapologetically heated, wordplay (“Y’all the reason why nigga’s saying battling lame, ‘cuz we got 100 wack nigga’s trying to manage The Game!”) friendly and gun-savvy turn from Nitty. The second round saw DNA open up with a fire rebuttal and then launch into some amusing (“I need y’all to picture Nutty at the lunch line, soon as he saw the meal [mil] with the tray [.3]…he got a punchline!”) personals as well as aggressive punchlines drenched with a flair for bluster and righteous polemics. However, after barely getting edged in the previous round, Nitty would come back with yet another more condensed and spitfire round, dishing fiery, back-to-back (“100 in the clip, you getting 80 D…pay attention!”) punches along with steely name flips and more bodacious gun lines for that ass to take the middle round. The 3rd and deciding round saw DNA attempt to drop a few rebuttals to open things which turned out to be hit-n-miss, before seguing into a versatile turn of solid punches, gun bars and personals that were again a bit on the prolonged side, but still a hard go at it nonetheless. But overall Rum Nitty would just prove to be too much in the end, keeping his foot on the pedal with syrupy gun bars, more finessed punches, a high-level performance and even mixing in a little wit to take the final round, complete his comeback and get the win.

Verdict: Rum Nitty (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Rum Nitty – “Let’s scrap fam, I’ll drop a bomb on a nigga from the Gap band!”

DNA defeats Shotgun Suge

Recap: Split going into the 3rd round, in front of a hard to impress UDubb crowd, DNA uses some relentless punches, hard-hitting personals and a couple of spiffy rebuttals to edge a (“What his life like? While he was chasing battles, I was facing battles, sipping lean like don’t let that worry you, I’ll have your mother doing car washes and bake sales just to bury you!”) strapping 3rd round by Shotgun Suge and take one of those rare battle’s that seemingly got better and better as it ensued.

Verdict: DNA (W) 2-1

Favorite line: DNA – “Since we talking about it, what his health like?, diabetes, high cholesterol, a couple of things, what his meals like?, chili dogs, french fries, onion rings!”

DNA defeats Tetsho Vintage

Recap: With a name like Tetsho Vintage you just knew that an experienced vet like DNA would have (“Tetsho, that sound like a game in Nintendo that the company let go!”) some fun with it. And he certainly did in this one-rounder from ABR that also saw a boatload of pedestrian bars from Mr. Vintage, a league owner (Chris Petty) really overreacting to Tetsho’s steady aggression and DNA showing off with some nice freestyles and rebuttals, that is when he wasn’t spitting fiery punchlines and buzzing gun bars.

Verdict: DNA (W) 1-0

Favorite line: DNA – “Get out of line, my team violent, [swish swish[, two buck 50’s, leave both of your cheeks smiling!”

DNA defeats Big Kannon

Recap: When a couple of longstanding vets, in this case DNA and Big Kannon, get on the stage, you should expect a good fight and get one here. Freestyle’s, rebuttals, rebuttals on top of rebuttals and par the course: fire bars, they’re all on display. 1st round has a rapidly punching BK hitting hard with nice (“Dog, you just mimic K-Shine whole cadence and think that you’re so original, well, both of y’all bitches period, ‘cuz your flow is so predictable!”) but set-ups and spiffy personals that altogether made for a solid start. However a motivated DNA, apparently holding a grudge against his opponent for being jealous of his career, upped the ante with fierce personals, buzz-worthy (“It’ll be blood when I draw on Wilson, or the Tom will put that cast away!”) wordplay and dope punchlines to edge the round. Middle round saw BK turn it up with a nice rebuttal to start it off, before going off on DNA with spitfire personals and crazy name flips in a condensed round that just managed to edge a witty and haymaker-drenched, but elongated turn from DNA. The deciding 3rd round kept the competitive heat going, what with both battlers delivering fire bars and heavy-stacked punches. But with less dry spots, another dope rebuttal, a potent career vs. career scheme and one more haymaker than his opponent, it’s DNA who convincingly takes this battle of two top tier’s.

Verdict: DNA (W) 2-1

Favorite line: DNA – “Nigga told me Kannon wanna scrap, I said ‘fight who?’, nigga’s diabetic, I’ll just give this prick the finger, I know he ain’t the Type 2 [too]!”

DNA defeats 7 Weaponz

Recap: I’m sure that in the shower, while getting ready for this battle, 7 Weaponz went over his ‘dope’ bars again and thought he had a sure-shot chance of beating the likes of DNA. If he didn’t, he wouldn’t have showed up, right? 7 was going to pull the upset of the year, get an immediate PG and the big stage wouldn’t be too far behind. Plus it’s only for one round, so screw you if you didn’t think 7 had a shot at pulling off the unthinkable….and now that this bodybag is over with, screw reality for getting in the way of 7’s longstanding dreams.

Verdict: DNA (W) 1-0

Favorite line: DNA – “I got the .4 in [foreign] behind the counter and I’m a give 7, 11!”

DNA defeats Murdock

Recap: Dishing heat with some solid punches, fierce trap talk, bully bars and fiery personals, Murdock (whose rap stylings remind me of Calicoe) makes a nice bid to pull off an upset by beating DNA. Yeah, ok. No chance here, especially in a 1-rounder, as Mr. GHTFOH uses a consistent barrage of steely gun bars, flexing wordplay, congenial punchlines, some spitfire rebuttals and towards the end, off-the-dome darts to make your ears peek to send his opponent back to the drawing board.

Verdict: DNA (W) 1-0

Favorite line: DNA – “I’m packing a ton, shoelace on the back of the gun, and it s strung around the barrel like an African drum!”

DNA defeats Jimz

Recap: A couple of Queens, NY dudes, Jimz and DNA, have to travel all the way to Massachusetts to meetup for a 3-round battle on the KOTD. But it’s still a goodie as a highly entertaining and bar-heavy Jimz edges round 1 despite a very solid turn from his opponent. Still, DNA manages to even things up in the 2nd, using a fire Queens scheme along with a couple of nice rebuttals to beat back a gimmicky round from Jimz, what with a backpack filled with hygienic products for a ‘Stop Being Dirty’ scheme that even Jimz seemed to admit went too long. Tied going into the 3rd, both battlers gave max effort with long rounds that proved their fortitude. However, a slightly more consistent and bar/wordplay/punch-crazy DNA, what with yet another rebuttal mixed in, manages to edge this one for Queens bragging rights in the end.

Verdict: DNA (W) 2-1

Favorite line: DNA – “Wayans family, I got a clip for all you bro’s, putting 5 down within arms reach, Jordan pose!”

DNA defeats Young Herb

Recap: Thought the Saga line towards the end of his turn by Young Herb was funny and the rest of his gritty raps made for a solid effort. But in this 1-rounder from Iron Mouth Battles, a DNA spazzing with a shitload of spicy personals, hard-hitting punchlines/name flips and flexing gun bars/wordplay, would prove to be too much for even Herb in the end.

Verdict: DNA (W) 1-0

Favorite line: DNA – “Now I did my research and they said you in the Army, I’m like nigga you tough, but you do know Donald Trump in teh President, right?, nigga, you fucked!”

DNA defeats Haixian

Recap: In between struggling with his flow at times, former Proving Grounds denizen Haixian displays a bit of the (“You know the type of shit that you in stupid?, I got a dog [points hand like a gun]…but when you inside my yard, the fence [defense] useless!”) talent that warranted him getting a PG. But after Haixian pretty much choked away his shot an upset over DNA, the Queens, NYC emcee goes ham, dispensing fiery gun bars, wicked (“Y’all named this event ‘All Eyes On Me’?, well I could relate to that, ‘cuz after taking out Law’s crew, we getting Haixian [Haitian] jacked!”) punchlines and righteous name flips with relentless abandon to easily take this one-rounder from Do Or Die Battle League.

Verdict: DNA (W) 1-0

Favorite line: DNA – “Y’all all got to see what I did to Danja, his streak couldn’t make it last, I mean I hate to brag, but didn’t you just see your partner cooked in a suit?, that’s Breaking Bad!”

DNA defeats A.Ward

Recap: Dope performance, along with solid (“The game don’t stop here, we could take it outside like Nintendo Switch!”; “I don’t believ a round till I see it like flat-earthers!”) bars and witty personals from Christian rapper A.Ward, makes for a competitive matchup here on the KOTD stage against DNA. However, a little too much filler as well as a handful of pedestrian bars in the first couple of rounds hurt’s the Tennessee up-n-comer overall, leaving the efficiently crazy punches, fierce name flips, nice gun (“If I’m getting to his team and the toolie jam, then its to the Mystery machine, that’s Scooby’s van!”) bars and stinging wordplay from DNA with plenty enough in the tank for the win.

Verdict: DNA (W) 2-1

Favorite line: DNA – “Y’all got DNA backwards trying to match A and D, the First 48 gonna be a cold case if y’all see A&E!

DNA defeats Scoop

Recap: The mostly bullish, but at times witty puns from Scoop make for a pretty solid effort. But in this 3-rounder from Don’t Flop, DNA’s rich combo of flexing name flips, stinging punchlines/ 4-bar set-ups and hard-hitting gun bars/wordplay are enough to take both of the opening rounds for the win before a debatable 3rd prevents the shutout.

Verdict: DNA (W) 2-1

Favorite line: DNA – “Big gun and that shit will split his ride like an Uber trip!”

Pat Stay defeats DNA

Recap: After impressing the normally passive UDubb crowd with a spitfire, haymaker-friendly, punch-drenched and near flawless 1st round, DNA’s prolific use of gun bars would come back to haunt him in this 3-rounder as Pat Stay would use a witty, raucous at times and anecdotal-lit 2nd to go along with a hard-hitting, personal and punchline-crazy 3rd to complete a comeback for the win. Ironically, DNA would get off to a fierce start in the deciding 3rd round, but instead of continuing with more gripping personals on his opponent, his choice to resort back to a boatload of steady gun lines and other redundant street missives would assist in his loss.

Verdict: Pat Stay (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Pat Stay – “Battle rap is all you watch, battle rappers is all you hang with, bunch of law-abiding citizens with violent imaginations!”

Biz Barker defeats DNA

Recap: With a future PG battle possibly on the line, rising Massachusetts emcee Biz Barker shines with a barrage of cantankerous bars and witty jokes on a solid, but also going-through-the-motions  DNA in this one-rounder from iGrind.

Verdict: Biz Barker (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Biz Barker “Go in ya pockets like ‘What else?’, that ain’t Gwitty in the background!”

KG The Poet defeats DNA

Recap: Fire battle between KG The Poet and DNA that was almost a debatable, but upon closer inspection the edge here goes to KG, who took the first two rounds before faltering in the 3rd thanks in part to a couple of nice DNA rebuttals, name flips and (“Don’t try to fight me, you couldn’t Ice T if you knew the Art of Rap!”) punchlines. Rewinding back to the 1st and you saw both battlers going hard with spitfire bars and aggressive shiners. Still while DNA was a little more consistent, the predictability of a handful of his set-ups along with a couple of more acquiesce haymakers from The Poet, lost him the round. And while DNA sported some fiery (“I’m slick with the lines, I’ll be getting the .9, Yung Joc, the big nose will push his wig to the side!”) bars a fine basketball scheme in the 2nd, a couple of reaches within the frame and a slightly more versatile (“This NWX nigga in the land where nigga’s still bang NWA when they riding!”) turn from KG got him that round too and eventually the win.

Verdict: KG The Poet (W) 2-1

Favorite line: KG The Poet – “I’ll break this man, this nigga was a gangster from age 6 to 8 and got his tooth knocked out [mimics spitting out tooth]…change of plan!”

DNA defeats T-Dubb O

Recap: An overall more consistent DNA uses aggressively poignant (“You Cripping, we know your gang, get to lifting, your C’s will be catching fire…Hunger Games!”; “Plus nigga I’m the savage type, y’all thought this was over, wait, when this shit sing, it’ll Barry White [bury White]!”) punchlines and some nice name flips to survive an extra-ill (“I paid a bitch to set up him up, she wouldn’t even go through with it, she was gonna fuck till she seen that glass of water on his nightstand with that one tooth in it!”) first round from T-Dubb O and earn a come-from-behind win.

Verdict: DNA (W) 2-1

Favorite line: T-Dubb – “All bullshit aside, you look like an emoji nigga!”

DNA defeats Joey Gambello

Recap: Funny and nice with the wordplay at times as well as bountiful with the white man struggle bars, too much filler/lame bars prevents Joey Gambello from pulling off an upset on a widely (“Tell ya girl she gotta duck, ‘cuz I’ll bring the .4 in [foreign] first…Melania Trump!”) efficient DNA.

Verdict: DNA (W) 3-0

Favorite line: DNA – “You’ll find out what’s in store when I shut him down…HMV!”

DNA defeats Loso

Recap: I guess we can pardon DNA for suddenly getting so biblical on us, what with Th3 Saga also being a member of NWX. Still, another good match nonetheless for the battle rap vet giving yet another relative newcomer a shot in Bullpen Battle League’s Loso. First round sees DNA win pretty handily, dispensing a steady and scintillating flow filled with requisite gun bars and gritty (“If the cops come we must stash the can, Mister Pringle’s!”) punches that more than outshined a nice at times, but filler-drenched turn from Loso. With plenty of momentum gained from a stellar 1st round, it’s more of the same in the 2nd with DNA continuing to dish with hard-pressing (“The ratchet lovely, stunt double, you don’t want action from me!”) gun bars along with potent punches that more than hit their mark. And while Loso stepped it up to deliver a (“We only care that you cookie ‘cuz you around the shooter, you Aiesha Curry!”) very solid round mixed with comedic darts along with hitting (“When Gun Titles pressed you at that first battle, you was looking real fake man, now I know you good at improvising off the top, but how so quickly you came up with an escape plan?!”) personals, it still wasn’t enough to be beat DNA’s more steady heat. Catching a fade of religion and literally speaking to the aforementioned Saga on the phone halfway through the 3rd round, a shaky at times DNA still manages to pontificate and get off whatever point he was trying to make towards his opponent. Still, with a barrage of more hard (“Wanna know what we yawning for? because every battle you pull out a new gun, but that’s not what we meant when we said go back to the drawing board!”) personals and some excellent wordplay, Loso easily salvages the last round and avoids the 3-0.

Verdict: DNA (W) 2-1

Favorite line: DNA – “Mad noise when shooting, ask Mase, you couldn’t pass the King Los at a Bad Boy reunion!”

DNA defeats Rad B

Recap: After literally (“New hammer, and I’m hoping there’s bucks in it like Christmas cards!”) spazzing on relative newcomer Rad B in round 1, DNA pretty much takes the 2nd round off while allowing his opponent to get turned up, dish some nice (“Head shot, like convo’s with old heads, it’ll pick ya mind!”) gun bars and even things up out. 3rd round is close as Rad’s pointed (“How the fuck is Eric gonna pass it down if it ain’t in his jeans [genes]?!”) personals and wordplay not only continue to excite, but makes up for a lot of pedestrian bars that made you wonder how he got a battle versus a vet like DNA in the first place. Still, a top of the round rebuttal, crazy (“If he don’t jet, I’m gonna give this G 5, unless something Tiny ring…T.I.!”) punchlines and a couple of sizzling personals/freestyles towards the finish allows to DNA to edge it.

Verdict: DNA (W) 2-1

Favorite line: DNA – “I’m about this, he’ll be dead soon as the pound spit, treat him just like his T-shirt, your nigga’s dying soon as that sound click!”

DNA and Don Dolla [DEBATABLE]

Recap: Is there a league left out there that DNA hasn’t battled on? That being said, in the grimy halls of The Trap, DNA and Dolla put on a dope show, each with a barrage of hot gun lines and competitive bars that kept it close throughout. And while DNA sported more shrewd name flips, Dolla’s rambunctious punches equaled the effort. So all said, give (“Then last nigga’s you battled couldn’t get their raps off proper, Harriet Tubman, I’m a be the first to Black on Dolla [dollar]!”) DNA the 1st round, with a debatable 2nd before Dolla clearly took the 3rd.

Verdict: TIE

Favorite line: Dolla – “You, like a chick that hold her nigga down through a 10-year bid [How’s that?]….you a real bitch!”

Chef Trez defeats DNA

Recap: One wouldn’t expect anything less than a dope battle between DNA dn Chef Trez and you definitely got your money’s worth here. And what with Trez using a crazy rebuttal and (“I’m going Above the Rim, but I forget bro stupid, I’m nut so [Nutso], so if I clap a square, the 5th go through him”; “Please have a mind of your own, let’s say DNA slap me, I’ll put the .9 to ya dome, a slap withh get you 3 rounds, that’s Shine and Charron!”) spine-tickling bars to dominate the 2nd round (thanks in part to a shortened, but still solid turn by DNA) and DNA easily (“There’s panic when I’m gripping the .4, if it’s about money I’ll have this cat over the bread, that’s a Dominican store!”; “You been sucking dick to get every battle you got, with no pride, so it’s crazy how John John took Bloe job!”) taking the 3rd with crazy punchlines, this one comes down to the 1st. Which I got Trez winning what with better consistency in terms of the quality of his bars and more diversified lines as well, over what was an times (“With these two trey’s I’m shooting, when I bring Chef closer to you God [U-God], that’s a Wu-Tang reunion!”) superb, but mostly underwhelming turn from DNA.

Verdict: Chef Trez (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Chef Trez – “But what your hat say?, ‘PG Killer’, that’s what they call you in these mean streets?, nigga that’s equivalent to being the best player…in the D League!”