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Recap: First, props to the dude in the middle on stage with the shades on, showing absolutely no emotion throughout–if anyone out there’s looking for a human statue they need to look no further. Secondly, retired from battle rap for like 4 years now, I’d imagine that the URL misses Oun-P’s heavy aggression, BX flow and lyrical stylings. Lastly, this battle, the first for both Oun P and DNA on Smack, while decent at times, didn’t really deliver what you’d expect as DNA wasn’t consistent and came with a lame 3rd round, while some of Oun P’s bars didn’t match his aggression and he seemingly choked in the 1st. With the battle pretty much coming down to the 2nd, tho it was kind of raw I had no problem with DNA’s backwards Mook scheme (which would undoubtedly spark some copycats) and most of his personals were on point. On the other hand while a lot of his bars didn’t get the crowd reaction they deserved, Oun-P still executed his lines well and more than delivered on the performance tip. All told you could call this one even.

Verdict: TIE

Favorite line: Oun P – “He do got a chick, see, and she broke it all down, ’bout how his pipe game is like Grind Time, nothing but short rounds”

Rich Dolarz defeats DNA


Synopsis: When it comes to aggressive bars I don’t know if anyone beats Rich Dolarz. Of course, the problem for Rich isn’t wordplay or performance, but whether or not he can go 3 rounds without choking. That said, this battle with a not-quite-yet-at-his peak DNA was a solid show from a couple of east coast battle rappers in their own, grimy backyard on Grain Time. I thought Rich easily took round 1, while DNA landed batter jabs (“not even the president wanted dolarz, that’s why he wanted to make change”) in the second. However, Rich’s third, which featured a crazy nice A-to-Z scheme and some solid personals, gave him the edge in my book.

Verdict: Rich Dolarz (W) 2-1

Best line: Rich Dolarz – “he gay, not joyful happy, he gay, boys and ass cheeks”

DNA defeats P-Nut

Recap: Yet another Grind Time battle that sees DNA get screwed. I had it 3-0 for DNA in regulation what with DNA going heavy with the wordplay, (“We carry toasters that’ll make ya jump around, since your name’s a peanut [P-Nut] I’mma end your career it started, underground”) bars  and punchlines, while for the most part P-Nut came with basic rhymes while yelling but not saying much (until round 3 at least). Good thing DNA had enough nice name flips and punches to take the OT too.

Verdict: DNA (W) OT

Favorite line:  DNA – “You on Level 3?, this man’s higher, I’ll have nothing but bullets hitting your tee P [teepee] as soon as my camp fire”

DNA defeats Rone

Recap: What with any excuse to do an OT being the Grind Time way, DNA knows that he can’t rely on hot bars and (“If it’s beef then my dudes gonna spark, just cuz’ you look like Mr. Boston don’t mean you gonna win New York’s heart”) punchlines to guarantee a win over Rone. Good thing he has the presence of mind to strap himself with a bomb and threaten to blow the place up if he doesn’t get his just due….smh, the things they make you do sometimes.

Verdict: DNA (W) 3-0

Favorite line: DNA – “And we all know you not the hottest with spitting, because if dad knew you was Grind Time he wouldn’t pay for your college tuition!”

DNA defeats Loe Pesci

Recap: One of the rare times when I actually agree that a battle should’ve went to OT as DNA solely using a short alphabet scheme in round 3 was kind of lazy to me (tho it was nicely done). Still, while Pesci had a couple of nice (“You got a record? What’s that shit in the Giuness book about yo? you the only cat on earth that can whistle with is mouth closed?”) lines in the extra round they definitely weren’t haymakers, then too DNA’s OT round provided more spark (“His girl’s pussy’s like Drake, the Best I Ever Had”), consistency and variety to edge it.

Verdict: DNA (W) OT

Favorite line: DNA – “The extra hands they’ll stuffed in a bag, while you getting this Caesar the knife will him one and a half”

DNA defeats Lil Farnum

Recap: One proposed rule for judged battles: don’t use battle rappers, use random experts outside the ring instead. Yeah, obviously having been in the ring themselves, battle rappers can bring a high level amount of expertise to determining a winner. But as Okwerdz (who amazingly enough already had Lil Farnum edging each of the first 3 rounds) shows here, battle rappers also, even if unintended, bring their own share of biases/style preferences as there’s no way in hell Okwerdz can say that DNA didn’t bring personals to his OT round when just playing the tape shows he did. Either way, in yet another Grind Time battle that shouldn’t have been brought to OT in the first place (I got a more versatile DNA winning 2-1 before the OT), it’s still a more witty, personal and less predictable DNA who got robbed.

Verdict: DNA (3-1) w/ OT

Favorite line: DNA – “Your mom’s caught my dick in CPU, it’s always where your mother board!”

DNA defeats AKA

Recap: Some nice punchlines and rebuttals by AKA throughout this match, but a more consistent and punch/scheme-heavy DNA takes this Grind Time battle that yet again had no business going to OT.

Verdict: DNA (W) 3-1 w/ OT

Favorite line: DNA – “His job told him Take Five, this dickhead went and played the Lotto!”

DNA defeats Prophit

Synopsis: A teenage DNA comes off a little bit raw and unpolished, but still spits enough shiners to land an easy win over Prophit as he makes his debut appearance on Grind Time.

Verdict: DNA (W) 3-0

Favorite line: DNA – “This nigga pussy, he wouldn’t grill cheese”

Amzilla defeats DNA

Part 2/OT

Synopsis: Intriguing to say the least as one gets to see this Grind Time Tryouts battle featuring an early DNA (along with some of your other favorite battle rappers) looking to get on and build his resume. Good battle and since I agree with Cortez on what defines Overtime rules, it gives me no problem going with Amzilla on the win since he spit the hottest line (“I’ll hit you with an uppercut [looks up] DNA done got stuck on the ceiling”) in the extra round.

Verdict: Amzilla (W) OT

Favorite line: Amzilla – “I heard they call you DNA because you couldn’t spell chromosome”