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DNA defeats Dre Dennis

Recap: From GOTG, a pretty good and equally competitive 1-rounder here between DNA and Dre Dennis with plenty of roundhouse punchlines, witty/righteous personals, lofty name flips and mayhem-lit gun and yes knife lines. Nonetheless, via spicier wordplay as well as a plethora of gritty bars that overall were slightly more haymaker-lit, it’s DNA who ends up edging this one.

Verdict: DNA (W) 1-0

Favorite line: DNA – “Fucking with me was the wrong option, I don’t care how he may feel, this ain’t gonna be a happy ending, DeShawn Watson!”

Charlie Clips and Dre Dennis [DEBATABLE]

Recap: In this 1-rounder from Gates of the Garden, Harlem Vet Clarlie Clips is helped by some solid freestyles towards the end of his round that coupled with a gang of fiery schemes, spicy wordplay/personals and wicked/witty punches kept him competitive. That performance by Clips allows him to stave off opponent Dre Dennis’ boatload of mayhem-lit gun bars, eerie (“See the pussy in his eyes when I grip the pistol, I’ll put the fear of God on you like Just Essentials!”) set-up/punchlines and flippant name flips/personals (the latter of which took advantage of themes concerning Clips taht we’ve long heard and seen) and earn a tie.

Verdict: TIE

Favorite line: Charlie Clips – “You’re not a fucking star, we don’t listen to your bar, you lost all this fucking weight so you could sit inside a car!”

Dre Dennis defeats Reed Dollaz

Recap: From Gates of the Garden, funny how Reed Dollaz predicted Dre Dennis would rap for like 10 minutes (actually, it was more 8 but who’s counting?) in this 1-rounder. That said, it’s all Dre here as after the ever-gritty and condensed Reed got off to a hot start, but slowed down considerably with a couple of slip-ups and subpar bars, Dre’s spitfire barrage of gutsy name flips, animated gun bars and flexing punchlines would be more than enough to gain the win.

Verdict: Dre Dennis (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Dre Dennis – “You was popping way before, thought you was sick all them years like Magic Johnson, now we can’t even tell if you got it anymore!”

Rum Nitty defeats Dre Dennis

Recap: In this 1-rounder from Capital Battle Grounds, Dre Dennis kills it with a dope flip on his opponent’s infamous ‘M.O.P. your ante up’ line, but with one too many reaches and not nearly enough haymakers, the mostly gun bar slinging Gates of the Garden co-owner just couldn’t keep up with Rum Nitty’s much richer combo of stylistic gun bars, fiery punchlines, piercing personals and stinging wordplay.

Verdict: Rum Nitty (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Rum Nitty – “One shot, he know he not gonna make it, it’s a Hack-a-Shaq!”

Dre Dennis defeats O-Red

Recap: Efficient enough with the gory punches, borrowed tropes and sizzling gun bars that he probably had this 1-round GOTG matchup vs. O-Red in the bag around the 10 or 11 minute mark, an elongated (he did rap twice as long as his opponent) Dre Dennis, with the help of some spicy name flips and hitting personals, keeps it steady enough throughout to gain the win over an O-Red who while gruff and sometimes blazing with the wordplay and punchlines, just ended up getting beat by a fellow Jerseyian who wanted it a little more than he did.

Verdict: Dre Dennis (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Dre Dennis – “You gonna die laying, in a hospital, ya mom praying, when thay say the nigga in the ER, it sound racist!”

DNA defeats Dre Dennis

Recap: Was there any promo for this one? If so, I must’ve missed it. Either way, despite a solid, gun-bar lit and punch-heavy at times effort from Dre Dennis, a bit of a struggle with his flow as well as one too many reaches and subpar bars from the Loud Boys capo to along with a more versatile and steady DNA unleashing a barrage of stifling set-ups/punchlines, fiery wordplay/schemes, pouty gun lines, boastful barbs and hard-hitting personals, gives the Queens, NY vet the win in this 1-rounder from The Rap Committee.

Verdict: DNA (W) 1-0

Favorite line: DNA – “Dennis you know not to play with DNA…Jurassic Park!”

Bill Collector defeats Dre Dennis (Rematch)

Recap: A rematch of their highly entertaining Verbal War Zone battle from 2019, Bill Collector and Dre Dennis bring the wit, praiseworthy punches and other accolades to this 3-round ‘The Nicest’ Compliment Battle. Noteworthy too for the two being a part of the same ‘Loud Boys’ clique as well as a well-crafted together 3rd round that showed off their symmetry, a close battle what with a debatable 2nd and 3rd round is edged overall by the slightly more punch-lit Bill in the 1st.

Verdict: Bill Collector (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Bill Collector – “My homie tough, he got the underground battle game in a cobra clutch, teach a new player to the game how to soldier up, giving them a platform to battle they favorite and show they stuff, bro even Tay Roc would be amazed at all teh doors you opened up!”

40 B.A.R.R.S. defeats Dre Dennis

Recap: Could just be me, but sometimes I think 40 B.A.R.R.S. purpsoefuly steps up her pen game when she’s a facing a dude as opposed to a female. Either way, in this 1-rounder from Gates of the Garden, when the Boston wordsmith wasn’t scoring with a barrage of stifling personals on opponent Dre Dennis, it’s a boatload of stellar punches mixed in with plenty of nifty wordplay and bruising metaphors that gets her more than enough haymakers on her way to a well-earned win over what was a mostly dope, heavy on the personals and versatile showing from Dre.

Verdict: 40 B.A.R.R.S. (W) 1-0

Favorite line: 40 B.A.R.R.S. – “You don’t have a tear because your career is an autobiography, you gotta book yourself!”

Cortez defeats Dre Dennis

Recap: Gotta admit to kinda missing Cortez’s old ‘top tier money’ outro. That said, in this 1-rounder from GOTG, Cort’s rapid blasts of mayhem, nuanced heat and more rigid punches/personals work to enough effect to beat back a pretty solid overall, but too often-reaching turn from Dre Dennis.

Verdict: Cortez (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Cortez – “You stand still or the steel drawn, this arm? it lift a pole, I’m just showing him real form!”

Geechi Gotti defeats Dre Dennis

Recap: I’m guessing that Geechi Gotti’s gets a lot of win’s from fans of battle rap due to the ‘believability’ factor. That is, when he talks that real street shit and gripping gang talk, never once do you think it’s on some make-believe shit ‘cuz he carries himself like he lives it (and well, I’m sure it doesn’t hurt that Gotti’s also a notorious Compton Crip). Still, too busy in these parts to find out who really does what outside of battle rap, from the moment the coin hits the floor, it’s all about bars and execution here. And that said, in this Gates of the Garden 1-rounder, while Dre Dennis kicked his usual assortment of spirited gun bars, hitting personals (tho nothing too out there, esp. when to comes to Gotti ‘tree’ jokes) and raucous punchlines that almost always makes him competitive in battles, a turned-up Gotti would take out his opponent’s soul, using a gang of extra-hard hitting personals bent towards exposing Dre’s alleged league dealings as well as the difference in each battler’s rap stature. Add to that a couple of spicy rebuttals in addition to some gritty punchlines/name flips and it’s the more haymaker-lit Gotti who gets the win here.

Verdict: Geechi Gotti (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Geechi Gotti – “Them nigga’s gonna be paying for hsi vacatiosn all fucking summer, that’s what happens when you got a league owner with over a hundred-something battles, but he still an up-n-comer!”

Danny Myers defeats Dre Dennis

Recap: Two of the most prolific battle rappers in the game, Danny Myers and Dre Dennis, meet up on GOTG and outside of clear win in the 3rd round or Dre (where he used a stellar angle dripped in spitfire personals that easily beat what was a throwaway/complimentary turn by Danny), this one was extremely close. Indeed, while in both of the opening rounds Dennis excelled at dishing hardbody set-ups with spicy punches, it’s the slightly more storytelling/punch-lit, witty and condensed Myers who edges both turns for the win.

Verdict: Danny Myers (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Danny Myers – “Hey, I was about to battle this nigga right outside, but Dre got to him first!”

Shotgun Suge defeats Dre Dennis

Recap: Dre Dennis vs. Shotgun Suge for 1-round on GOTG ends up being a goodie rife with plenty of piercing punchlines and relentless mayhem. However, while he was able to hit with a variety of hardbody and even witty lines, an elongated turn, some pedestrian bars and a couple of reaches here and there by Dre allows the more condensed and slightly more steadily hitting Suge to edge it in the end.

Verdict: Shotgun Suge (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Shotgun Suge – “You say shit but never hit like a friend zone!”

Dre Dennis defeats Quantum Physics

Recap: The most prolific battle rapper in the game, Dre Dennis, makes a return to URL on a Survivor Series card, and drops a hammer on Quantum Physics. The Gates of the Garden co-founder using a barrage of hard-hitting personals, stifling name flips, fiery gun bars and some fierce wordplay/punchlines to handily take the first couple of rounds before the SONS vet, inconsistent with the punches in the earlier rounds, puts it all together in the 3rd with a steady gang of sublime jabs to edge a righteous and heavy-handed turn by Dre and salvage the closing round of this App exclusive.

Verdict: Dre Dennis (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Dre Dennis – “Them long schemes got us kinda lost nigga, 8-second violation…you need to get your point across quicker!”

Dre Dennis and Shooney Da Rapper [DEBATABLE]

Recap: From a Bloody Scene card, both (“Real nigga’s don’t get Loud Dre, they get money!”) Shooney Da Rapper and Dre Dennis bring the mayhem, get extra spicy with the personals and fiery with punches in this 1-rounder. But some pedestrian bars from Dre and a lack of a clean round from Shooney makes this one a draw.

Verdict: Debatable

Favorite line: Dre Dennis – “The blade left blood all over Shoo [shoe]…Lil Nas X!”

Piranha defeats Dre Dennis

Recap: Damn, Dre Dennis has 160 battles. Someone should call Guinness because it takes a special kind of talent to have that many battles. Add that he never chokes and gives a solid performances each and every single time out and it’s no wonder Dre dumped his teaching job to battle full-time. However, despite a dope (tho a little inconsistent), gritty, name flip/gun bar-spazzing and hard-hitting effort from Dre here in this URL Survivor Series Onyx matchup, sometimes it’s not about the other guy being better, it’s about him being hungrier. And that’s Piranha here, the Detroit battler taking every shot Dre could give him and retaliating with a gang of hardbody, real street shit, stinging personals, righteous gun lines, piercing punchlines and rigid wordplay that with a flexing amount of consistency, edged him each round for a well-earned 30.

Verdict: Piranha (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Piranha – “Dre, you got a 3-letter name, putting it on a bullet shouldn’t be an issue!”

Dre Dennis defeats Funeral F.A.M.E.

Recap: Usually reliant on a huge supply of fierce gun bars, Dre Dennis changes it up a bit with a boatload of boastful barbs, extra witty personals and some stifling punchlines/name flips that when added to the customary assortment of heat, makes for an easy go in beating back a mostly mediocre Funeral F.A.M.E. in this 1-rounder from IBattleTV.

Verdict: Dre Dennis (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Dre Dennis – “Nigga’s know you as the short nigga with Ace, Twork and Drugz…yunno, ‘What’s His Name’!”

A. Ward defeats Dre Dennis

Recap: For as many resounding gun bars and pure, utter mayhem Dre Dennis can toss at you on any given night, the execution doesn’t matter much when you know how often you’re going to get lit up and tattered to shreds. Still, a pretty solid showing by Dennis gets edged by A. Ward, who’s combination of mocking personals, hitting punchlines, witty barbs, rich storytelling and Christian-tinged darts were not only well-executed, but showed off a slightly more versatile pen to gain the edge here in this highly competitive 1-rounder from GOTG.

Verdict: A. Ward (W) 1-0

Favorite line: A. Ward – “If I smoke you it’s ‘My bad Ward, the editing is taking some time’, if you smoke me, A. Ward versus Dre Dennis dropping later tonight!”

Jey The Nitewing defeats Dre Dennis

Recap: There’s levels to this shit, man. Hence, Jey The Nitewing’s casual, yet elaborate wordplay and steely personals beating the breaks off of Dre Dennis usual assortment of fiery gun bars and formulaic punches in this Quarantine 1-rounder from Gates of the Garden.

Verdict: Jey The Nitewing (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Jey The Nitewing – “Boy. show respect, Dre Dennis, stuck at the main entrance!”

Ave defeats Dre Dennis

Recap: Delivering as much as a talking too as he was piercing punchlines/personals throughout the battle, a more condensed (and blase) Ave spouts enough versatility with his bars as well as steadier heat with his lines to take the first two rounds and beat back a pretty solid throughout and gun-heavy, but too one-dimensional Dre Dennis in this 3-rounder from Gates of the Garden.

Verdict: Ave (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Ave – “We not the same, you think I came to spit you my best?, y’all expect a classic Jersey….try Mitchell & Ness!”

Jakkboy Maine defeats Dre Dennis

Recap: He should have stopped after that spitfire ‘Fe Fi Fo Fum’ line. In yet another case of a battle rapper doing too much, Dre Dennis (already slighted by a Jakkboy Maine imitation that while entertaining, didn’t score any points in the original category) is still ahead in this 1-rounder 75% of the way thanks to a gang of salacious gun bars, fierce punchlines and a fire, mid-round rebuttal. But just as he has the battle practically won, Dre’s penchant for elongation comes back to bite him as the last quarter of his turn sees him dish mostly solid, but redundant heat that essentially cost him the battle. Oh yeah, that and a consistent, punch-efficient, sound-effects-a-blazing, scheme-potent, performance-stunting and back in his bag Jakkboy Maine.

Verdict: Jakkboy Maine (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Jakkboy Maine – “My mind got a little shady ‘cuz I drew the .80 and forgot about Dre!”

Dre Dennis defeats O-Solo

Recap: Proving his resiliency even against the likes of an O Solo, Dre Dennis uses a fleet of stifling punchlines, rigid name flips and potent gun lines to make mince meat of the witty, unpredictable Jersey stalwart (who outside a pretty solid 2nd round, didn’t have much in the tank) in this 3-rounder from The Trap NY.

Verdict: Dre Dennis (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Dre Dennis – “Ain’t spraying the full clip when I snap at your set, long message from Android to iPhone, you’ll get half of the Tek [texts]!”

Dre Dennis defeats Mike P

Recap: A battle that’s actually a lot closer then what the consensus said it was before the video dropped, Dre Dennis, after getting edged in the 1st round despite a punch-heavy and real-life stirring turn that was also a bit flow-challenged, comes back with a consistently spitfire, versatile and haymaker-drenched 2nd to even things against the always loud, aggressive, scheme-heavy and (“Pal stop, you cheaper than an Outback steak, check the tracklist, white boys always out rap Dre!”) punchlines/wordplay/personally lit stylings of Mike P. A competitive battle throughout with plenty of racial banter mixed in liven things up, the deciding 3rd round would tell a different story as a solid and punch-worthy, but much less potent turn by Mike would easily be overwhelmed by another startling, hard-hitting, gun-spazzing, witty (“Dump the heat, hard to control like that piss in the morning!”) at times and ultimately fierce turn by Dre.

Verdict: Dre Dennis (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Dre Dennis – “Got my man’s with me, drama rapidly, we both ’bout to snap ‘cuz we don’t know how to act…LaLa Anthony!”

Dre Dennis defeats Mr. Mills

Recap: As usual, another solid effort from Gary Indiana’s Mr. Mills, whose rambunctious (“Y’all thought I was gonna lose, wait [weight], y’all just be saying shit for cheap thrills, till I wound him and ask him are you gonna die yet?, then give him another Sub for trying to cheat Mills [meals]!”) wordplay/schemes and raucous gun bars were enough, here against Dre Dennis, to even things up after a 2nd round he needed upon surviving a superbly spitfire turn from Dre in the 1st. But with Mills delivering a shortened, but still sound turn in the deciding 3rd, after a somewhat subdued (for him) 2nd, Dennis turns it up again with a nice combo of righteous (“Extended clip, I just need 30 for Mills, I’m on my lunch break!”) gun bars, steely name flips and a host of potent punches/personals to easily get the win.

Verdict: Dre Dennis (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Dre Dennis – “Spine shot, running in back of Mills [meals] like nutritional facts!”

Dre Dennis defeats Brixx Belvy

Recap: Solid 1-rounder between Brixx Belvy and Dre Dennis features some nifty punchlines and fierce braggadocio lines from the former. But a way more consistent Dre Dennis, hitting left and right with righteous gun lines, some lofty wordplay/punches and steely name flips, ends up taking this one easy.

Verdict: Dre Dennis (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Dre Dennis – “Nigga’s surprised, ain’t expect me to lift up the hammer…Captain America!”

Eazy The Block Captain defeats Dre Dennis

Recap: While an otherwise leisurely Verbal War Zone Battle on the Beats bout between Der Dennis and Eazy The Block Capatin gets highlighted by Eazy tagging-in a female emcee to drop some crazy bars in round 3, the more condensed, gritty, punch/personal-lit and slight;y less flow-challenged Block Captain’s manages to edge the first couple of rounds for the win.

Verdict: Eazy The Block Captain )W) 2-1

Favorite line: Eazy The Block Captain – “You skinny now, you’ll fit up in my trunk boy!”

Dre Dennis defeats C3

Recap: Gates of the Garden 1-rounder between C3 and Dre Dennis sees the former spit a solid round littered with a few nice rebuttals, sanguine verbal gymnastics and gritty mayhem. But one too many pedestrian bars from C3 along with a more versatile and entertaining Dre Dennis, who seemed to score at every opportunity, especially when it came to fire/witty personals, heated punchlines, lofty gun lines and potent name flips/set-ups, puts another dub in the Loud Boys column.

Verdict: Dre Dennis (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Dre Dennis – “Ruger airing, shoot a parent, emergency pops last, put mama down firsr like Emergency contact!”

Dre Dennis defeats Cashis Clay

Recap: Solid 1-rounder from We Go Hard features some witty personals and other noteworthy schemes from Cashis Clay. But setting the stage from jump with some fiery name flips, Dre Dennis’ continuous barrage of rigged gun bars, potent personals and more verbal heat directed at his opponent’s moniker prove to be more than enough to get the win.

Verdict: Dre Dennis (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Dre Dennis – “This fanboy bitching, I’m a bash boy wigging, take the battery out you like my Android tripping!”

Dre Dennis defeats E-Ness

Recap: Solid effort by both Dre Dennis and E-Ness here with the latter dishing his usual assortment of performance-heavy disses and rants, while the former’s noted love for salacious gun bars are well displayed. However, even with an equal effort (along with plenty of gassing and pedestrian bars) from both sides, a more verbally potent and versatile overall Dre gets the edge.

Verdict: Dre Dennis (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Dre Dennis – “And the sponsors paid you scraps, a couple of hundred, you the worst bum, went from Making the Band to not even worth one!”

Dre Dennis and Bill Collector [DEBATABLE]

Recap: Dope altogether and super entertaining Verbal War Zone between Bill Collector and Dre Dennis really has no winner as after splitting the first two rounds, BC’s now classic, original, personal and wild (“Put the salads and the soups aside/Supersize on the Supersize!”) funny 3rd (‘We Loved You Better As A Fat Nigger’) round still doesn’t beat what was a pretty gritty, punch-heavy and hard turn from Dre Dennis. And while overall it’s BC who rode the beats better, bar-wise the edge goes to Dre Dennis, again making this battle only a close match with huge replay value, but a debatable one too.

Verdict: TIE

Favorite line: Dre Dennis – “Aim at him while he with his homies laughing, D. Rose, straight-face, make a shot with no reaction!”

Dre Dennis defeats D Mars

Recap: In this 1-rounder versus the prolific Dre Dennis, a versatile D Mars makes a solid effort with steady aggression, wit and gritty punchlines. But one too many pedestrian freestyles/bars, an unnecessary tag-in and an opponent showcasing an ability to flex with his punches with or without the added heat, a haymaker-spazzing Dre just proves to be too much in the end.

Verdict: Dre Dennis (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Dre Dennis – “I want your jewelry too bitch, or the Ruger will be ruthless, make this Chi bitch give it up like ‘I don’t usually do this!'”

Dre Dennis defeats JR

Recap: Even if he was a little offended by all the subpar bars his opponent was kicking, one would think Dre Dennis would be flattered by JR’s clear appreciation for getting the opportunity to battle him. That said, a 1-rounder with almost all pedestrian bars and a choke on one end along with a Dre Dennis on top of his game via a series of salacious punchlines and potent gun bars? Bodybag.

Verdict: Dre Dennis (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Dre Dennis – “Spray his nigga’s till his clip will disperse, everybody got texts [Tek’s] at the same time…Presidential Alert!”

Dre Dennis defeats Prophelinni

Recap: When it comes to his bars, Iowa battle rapper Prophelinni might want to go more the witty route in the future as he seemed to be at his best here when he was unintentionally trying to be funny, as opposed to dishing mostly pedestrian bars on residual mayhem. Speaking of which, for Dre Dennis, the usual assortment of stinging gun bars and searing punchlines work for their consistent robustness, tho Dre also wins here thanks, in part, to a fire freestyle towards the end of his round.

Verdict: Dre Dennis (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Dre Dennis – “You got the mad face, you a-ight nigger?, lighten up, you should learn how laugh, Kawhi Leonard!”

Real Sikh defeats Dre Dennis

Recap: Better here when dishing hardbody personals and witty barbs (ironically, so was his opponent) instead of punches that were hit-n-miss, Jersey up-n-comer Real Sikh uses a near flawless 2nd round to even things up before delivering more haymakers in the deciding 3rd to score a mild upset over a solid, but too-gun-bar-reliant Dre Dennis in this 3-rounder from EBC.

Verdict: Real Sikh (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Real Sikh – “Boy I’ll snuff your soul out…then square up with your spirit!”

Dre Dennis defeats Don Marino

Recap: Spitfire battle on both sides as Dre Dennis and Don Marino drop a load of versatile, performance-sparked punchlines to make for a close and competitive 1-rounder. However, it’s Dennis with slightly less dry spots as well as a capacity for more haymakers, that gets the edge here.

Verdict: Dre Dennis (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Dre Dennis – “I believe in the ratchet, like I support her dreams!”

G Lowe defeats Dre Dennis

Recap: Hindsight is 20/20, but damn if Dre Dennis had chosen to spread out some of those hard-hitting and witty personals he used in the 3rd earlier in this battle against G Lowe. Because that could’ve been the difference here in what turned out to be a pretty competitive and close match after a one-sided 1st round. Instead, by relying too heavily on his standard usage of gun bars (which were hit-n-miss here) and hurt by a few reaches in both the 1st and 2nd rounds, even while getting back on his grind in the latter half of the middle round, it was too late for Dre, esp. when it came to going up against G Lowe’s consistently combative, but also exquisite punch game in the early rounds. The ‘Gun Bars n Glasses’ rapper, after putting together a sublime 1st round, coming back with another dope turn in the 2nd that featured a variety of piercing personals, cocky heat and flexing punches to gain the win, before Dre’s personal-driven comeuppance in the 3rd allowed him to avoid getting 30’d.

Verdict: G Lowe (W) 2-1  

Favorite line: G Lowe – “It’s one button on the stick…I brought Atari back!”

Chef Trez defeats Dre Dennis [REMATCH]

Recap: These two met before, in a Smack/URL matchup a few years ago that Trex won pretty handily. This time around? It’s Chef again, tho a little closer than last time as Dre Dennis scored well with some elite gun bars. But as Trex has shown time and time again, not only can he do dope gun lines, but he can mix it up too with fiery punchlines, fire performance bars and when it comes to personals, some timely wit. That versatility and a more condensed turn, allows Chef to go up 2-0 in this rivalry.

Verdict: Chef Trez (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Chef Trez – “Let him act hood, he’ll get tossed behind the venue, but it’s supposed to be Loud in the back wood!”

Dre Dennis defeats Rush Tyg

Recap: Funny how much you can tell from a battle rapper by just listening to his flow. That’s especially the case here when taking in Rush Tyg’s bars, which for the most part are hardcore, but also lacking intricacy, that is when he’s not being unintentionally funny. Not that spending significant time locked up can’t make you a dope battle rapper (Snake Eyez is proof of that), but the unsportsmanlike veil threats in the battle, half mask on face and an unnecessary pocket check, kind of show that Rush may not quite be ready to be a professional at his craft. That said, this one-rounder was pretty much all Dre Dennis, scoring left and right with fiery punchlines, buoyant gun bars and rigid name flips throughout his turn, no matter what Rush came with, he wouldn’t have stood much of a chance.

Verdict: Dre Dennis (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Dre Dennis – “I dropped a 100 pounds, but I pick one up quicker!”

Dre Dennis defeats Swift Millie

Recap: Even with a load of filler thrown on, Dre Dennis drops enough righteous gun bars along with an able amount of haymakers to take this one-rounder and edge a solid with the punches, but stay away from the personals, Swift Millie.

Verdict: Dre Dennis (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Dre Dennis – “Arms clap if he whip it, car crash and he dent it, I was bodying [body in a] a Freeway, they thought Cassidy did it!”

D.O.T. defeats Dre Dennis

Recap: Dope battle between D.O.T. and Dre Dennis on the TrapNY stage is only set back by a couple of elongated rounds by Dennis, one of which (rd. 2) he dished enough fire (“The tool spit, stoop kid, you ain’t trying to leave the steps, you never suited up…that’s the Iverson effect!”) gun bars and haymakers to edge, but another of which, round 3, he didn’t quite so much. That faux pas’ in the 3rd and deciding round would prove to be fatal for Dre as a solid and consistent from the beginning D.O.T.’s resolve for salacious performance bars combined with some nifty (“Adam and Eve, bullets like a forbidden fruit, how you like them apples?!”) wordplay, verbal twisting and witty punches with little on the reaching side ends up being the difference here.

Verdict: D.O.T. (W) 2-1

Favorite line: D.O.T. – “He won’t hear the Tek’s [texts] like a thot’s favorite excuse….it was on vibrate!”

Dex defeats Dre Dennis

Recap: Overall, an equal amount of performance, heated punches, charismatic name flips and sizzling personals from both battlers makes for a close and pretty dope matchup between the visiting Dre Dennis and the hometown fave Dex. That said, give Dex, who despite taking a little longer to get in his bag, but was a bit more condensed with his round and steadier with his flow despite a predictably biased crowd, the win by a nose.

Verdict: Dex (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Dex – “‘Cuz you gonna what to who?, nigga that shit don’t even compute, Hold, Control-S, nigga save that shit!”

Dre Dennis defeats Ish Mula

Recap: When you’re able to battle 30 times in one year as Dre Dennis attests to here, you must be doing something right. Thus, even before Prep tagged himself in for some ill tag-team theatrics at the end, with pointed gun lines, stirring name flips and some hardbody workplay, Dennis puts in enough work to beat a nice, but none-too-spectacular Ish Mula.

Verdict: Dre Dennis (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Dre Dennis – “You don’t make homies, you put fake bodies under sheets like kids sneaking out!”

Dre Dennis defeats Swagga Staccs

Recap: It’s a layup for Dre Dennis as his hardbody rhymes and vociferous punches easily take down the very average gun bars and schemes of Pittsburgh battler Swagga Staccs in this one-rounder from TrapNY..

Verdict: Dre Dennis (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Dre Dennis – “If you try to get up after I blaze gun’s nigga…[BOW!!!], now you’ll stay down like day one nigga’s!”

E. Farrell defeats Dre Dennis

Recap: After splitting the first couple of rounds with the prolific Dre Dennis, a less reaching and more condensed E. Farrell lands enough punches to edge the 3rd and get in the win in this 3-round battle from TrayNY.

Verdict: E. Farrell (W) 2-1

Favorite line:  E. Farrell -“Fuck a classic, class is now in session, ‘cuz you like Tom Hanks in Forrest Gump…playing stupid while you acting like a veteran!”

Dre Dennis defeats Times

Recap: Who doesn’t love an aggressive, hard-fought fight? That’s what happens here with Times and Dre Dennis on the KOTD stage, what with both spitting hardbody lines, frenetic gun bars and in the case of mostly Dennis, spirited name flips. That said, a couple of too-close-to-call rounds leaves this one decided in the first, where a more potent, wordplay-heavy and consistent with the mayhem, Dre Dennis won pretty handily.

Verdict: Dre Dennis (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Dre Dennis – “You try to jump me ‘cuz my goons ain’t with me?, nigga the tool ain’t friendly, I’ll be squeezing from the back like the toothpaste empty!”

Dre Dennis defeats Kaboom

Recap: Continuously painting wreck with his illicit guns bars, while also mixing in a bit of able wordplay and fiery name flips, Dre Dennis does more than enough to get past Kaboom’s less steady heat.

Verdict: Dre Dennis (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Dre Dennis – “Shot his bitch twice with the toast that I’m squeezing, spell it out ‘Boom, two O’s in ya BM!”

Dre Dennis defeats RI 28Grams

Recap: Maybe if RI 28Grams had stuck to what he seems to do best at: rich jokes/personals, he would’ve foregone the mostly pedestrian bars and stood a chance against the indistinguishable heat from Dre Dennis in this 3-round battle from Trap NY.

Verdict: Dre Dennis (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Dre Dennis -“I’m in a zone, I’m right with the chrome, the .9 to ya dome…oh yeah I’m treating Grams worse than retirement homes!”

QP (Qleen Paper) and Dre Dennis [Debatable]

Recap: In this 3-round matchup from Trap NY, it’s a showcase of typical insular, braggadocio, anti-social gun bars spouted by both (“Like when you’re done watching porn online…Qleen [clean] your history!”) Dre  Dennis and (“When I get the chrome, he Chilla Jones, all that scheming for nothing!”) Qleen Paper that keeps the drama interesting throughout the battle. However, after a more condensed and spitfire QP edges the 2nd round (after a debatable first) to take the lead going into the final round, his penchant for Earl visitations along a very resilient Dennis, combines for a draw at the end.

Verdict: TIE

Favorite line: Dre Dennis – “Your stock drop because you take gwap and you darting, dropping tiers because you fake son like ‘Sorry I lied to you Martin!’

Dre Dennis defeats Bonnie Godiva

Recap: Bonnie Godiva keeps her spark lit with an ill flow that’s matched by pretty solid bars, fierce (“Nigga, you choked, yelled ‘Jersey!’ and shouted out ‘Loud Boys’? then told Nick you’d get in his ass? pause, that ain’t allowed [loud] boy!”) personals/punchlines and a handful of jokes. But apparently motivated by his recent and notoriously bad Wild ‘N Out appearance, Dre Dennis’ more versatile round, complete with hardbody bars, lucid (“Child movie star, I love how the .12 acting!”) wordplay and some witty one-liners, are enough to get the win in this one-rounder from L County Ground Battle League.

Verdict: Dre Dennis (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Dre Dennis –  “When it come to battle rap bitches, you a 9 and that’s great shit, but in regular life you a 5…your rating change quick, you need work going from 9 to 5 like a day shift!”

Fonz defeats Dre Dennis

Recap: Going right at his opponent’s sometimes tired use of gun bars, but also scoring with a barrage of gritty punchlines, witty/bullish personals and piercing wordplay, an overall more versatile Fonz manages to deliver more heat in rounds 1 and 3 for the win here in this We Go Hard battle versus Dre Dennis (who had a gun-heavy and elongated, but superb 2nd round, if only he could scheme more with the artillery instead of relying so much on 4-bar set-ups).

Verdict: Fonz (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Fonz – “You want it Dre?, we could do it however you want to play, the gun will spray or I’ll slump you right now, leave him sleeping in front of a fan like a summer day!”

Dre Dennis and Spee Dolla [DEBATABLE]

Recap: Dre Dennis (“Like a little white lie, I been [bend] the truth”!) can rap often and forever, but elongated rounds can work against him as is the case where after splitting the first round with a just as solidly nice (“Flow illegal, plain [plane] outta here, Muslim people!”) Spee Dolla, Dennis easily takes the 2nd round with way more fiery (“It’s a wrap with a hand on my hip, like the old Tsu Surf!”) punchlines, hitting gun bars and a nice rebuttal at the intro. Going into the 3rd with the lead, it’s more of the same sizzling (“I’ll swing them arms back like George Jefferson walking!”) lines for Dre in the 3rd…except for him once again rapping too long and really lacking variety with the bars, which in turn waters down his consistency as his punches aren’t always hitting with the same impact. And that leaves Spee Dolla, while dishing fierce wordplay along with some nice (“Grab a street sweeper, barrel look like a Louisville, water Tommy gun, that clip could make a movie reel!”) performance bars in what was his best round despite a shorter turn than his opponent (with but with a higher bar quotient), with enough will and a little more variety to take the round and earn a debatable.

Verdict: TIE

Favorite line: Spee Dolla – “Different picture, you chumps will be slumped if I looked to hit ya, shortie riding, she fixing to rock it [rocket], he Hidden Figures!”

Dre Dennis defeats Mark D

Recap: In this one-rounder from AHAT Battle Rap League, a two-fold of heated gun bars and spirited name flips allows Dre Dennis to score an easy vic over a jokingly nice, but pretty basic otherwise Mark D.

Verdict: Dre Dennis (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Dre Dennis – “Your lines always fucked up like ya barber cheap!”

Dre Dennis defeats J Murda

Recap: A little sloppy with his flow at times, Dre Dennis still manages to get his shine on, using spitfire bombs and other urban (“Head shot, Murda and Prez in the whip, I’m thinking Kennedy!”) semantics to edge the forever (“I will slap the bitch out of you and add a new member to ya clique!”) spazzing (but not quite as nice in the 2nd half of his round as his first) J Murda in this one-rounder from The Trap NY.

Verdict: Dre Dennis (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Dre Dennis –  “Your name ain’t really on this card, bitch you straight McLovin, ain’t nobody coming to see you Otis, bitch I’m David Ruffin!”

Jai 400 Block defeats Dre Dennis

Recap: In some battles doing a little too much can end up hurting you in the long run. Case in point here in what overall was a terrific and close matchup between (“Have ratchets surrounding Dre like ‘How To Be A Playa!”) Jai 400 Block and Dre Dennis. Loaded with plenty of nice gun bars, ferocious (Jai: “So how you gonna act Dre?, when I push your melon in [melanin] like I’m promoting Hidden Colors 2!”) bully bars, sizzling (Jai: “Closed mouths don’t get fed, and by your weight I’d be lying if I said you don’t eat!”) wordplay, fresh schemes and rich (Dre: “He even tried to PG Step to get to Smack, but that ain’t work for you tho, little Jai tried to be I but got curbed on the low!”) personals from both battlers, this was a debatable battle going into the final round. And that’s where Dre Dennis, despite a round that spouted some fiery bars and a couple of (“This big bitch, be looking for Shotgun more than Trick Trick!”) haymakers, ended up losing the battle what with a couple of reaches, mediocre lines, unnecessarily PG-stepping and over-saturated gun bars that in comparison to a more short and succinct, but heavily (“You take battle after battle off Smack, I don’t think the staff ok with the shit, is it because of the fact they never pay you for shit?, let’s say they paid you for this, this the initiative, because after what I do to you, it’s going to be like they paid you to quit!”) stacked with a variety of potent bars from Jai, ended up edging 400 Block the win.

Verdict: Jai 400 Block (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Dre Dennis – “Slow with clips in, I take time filling up my drum, old URL days, I  upload rounds one by one!”

Xcel defeats Dre Dennis

Recap: Despite a plethora of hard (“Man, your body ruined ‘cuz the gun is dumping, I’m in your Project X, like Party Crashers, I was fucking up your functions!”) bars and rambunctious haymakers from Dre Dennis (due, in part, to a couple of elongated rounds) throughout his 3 rounds, a slightly more consistent Xcel, dishing intricate (“You say I’m ancient?, but when you rap, you just babble on [Babylon]!”) wordplay, nice punchlines/name flips and even few random personals with steadier aplomb, edges rounds 1 and 3 to earn the win.

Verdict: Xcel (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Xcel – “Since my Genesis, I’ve been cutting nigga’s…you should know Thee!”

Skatez defeats Dre Dennis

Recap: Steady from the go with his punches, Skates makes his name here in this one-rounder from Body Bag Battle League with just about zero filler, all the while dishing rampant heat that matched his aggression. On the other hand, while Dre Dennis kept it competitive throughout with an entertaining mix of fiery gun bars and sturdy name flips, a little too much reaching along with some lines that clearly fell more on the pedestrian side makes the difference for Skatez’ win.

Verdict: Skatez (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Skatez – “I ain’t come with a bunch of name flips or clever shit to say, but you still might see your damn name flipped on the list today, ‘cuz after this they gonna say the best nigga’s in Loud is Bonus, Holmzie and then it’s [Dennis] Dre!”

Prez Mafia defeats Dre Dennis

Recap: Spitfire for 3 rounds with a nice combo of vigorous and oft-times intricate/witty/braggadocios punchlines, Prez Mafia commands the stage while teaching a class on ‘How To Comeback From The Controversy Of Getting Caught Stealing Bars’ here in this 3-rounder from We Go Hard. Prez’s standout return not only makes for a dope and competitive battle against fellow PG-stepper and a very solid (esp. in the 2nd round) throughout Dre Dennis, but with his opponent’s penchant for a little too much filler and pedestrian bars, even with an almost equal amount of haymakers, a close and deciding 3rd round goes to a more consistent Mr. Hide My Bars for the win.

Verdict: Prez Mafia (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Prez Mafia – “I’m the biter?, this right will shook, let’s fight, and a life get took, an uppercut mixed with a little me, he gonna bite the hook!”

Scotty defeats Dre Dennis

Recap: Crazy Proving Grounds matchup between Houston’s Scotty and Jersey’s Dre Dennis with too many dope bars to list here. Close throughout, this battle comes down to slightly less filler and more hitting (“This the nigga that said, ‘who got the best lines, Dre’, that’s a Victoria Secret’, no, you’re lin-ge-rie [lying Dre] that’s some extraordinary reaching!”; “What you rock a x x x x x xl?, some big shit we ain’t never seen, well I’mma give your Big T the best Hollow rounds we’ve ever seen!”) personals from Scotty. Along with rich storytelling lines and more condensed/fire (“I’m trying to kill me a nigga, I’m thinking like one of these cops today”) bars in rounds 1 and 3, despite Dennis’ litany of festive performance (“Everybody claim they got guns, but me?, I really bang mine…[extends arm] BOW!!!, the impact will knock the beans offa ya man’s hang time!”) bars, a stupendous 2nd round, nice wordplay, pouty name flips and jaunty (“…you can’t top Official, so you gonna brawl with Double D?!”) punchlines throughout, a little more consistency on the side of the kid from H-Town gets him the win.

Verdict: Scotty (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Dre Dennis – “Growing up, we had to choose one of three choices just to pass and go forward, it was either squeeze gats or move PCP or weed packs taking orders, it was like the beginning of Pokemon when we was back on the corner, cuz we ain’t know to pick the flame, grass or the water!”

Ah Di Boom defeats Dre Dennis

Recap: A couple of ‘big boned’ guys from Jersey with similar styles of rap…it was only a matter of time before Ah Di Boom and Dre Dennis met up. And result was pretty close what with Boom and Dennis dishing an almost equal amount of fiery gun lines, piercing performance bars, fierce personals and boastful punchlines. But after a more condensed Dre takes round 1 before Boom even things up with a crisper round 2, less filler from Boom coupled with some mediocre personals from Dre allows Ah Di to take the deciding final round for the win.

Verdict: Ah Di Boom (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Ah Di Boom – “This a mean ratchet, it’s fairly odd ‘cuz it’s in [???] mode…[BOOM!!!], the nigger back got the Ricky hole!”

Chef Trez defeats Dre Dennis

Recap: Less filler, more potent (“The kid strapped over all [overall], but I don’t see the menace in Dennis”) rhymes, sanguine angles/set-ups and a few (“”You a bitch, so stay in ya place like a ho should, I use the toast good and I’ll raise and let it go like ‘Welcome to Adulthood’!”) haymakers mixed in gets Spit Dat Heat’s Chef Trez the first two rounds and a win over the ever aggressive and (“The kick back done left my wrist damaged, so like I’m using tally marks, I can’t help but draw the fifth slanted!”) bar-heavy, but this time around less consistent Dre Dennis.

Verdict: Chef Trez (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Chef Trez -“This left [holds up left fist]? Chinese porn, it get nasty with the chin!”