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Marqo Mazii defeats Fonz

Recap: In this 1-rounder from Full Effect Battles, gritty Cincinnati up-n-comer Marqo Mazii’s slightly more consistently nice punch game is enough to edge a pretty solid, but sometimes flat (esp. when it came to name flips and bullish darts) performance by Fonz.

Verdict: Marqo Mazii (W)

Favorite line: Marqo Mazii – “Oh y’all gonna make me mad tonight, trying to figure out how y’all ain’t catch that shit like Magic’s wife!”

O-Red defeats Marqo Mazii

Recap: Plenty of gritty punches, fiery schemes and well-induced mayhem in this competitive 1-rounder from GOTG between O-Red and Cincinnati, OH, up-n-comer Marqo Mazii. But a downward turn on bar effiency by Mazii (who also came with some solid personals) towards the end of his round and a slightly more haymaker-lit Red also scoring with an abundance of fire gun bars, boastful barbs and violent-themed wordplay, earns the Jersey vet the win.

Verdict: O-Red (W) 1-0

Favorite line: O-Red – “Do you actually believe what you rapping could have O ducking?, exactly my nigga you have no substance, your bars be lightly handcrafted…like shadow-puppets!”

Marqo Mazii defeats Danny Myers

Recap: Watching that intro and you couldn’t be blamed for thinking they really about to put on a battle rap event in a parking lot garage. Well, thank goodness that wasn’t the case and in this Bar4Bar 1-rounder between Marqo Mazii and Danny Myers, despite a pretty solid effort (esp. with the 4 rebuttals to start his round) from the Bar God, it’s the Cincinnati battler who earns the win. Mazzi utilizing a versatile and steady performance littered with a gang of hard-hitting punchlines, sturdy/witty personals and flashy gun bars to get 1-up on the EFB member and catch the vic.

Verdict: Marqo Mazii (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Marqo Mazii – “Danny’s sex life is like his gang life because he bangs anything!”