Over 4,000 Recaps!

Mike P and Shooney Da Rapper

Recap: SMH. Versus a mostly subpar (esp. the 2nd half of his round 2) punching Mike P, in this 3-rounder from Chrome 23, Shooney Da Rapper’s well-documented struggles with her flow once again come back to her bite her. The ‘Black Widow’ handily taking the aforementioned 2nd round with a blistering turn that featured both heavy (“Trust me, you don’t wanna play, I’ll backhand him, now Remy gotta edit out the SMACK in a different way!”) punches and personals during a consistently aggressive run with nary an unforced error. But after a debatable round 1 that while serving as her opponent’s best turn, still saw a slightly punch-heavier Shooney fumble the ball flow-wise to make it a tie, a pretty pedestrian round by Mike (who outside of rapping about Shooney’s husband, also struggled with content here) sees him edge it anyway after his opponent counters with a mid/flow-challenged turn that she nearly choked away.

Verdict: TIE

Favorite line: Mike P – “Your bars?, Haki trash, whoever wrote it should stop, your feet stink, I could smell your toes through your holes in your socks!”

Don Marino defeats Mike P

Recap: A couple of past URL mainstays, Don Marino and Mike P, meet up for a 3-rounder on Bear Armz and it’s about what you’d expect. An aggressive Mike P with the explosive punches, performance-lit bars and solid name flips/personals, while Don Marino’s expansive ‘Mexican bar’ tutelage’s, rugged struggle bars and piercing punch/personal game continues to make him a worthwhile opponent. Pretty solid throughout (outside of Mike P clearly not putting too much into his 3rd round), it’s the more haymaker-lit and consistent Mr. Marino who takes the 1st and 3rd rounds for the win.

Verdict: Don Marino (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Don Marino – “I don’t even know what part of New York you from, I don’t even try to beef, hand me my beer, this Long Island weak!”

Mike P. defeats Rosenberg Raw

Recap: From The Trenches/Chrone 23, a fire 3-rounder and competitive 3-rounder between Mike P. (yeah, it’s definitely a little strange not seeing him on URL) and the ever-bullish Rosenberg Raw comes down to the 3rd round after the two (Mike edging round 1 while Raw took round 2) split the first couple of rounds. A continuation of a performance-lit Mike’s scheme/storytelling-flexing, aggressive-punching and game play/simile-lit style versus the witty personals, gritty street chatter and fiery punches we love tos ee from Raw, helped a bit by Rosenberg’s expansive usage on personals about his opponent’s wife, it’s also the slghtly more haynaker-lit Mike who edges the final round for the win.

Verdict: Mike P. (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Mike P – “I wanna pull up to Berg’s funeral right when the casket close and it’s downtime, see Rose on the inside and put a rose on the outside!”

Nunn Nunn defeats Mike P

Recap: Some white-on-white crime here as Nunn Nunn takes on Mike P in a battle from URL’s Battle in the Bayou card. A long anticipated bout that featured a plethora of local New Orleans’ references from Nunn Nunn, a gang of rambunctious/abstract punches from Mike P, a couple of solid rebuttals from both sides and as to be expected a bunch of aggressive personals from Mike and Nunn (tho the latter making use the now tired angle on Mike’s wife was a bit surprising). Both a crowd-pleasure, set-up rich and a close one throughout with Nunn Nunn taking round 1 and Mike edging round 2, despite a pretty solid and punch-heavy turn by Mike in the 3rd, it’s the more versatile and haymaker-lit Nunn Nunn who takes the 3rd for the win.

Verdict: Nunn Nunn (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Nunn Nunn – “Why take this pussy in New Orleans?!…it’s Mystikal!”

Chilla Jones defeats Mike P.

Recap: Blame the local plumber guy aesthetics or a narrative that goes way back to his JC battle, but I’ve never understood how the average battle rap fan who really feens for quality pens can continue to label Chilla Jones as ‘boring’ (or something to the like). Especially when he’s done such a great job at transitioning from an elongated, scheme-heavy puncher to one of the most versatile battlers in the game. Indeed, from displaying excellent wit to proving to be a deft angler to sporting a gang of stifling wordplay (esp. during a killer round 2 here versus Mike P), with over a decade in the game C. Jones doesn’t get appreciated enough imo. Thus while showing off the stark difference between mid-tier and top tier status, despite another pretty solid, rambunctious, punch/personal-heavy at times and earnest effort from Mike (esp. in the 1st and 3rd rounds), Jones ability to take it to another level with a barrage of stinging name flips, spicy angles within angles, over-the-top alliterations, well-equipped braggadicous darts, funny/mocking personals, piercing punchlines and sturdy schemes/gun bars while rarely missing a beat, earns him a 30 in this To Live & Die in L.A. bout from URL.

Verdict: Chilla Jones (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Chilla Jones – “If you ask me I think you a bitch…respectfully, so this angle is directed at you instead of she, I’m a flip P upside down and let her be [B]!”

Geechi Gotti defeats Mike P

Recap: Death is something you don’t come back from and neither is Geechi Gotti’s round here. The 2021 Champion Male Battler of the Year getting his 2022 off to a tremendous start with a complete obliteration of Mike P in this 1-round Banned matchup from URL. Indeed, whether it was sublime personals on everything from his opponent’s man-bun to continually hard-hitting darts going at Mike’s girl to hard street rhymes that glistened with that real talk the Compton, CA native is known for, in his first battle of the year Gotti not only gets off a classic, but effectively dismisses to the crowd of onlookers anything Mike had to say (tho it was pretty raucous and solid) afterwards.

Verdict: Geechi Gotti (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Geechi Gotti – “Caffiene, just ‘cuz this nigga play Call of Duty for y’all for a living don’t mean ypu mean you gotta keep giving him Black opps!”

T-Top defeats Mike P

Recap: His only mistake being prolonged rounds, in this URL/Civil War bout against Mike P, T-Top uses a versatile and name-flip lit round 1 before delivering a terrific, set-up savvy and stifling race angle in round 2 (that was capped by a sublime cameo from Top’s ‘white friend’ Anderson Burruss) to take that round as well and get the win before spouting a personal-bent 3rd round, that while redundant in is theme (more knocks on Mike;s girl), was still witty and punch-heavy to make this a 30. Mike P, who struggled to gain any momentum back after Top’s (in front of his hometown, Raleigh, NC, crowd no less) stellar 2nd, never seemed to never be in his bag either way, what with an up-n-down opening round, a Street Fighter scheme that didn’t transition well and a gang of subpar punches that when he wasn’t scoring with his usual assortment of graphic mayhem and jaunty punches/personals, gave him little chance in this battle.

Verdict: T-Top (W) 3-0

Favorite line: T-Top – “I love you, Mikey, just disappointed in the way it was handled, you damn near stopped her from havin’ y’all child, ’cause you felt like you were takin’ a gamble, well, I’m from Carolina, it woulda hurt to see the baby [DaBaby] get canceled!”

Lu Castro defeats Mike P

Recap: Dope, competitive N.O.M.E. 11/URL bout between Lu Castro and Mike P is highlighted by the versatile punches, Caucasian clutch-holding and wily set-ups from Mike as well as lively action bars, brazen punchlines, rich set-ups and scintillating gun bars from Lu. Close enough to register a couple of debatable rounds in the 1st and 3rd, it’s a standout and slightly more haymaker 2nd that gives Castro the win.

Verdict: Lu Castro (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Lu Castro – “The 5th bring a, I’ll pull a piece out slow…this Jenga!”

Mike P defeats Real Sikh

Recap: Judging from their history on stage, Real Sikh versus his Italian doppelganger Mike P had all the makings of putting on a dope battle and that’s exactly what it turned out to be. The two battlers, readily known for their boisterous, punch/wordplay-lit and aggressive styles would keep things competitive throughout the match with a punchline-heavier Sikh edging edging round 1, before a more consistently spicy Mike (despite Sikh delivering a couple of roundhouses) would return the favor and edge the 2nd round to even things up going into the 3rd. The final round was yet another goodie (and thanks to Sikh, pretty enlightening and political too) with more sizzling personals on each side in the midst of some righteous screeds. However, it’s a personal breakdown-savvy, boastful-bent and punch-heavy Mike P who edges the deciding turn for the win.

Verdict: Mike P (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Mike P – “You rap in gym clothes, what you take pre-workout before battles so you can get extra loud?, Hey yo Smack the first thought I had when I seen him rapping in Under Amour is we must protect this house!”

Ryda defeats Mike P

Recap: Before the recap starts, some friendly advice to up-n-coming battle rappers: never openly admit what your weaknesses are: whether that’s on social media, a popular podcast or radio show, anywhere…because as Mike P found out here, it will come back to bite you.

Now back to the battle…Ryda with a dope, punch/wordplay-heavier and more versatile 1st round and now what amounts to being a superbly-executed, all personal (and yes, hypocritical on Mike’s part to get all in his feelings here after what he did to Danny Myers in a previous battle) and now classic 2nd, clearly got this battle. No fault to judges Method Man and Iron Solomon for not being able decipher whether or Ryda’s 2nd round was real or just made up. But damn the 52% of fans that sided with Mike (who was really hit-n-miss with the name flips throughout the battle) on this one, much less the bloggers who had the audacity to question if Ryda went too far?!? I mean, it’s battle rap for chrissakes.

Oh yeah, for the record a more condensed and just as punch heavy Mike did manage to edge the 3rd.

Verdict: Ryda (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Ryda – “That y’all Street Fighter, that cap calm [Capcom], hearsay, y’all forgot I’m Scorpion I’ll swing the blade through the body and stop…midway!”

Bill Collector defeats Mike P


Recap: That ‘choke’ in the 3rd round didn’t seem too sincere to me. But either way it happened. And in a deciding 3rd round vs. Bill Collector of a 2nd round Ultimate Madness tournament with $25k on the line, what a timely spot for Mike P (coming off a controversial ‘win’ over Ryda in the previous round) to all of a sudden get a visit from Earl. As for Bill Collector, dilly-dallying with some hitting personals, witty barbs and performance-rich hijinks throughout his 3 rounds? Well, at least he earned his paycheck and more importantly moves on to the next round.

Verdict: Bill Collector (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Bill Collector – “She said she was his music manager?, hey, Ash’, good way to go to the bluff, Yo’ last name Pulice [police], how the fuck you don’t know who to cuff?”

Mike P defeats Th3 Saga

Recap: Well, it doesn’t any more convoluted than that as a confident Mike P not only out-punches Th3 Saga for the first 2 rounds here, but Th3 Saga, who’s been on a pretty good run of late….chokes, not once, but twice. And just when you think it just isn’t Saga’s day and Mike with the Bun from Yonkers is on his way to that rare bodybag, after yet another dope, loud, punch/scheme-heavy and raucous turn from Mike, Th3 Sgaa gets back on his grind, brings out a fake cop and in a startling turn of events proceeds to deliver a classic and scathing round on matters dealing with police brutality, current events and race. So yeah, with a little help from Saga’s surprising chokefest, Mike P gets the easy win. But outside of Mike’s fans, I’m guessing that more people will remember this battle for Saga’s epic 3rd.

Verdict: Mike P (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Mike P – “I gotta be a higher power Saga, only God can judge you!”

Rum Nitty and Mike P [DEBATABLE]

Recap: 1-round URL Quarantined battle between Rum Nitty and Mike P features strong performances from both battlers as Mike’s aggressive, (“Rum got me fucked up, there’s something about me and dark liquor!”) punch/personal-lit and brazen oft-performance-rich bars stay toe-to-toe with Rum’s fire gun bars, fierce set-ups and stinging wordplay. A goodie with little breaks in the action, a tie here sets up what could be a dope 3-rounder down the line.

Verdict: TIE

Favorite line: Rum Nitty – “Do not try me, you a nobody…the head detective!”

Tay Roc defeats Mike P

Recap: In a true sign of the times, in lieu of the worldwide Coronavirus pandemic going on that’s keep us all on house arrest, Smack/URL gets innovative with its first ‘Quarantined’ matchup featuring Mike P. versus Tay Roc. And with no stage or crowd and instead, each battler delivering their bars on video from the comfort of their homes, the battle certainly offers a different feel and dynamic. That said, it’s still a goodie with Roc and Mike competitively going at it for about 5 minutes apiece and Roc, slightly more effective when it came to infusing current-day events into his raps, more consistent on a whole and delivering a steadier stream of dizzying boasts/personals/mayhem on top, taking the round and the win.

Verdict: Tay Roc (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Tay Roc – “I’ll catch Mike and his bitch at a restaurant, beautiful setting, then fuck Mike up in that booth, it’s a studio session!”

Mike P defeats Danny Myers

Recap: Going forward Danny Myers might want to keep his private life to himself. Just saying, ‘cuz whether it’s his 10 kids, that $12K he gave T-Rex to battle awhile back or the illicit allegations in the air surrounding his marriage as well as his wife don’t seem to be ever going away when it comes to battle rap. And when you battle as often as Danny does, being on the other side of, frankly speaking, what was a scathing, explicit, punch-lit and undeniably classic 2nd round from Mike P, a flawless turn that went all-in on Danny’s other half and his personal priorities, one has to wonder how much a man can take. Tho to be fair, Danny always came to compete and once again delivered. The performance-stunting Bar God competing throughout this URL App 1 battle with a gang of fiery punchlines/name flips, hardcore/witty personals (had to chuckle when Danny started going in on Mike’s girlfriend in round 3, yet had to remind Mike about all the shit he just said about his wife in the previous round after Mike told him to ‘chill’) and brazen mayhem/boasts. But after the two split the first two rounds, a close 3rd round gets edged to Mike P as ‘Main Stage Mike’ used a versatile barrage of fierce gun bars, piercing punches and feelgood personals during a condensed to beat back a pretty solid turn by Danny for the win.

Verdict: Mike P (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Mike P – “Your slogan has become your life, and in the process, yo’ eyes been covered, you not stayin’ by the woman you love? Well, that don’t surprise me, brother, you on stage screamin’ ‘Parallel!’ on the same nights you and your wife should be beside each other!”

Dre Dennis defeats Mike P

Recap: A battle that’s actually a lot closer then what the consensus said it was before the video dropped, Dre Dennis, after getting edged in the 1st round despite a punch-heavy and real-life stirring turn that was also a bit flow-challenged, comes back with a consistently spitfire, versatile and haymaker-drenched 2nd to even things against the always loud, aggressive, scheme-heavy and (“Pal stop, you cheaper than an Outback steak, check the tracklist, white boys always out rap Dre!”) punchlines/wordplay/personally lit stylings of Mike P. A competitive battle throughout with plenty of racial banter mixed in liven things up, the deciding 3rd round would tell a different story as a solid and punch-worthy, but much less potent turn by Mike would easily be overwhelmed by another startling, hard-hitting, gun-spazzing, witty (“Dump the heat, hard to control like that piss in the morning!”) at times and ultimately fierce turn by Dre.

Verdict: Dre Dennis (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Dre Dennis – “Got my man’s with me, drama rapidly, we both ’bout to snap ‘cuz we don’t know how to act…LaLa Anthony!”

Mike P defeats Dunsh

Recap: In this hilarious, but still competitive 3-rounder from iBattle, Mike P’s unorthodox rhyme stylings and proverbial gun symmetrics take on Dunsh’s witty barbs/personals and self-deprecating humor. A crowd-pleaser throughout, it’s ‘Mainstream Mike’ who edges the 1st round with more well-rounded haymakers before Dunsh drops a slew of mocking lines at his opponent’s rap patterns as well as fire punches to edge the 2nd. The deciding 3rd round, however, is a no-brainer as Mike delivers a gang of fiery and versatile punches to easily beat back a shortened, flow-challenged and much less potent turn by Dunsh.

Verdict: Mike P (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Mike P – “You a lawyer, right Dunsh? [chuk chuk] [makes hand like gun] well, beat a shell case!”

Snake Eyez defeats Mike P

Recap: Recall the slick way Snake Eyez called out Mike P during his Ryda battle, thus setting up a potential goodie that this One Off from URL certainly turned out to be. Aggressive on both ends and a close bout throughout, while Mike’s penchant for ill set-ups, speedy, but unorthodox punches and rich similes were on point as usual, some mediocre punchlines/name flips here and there would hurt him in the long run. Those misdeeds along with a consistently hard-hitting with the street missives, personal-lit, wordplay-spicy, set-up friendly and yes, surprisingly funny at times Snake Eyez managing to light the room up with a versatile effort that would lead to the Harlem capo edging rounds 1 and 2 for the vic, before a rousing 3rd round on both sides gets scored a debatable.

Verdict: Snake Eyez (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Snake Eyez – “I really had to dance with devil’s, you was in the crib playing Rock Band, I was outside holding heavy metal!”

JC defeats Mike P


Recap: Born Legacy 6 battle between JC and Mike P sees the latter give it his all, including some resounding punchlines, nifty video game bars, some witty personals and a pretty inspiring 3rd round that halfway through, spoke on more important matters in life. That said, yeah JC might dap his opponent’s too much during battles, but if that’s only thing you can criticize him for after he gives you straight rounds of sterling punches, spitfire wordplay, raucous bangers, graphic boasts and piercing name flips/set-ups as he did here, then you might be the problem and not him.

Verdict: JC (W) 3-0

Favorite line: JC – “It’s true, you never called me out, but you did say yes and that’s important ‘cuz accepting an ass-whooping is just as bad as asking for it!”

B. Dot defeats Mike P

Recap: Notwithstanding both B. Dot and Mike P.not quite bringing their A-game’s, this West-coast Initiation battle between the two still makes for a solid and competitive effort. Mike P., however disjointed with his angles and punches in losing a close 1st round, still manages to not only stay away from the typical ‘conscious rapper/gang member’ conundrums associated with his opponent, but bring enough haymakers and more consistent verbal spitfire to edge the 2nd to split things going into the 3rd. But B. Dot, who for all his political awareness, rapid punchlines and racial austere, can still suffer from one too many dry spots when it comes to bars, would come through with a thunderous 3rd, spitting rich narratives on inequality, well-researched (and fiery) personals on his opponent’s past struggle bars (esp. Mike’s battle vs. Shotgun Suge) and potent barbs on white privilege to beat back a versatile and solid at times, but also inconsistent and angle-perplexing turn by Mike.

Verdict: B. Dot (W) 2-1

Favorite line: B. Dot – “I can take you on a crash course on how they dump drugs in L.A. and came back around with the armor trucks, put us on smack to kill us, now you on Smack gettin’ killed…nigga, karma sucks!”

Young Kannon defeats Mike P

Recap: As expected, it’s a spirited punch-fest between Mike P and Young Kannon in this 3-round bout from Smack/URL, with both also mixing in some righteous personals, stinging wordplay and fiery name flips. A close battle throughout with nary a slip-up from either battler, before Mike got in his unorthodox bag to take the 3rd, a slightly more consistent with the punchlines, performance-heavier and bent with the haymakers YK edges the 1st and 2nd to take what was long promoted as grudge match.

Verdict: Young Kannon (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Young Kannon – “Now be honest, y’all really think Micheal bang out with K’s?, after he spit a gun bar, he gotta wipe the bang out his face!”

Shotgun Suge defeats Mike P

Recap: Bringing back classic scenes from Do The Right Thing! Shotgun Suge’s love for movies doesn’t get appreciated enough. And neither does his lyrical acumen, as Suge mightily proves when he’s on his A-game, including here against a pretty solid overall, set-up nice, thought-proving, aggressive and wordplay-heavy Mike P. A competitive battle throughout, for the first two rounds it’s Suge who manages to beat back a couple of hefty turns from his opponent, using a bastion of rapidly stinging punchlines/name flips, fierce gun bars/personals and fervent movie references for the win before a compelling, real life spectacle from Mike coupled with another bodacious turn from Suge makes for a tie in the 3rd.

Verdict: Shotgun Suge (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Shotgun Suge – “Offset and Cardi, he get the heavy ring, I let it sing, you know you can’t eat with this Ginny, he put Parmesan cheese on everything!”

Mike P defeats Big T

Recap: A spitfire 2nd round, a sometimes lazy with the punches/performance bars Big T and just enough bite to a host of elaborate schemes in the deciding 3rd round leads to an also abstract-lit, gaming bars-dishing and spicy with the personals Mike P getting a close win in this time clock-constrained Born Legacy Supreme 3-rounder from Smack/URL.

Verdict: Mike P (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Mike P – “I stack bodies like Twork stack’s hoodies!”

Mike P defeats Nu Jerzey Twork

Recap: Considering his growing popularity, Nu Jerzey Twork’s struggles with remembering his bars may get the headlines here, but a versatile showing from Mike P, what with dope (“You barely popping and that’s because you lazy Twork [twerk]!”) punchlines, bombastic schemes, witty personals, consistent showmanship and some finessed wordplay deserves all the praises, doing enough too with a cleaner flow to take rounds 1 and 3 (in which Twork cut short due to nearly choking) over an NJT who while edging the middle round with more (“I was on Chuck E. Cheese and I was a little nigga when that was open and I say that to say I never rat, the only thing I got from a rat was a bag of tokens!”) potent bars and some dizzying haymakers, needs to work on his preparation more if he wants to keep standing in with the big dogs.

Verdict: Mike P (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Mike P -“Blade weapon, you’re privileged to get it, it’s like your birth right, put a butterfly into your cocoon, i could reverse life!”

Chef Trez defeats Mike P

Recap: Strong, raucous and punch-heavy performance by Mike P gets edged by a stronger showing by Chef Trez, who starting with his spitfire ‘Don’t none of y’all nigga’s pop those K’s, ‘I’m strapped in’, it’s like Twork, the wrong stair get you dropped on stage!’ freestyle early in round 1, dishes nothing but straight heat as well as a couple of more haymakers for 2 rounds to take each of them and beat back an opponent who certainly did enough to win, but just couldn’t quite match the Chef’s pen game until salvaging the 3rd with a cleaner, (“I took blood from his head and did his boo greasy, slapped a hand print on that ass, too easy, she ain’t recognize the bald head, I thought she knew Beasley, chin shot, turned the whole cheek red, now she Glueazy!”) scheme-heavy and more versatile turn.

Verdict: Chef Trez (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Chef Trez – “I’m cuttin’ ya life shorter, get ya brains pushed back, you can’t see the gun?, try harder, ‘cuz the .44 still [steel] in reach like my father!”

Mike P and Daylyt [Debatable]

Recap: After somewhat laboriously claiming partial ownership to URL’s Proving Grounds concept in round 1, yet clearing losing to Mike P’s more cohesive verbal (“Out bar me?, hell no, Ya man sing and you’ll get metal across ya mouth, that’s the the start of the Chappelle Show!”) hijinks and winning personals (“Yo Day, welcome to your first battle that counts!”), Daylyt comes back with thorny (“I school nigga’s to death, it’s Columbine, when they rape they give me the underscore, that’s because they don’t get the bottom line”) rhyme schemes and intricate (“Anaconda [and the kind of nigga] nigga I am, I rap tight as hell…sir pen [serpent] outta this world, man this shit is cold bruh [cobra]”) word dynamics that for the most part hit in elongated round 2 to even things up. The 3rd round, scintillating in its charm on both sides, gets a toss-up as despite Day’s continued crowd-pleasing polemics (and a too-ill scheme on Mike’s moniker), Mike P refused to wilt, returning the fire with his own round of stirring (“Get your life cut short by making a slight edit, because the .44 surprising [bends down] low like Mike credit!”) heat, fresh angles and mean personals to make this one a debatable.

Verdict: TIE

Favorite line: Daylyt – “You did a Street Fighter scheme, it was the coolest, nigga’s was clapping. you was down forward with the punches, it was dope to see how dude could get a reaction!”

Ave defeats Mike P

Recap: Too much! That best sums up Ave’s complete annihilation of Mike P here in this Proving Grounds matchup from URL/Smack. Granted, not a body as besides a wasted round 3, Mike hung in there with some nice punchlines and performance (“But War Report, couple y’all on there showing me what the bums like, funny, after tonight snake eyes gonna say I won twice!”; “When you rap why you think they go that hard, and don’t act bored? you got a style that the PG’s are programmed for!”) bars. But just to show you how dominant Ave, his second round, which was easily his worse, still had enough (“Boy that’s crack, fuck around, find P in a box, Pandora act!”) shiners to beat what was a solid turn by Mike. Consistently punching with wicked name flips, ill braggadocio (“‘Cuz y’all know, I’m way better, every phrase clever and I could fight, I’ll give Mike a mean right [write] like a hate letter!”) bars, fierce wordplay and rampant (“He lying, don’t nothing about this queer pass as gutter, but you see the hood in my face, that’s Illmatic cover!”) haymakers that’d literally make Nas grin, Ave more than proves that he’s graduated from the PG class…with honors.

Verdict: Ave (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Ave – “Y’all seen how I get about vibes, it’s sort of like porta potties, I’ll make you hate to take the shit outside!”

Mike P defeats Haixian

Recap: With each battler dropping crazy punchlines and (Mike P: “Respect ya jaw, or I’m throwing Haixian off a wide cliff, side bitch…set it up, ironic I’m telling Haixian [Haitian] where my bouletVerdict: Mike P (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Mike P – “What amounts to fame, ‘cuz some of you gas fuckers hype, Y’all miss that Super Smash Brothers life…where being at 110% can actually get you kicked out the game!”

Mike P defeats Tapedeck

Recap: After dishing a plethora of righteous (“It’s clear you’re pulling back scotch [Scotch] if you ever think I’d duck [duct] tape!”) name flips and hot punchlines to easily take round one, Mike P gets lackadaisical and pretty much takes the second off, while allowing Tapedeck to even things up with sizzling schemes/bars and some nice (“This ya last resort, big machine, you better grab your horse or it’s Swave Sevah versus Danny Myers what’s that?…two .40s going back-n-forth!”) comedic wordplay. After a solid turn by Tapedeck in the final round, Mike P gets back in his bag, dispensing steady heat along with pent-up (“This bitch give me lip, this smack coming with an 8-ball jacket!”) shiners to take the win.

Verdict: Mike P (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Mike P – “I told y’all I’m a step above Tape, so CD’s [see deez]!”

Mike P defeats Aura

Recap: Don’t let the 3-0 fool you as this was a pretty dope and close battle between Mike P and Aura, especially the latter two rounds. Round one was the only clear round as Mike’s personals and more versatile schemes outshined what was mostly standard braggadocio/gun lines from Aura. A much tighter 2nd round had both dropping an equal amount of haymakers (Mike P: “I bet you think ‘cuz I’m white I prospered, faggot my life was bonkers, you probably pushed coke right?, well I relied on it, you fight the streets, I fight the product!”; Aura – “If I clap you…fine, just know that I pack two .9’s for nigga’s thinking that I’m 30”, “….if Beasley offered you a million views, would you want to take a Smack [smack] again?”), but a slight slip-up and a nonsensical bar (ENJ didn’t get ‘snuffed on camera’, he actually is the one who threw the punch in the infamous Oh you Mad Cuz I’m Stylin’ On Ya video) from Aura gave Mike the edge. And while they both came hard in the 3rd, continuous freshly-dipped wordplay and aggressively nice (“I’ll celebrate your death, hell they all brewing, I’ll shake a champagne bottle and shoot the cork through him!”) punchlines from Mike edged what was an overall solid, but too much filler-spiced 3rd from his opponent.

Verdict: Mike P (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Mike P – “So act tough, you’ll get slept or dizzy, point is just keep a arm up the whole time, you Chess verse Gwitty!”

Reepah Rell defeats Mike P

Recap: Battle of a couple of Long Island’s best stays (Mike P: “Your stage presence match who you is, a bitch God, 5 bodies under my belt Rell, don’t be a 6th God!”) exhilarating, scheme-heavy and close throughout, with an elongated, but consistently (“I”m surprised you took this battle, ‘cuz the one you had with Chicago proved you got trouble dodging punches, but not for nothing this will be the first you seen Mike drop…Buster Douglas!”) fiery Reepah Rell taking the first, while Mike P edged the second with a more versatile (“Your crackhead baby mom’s ain’t that bad, I mean the next lane, but she kind look like Beyonce…when she was drugged out at the Nets game!”) line of fire as well as a higher bar quotient. Last round had them both spitting that (Mike P: “I got two .40’s, when they crack you won’t know English, No! two 40’s in my hand, get cracked with Old English!”) heat, but a slight slip-up from Mike and Rell’s more intense (“These cartoon-ass nigga’s, comedian nigga’s, they need to man up, ain’t no laughs with these punch lines, if you dead on the floor, how the fuck you gonna stand up [stand-up]!”) haymakers, gives the guy from Hempstead the win.

Verdict: Reepah Rell (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Reepah Rell – “See you, like a fan to me, nigga’s like you claim they got guns, but not saying a thing, you never had arms, you that hand from the Addams Family!”

Mike P defeats Merrick City

Recap: Plenty of hardbody punches from both Mike P and (“This ain’t the Surreal [cereal] Life, but I’m putting Mikey in a box!”) Merrick City in this close one-rounder from ENJ Battle League. Still, with slightly more haymakers, a more potent mix to his (“Your AK long? well I got Trey [.3] Songz, I’m a nice singer!”) bars and some dry spots by Merrick, it’s Mike who edges it in the end.

Verdict: Mike P (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Mike P – “Jaw broke, you talk through the wire, your phone tapped, you get your back and a stiff arm at the same time, I’m Bo Jack!”

Mike P defeats Pro-Caine

Recap: Mike P finesses with panache (“But you a G tho, riigghhttt? and you got the muscle to fight…bitch it looks like the only thing you fucking up is your life!”) bars/schemes for 3 rounds, to the point of even spouting a nice Loaded Lux impression at the end. Despite a slip-up along with a comeuppance in wordplay by opponent Pro-Caine in the 3rd round costing Mike an easy 3-0, having distanced himself greatly in the first couple of rounds, the decision here was made early.

Verdict: Mike P (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Mike P -“I snapback to be on the Card again [Cardigan] despite doubts from crews, a tie?, never that, button up ‘cuz nuthin bout you suits!”

Mike P defeats Ooops

Recap: A slip-up prone Ooops more than lives up to his name with a plethora of unexpected visits from EARL during his 2nd and 3rd rounds, after spitting what was solid, but pretty short 1st. But then with Mike P’s continual assault of fiery words, white-boy (“The right [makes hand like a fist] deadly as Oxycontin in a white kid’s hand!”) drama and punches throughout his three rounds, even if Ooops had managed to spit three clean rounds, he still might’ve been better off staying at home.

Verdict: Mike P (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Mike P -“You food on my plate, shit you looking like the ref’s look, when then Tek’s book, it’s textbook, dude cock it and shoot two rockets and shove it back in my pocket…I’m Russell Westbrook!”

Mike P defeats ——

For three rounds Mike P’s fiery schemes, witty personals and potent (“While you was prepping those gun lines soon and hitting me with rape quotes, I was stuck in  Mt. Moon and didn’t have an escape route!”) jokes hit so hard that his Chi-town opponent is left with nothing in his tank but a wild sucker punch that I’m not sure even landed. Either way, Mike is now battling on Smack/URL as I write this, while his no-name opponent hasn’t been heard from since.

Verdict: Mike P (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Mike P – “I get busy when I’m on it, the ground shake, You? a Dre and Drizzy performance, you softer than pound cake!”