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JC defeats Real Deal

Recap: From URL’s ‘Redemption 4’ card, after the slightly more condensed Real Deal uses a bunch of witty personals and wily/obscure punches to edge round 1 over opponent JC’s more death-gripping parlance, the Michigan vet makes him pay for it in both of the latter two rounds. Indeed, even while Real Deal stayed competitive, JC would prove to be too much. The EFB member upping the ante and dishing a gang of sublime set-up/punchlines, boastful barbs, stinging wordplay and fiery gun bars to score haymakers amd take rounds 2 and 3 for the comeback win.

Verdict: JC (W) 2-1

Favorite line: JC – “Or the lead pop, bitch I step with no brakes like we in Bedrock!”

Tay Roc defeats Real Deal

Recap: From Takeova Battle League, consistently scoring all 3 rounds with a bunch of piercing name flips, gritty punchlines, some fire wordplay and flexing gun bars, an AMG mode-friendly Tay Roc (who also took advantage of a personal-hitting, but overall on his B game Real Deal what with a haphazard round 3, a couple of reaches and less-than-potent-punch-arsenal) handily earns the 30 over the Pittsburgh vet.

Verdict: Tay Roc (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Tay Roc – “He starting to black out, his breath is getting weaker, got him calling the God but he was never a believer, HK this heckler is a sweeper, this will knock 50 percent off deal…it’s better when it’s cheaper!”

Real Deal defeats Nunn Nunn

Recap: Much respect to Nunn Nunn for taking on a life of God. But while the VA vet gets in touch with his religious side, he may want to take a class or two on Capitalism 101 which would help explain how free markets, private busineses, profit motive, marketability leads to why he gets paid what he get paid per battle and others (despite their chokes) get paid more. That said, outside of dishing one-too-many obscure punchlines and pedestrian bars that cost him round 1 to his wittier and punch-heavier opp, it’s Real Deal’s continually nasty/boastful barbs, syrupy wordplay, stifling personals and bodacious/righteous punches that allows the Pittsburh battler to edge rounds 2 and (despite a classic, Smack diss-ful turn by NN in the final round) 3 for the win.

Verdict: Real Deal (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Real Deal – “If I was concerned about your loved one’s welfare I’d ask Brett Favre to pitch in!”

Real Deal defeats Loso

Recap: From KOTD, after splitting the first couple of rounds with Real Deal, Loso’s choice to get extra sentimental (this battle took place on a memorial card for the late Pat Stay) in the deciding 3rd ends up leaving a punch-crazier R.D with plenty of room to handily take the final round for the win.

Verdict: Real Deal (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Real Deal – “I will curb stomp you on vaca, you getting brutalized in Bermuda slides!”

Rone and Real Deal [DEBATABLE]

Recap: Longtime vets at battle rap and also close friends outside the ring, Real Deal and Rone put forth 3 competitive, hilarious at times, punch/metaphor-lit and sarcastically-bent rounds in a compliment battle in front of a Barstool crowd that couldn’t help but stay in tune due to both battlers shining throughout. A close one that was heavy on the accolades, a bit of a slow start by Real Deal allowed Rone to edge round 1 before a slightly more punch-heavy (“Your name is Adam, who couldn’t take a rib from you?!”) RD took the 2nd round to tie things up heading into the 3rd. And with the last round being equally funny as well as a bit sentimental, it’s only right that this ends up being a draw.

Verdict: TIE

Favorite line: Rone – “He wouldn’t even let me pay for the pizza we had, I tried to Venmo him back and he deleted the app!”

Saynt defeats Real Deal

Recap: With KOTD champ Real Deal (outside of a fire round 3) struggling with his angles and clearly dishing a wide load of inconsistent punchlines in both of the early rounds, I’m not sure how a Saynt that was steadily killing it with a variety of shrewd punches, performance-rich gun bars and hard-hitting set-ups during rounds 1 and 2 manages to lose this battle. But oh yeah, this is KOTD and we’ll just leave it at that.

Verdict: Saynt (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Saynt – “Fuck John Cena, this Black smith is my peace maker!”

Real Deal defeats EFA

Recap: From Juneau Rap Battle League, Real Deal uses a variety of spicy punchlines and stifling/mocking personals to handily take all 3 rounds of this 3-rounder versus a hot and cold EFA.

Verdict: Real Deal (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Real Deal – “You look like part of a disgruntled band who’s now on their 3rd bassist!”

Real Deal defeats Panorama

Recap: In this 1-rounder from The Rap Committee, a solid, mayhem-lit performance from Panorama with flashes of off-the-dome heat gets blown away by Real Deal’s consistent barrage of fiery name flips, stinging wordplay, syrupy punchlines and witty personals.

Verdict: Real Deal (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Real Deal – “Battle rap’s gonna call for a change when we start dumping nickle’s at this bum, the real question’s is can Pan handle it!”

Real Deal defeats Kang

Recap: Dope 3-rounder from IbattleTV sees Kang give Real Deal all he can handle with a gang of fiery, unorthodox punches and abstract raps that made you stop and pay attention throughout the match. But the slightly more condensed, versatile, punch-heavier, 4-bar set-up-lit and hard-hitting/witty with the personals Mr. Deal does just enough in the opening rounds to gain the win before Kang took the 3rd.

Verdict: Real Deal (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Real Deal – “You look like a garage band drummer who creatively fights with his band mates!”

Times defeats Real Deal

Recap: From the 1st round of the KOTD #GP2020 tournament, Times pulls off an upset, using a gang of raucous punchlines, some righteous personals and head-ringing street missives to edge the 1st and 3rd rounds and get the win over a pretty solid punching, but over time, not as consistently hitting Real Deal. 

Verdict: Times (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Times – “Get your ass beat for speaking the wrong Verb, oh it’s ShowTime!”

Real Deal and Tu Sabe [NO CONTEST]

Recap: As intense and biting as Tu Sabe got his personals during this 1-rounder, you kind of got the feeling that even a vet like Real Deal could tolerate only but so much. And something must’ve happened to unnerve Sabe or RD during Deal’s turn as the battle suddenly got interrupted and cut off midway through RD’s round, leaving this Homegrown Battlegrown bout a no contest.

Verdict: No Contest

Real Deal and Charron [DEBATABLE]

Recap: Real Deal has been around the game long enough to know his lane. So whether it’s piercing punchlines, empathetic bars that sometimes pander to the crowd, stringent personals, a fly rebuttal/freestyle game or a combination of all of the above, there’s plenty of good reason as to why the Pittsburgh battle rapper/gym teacher has survived for so long, had a pretty solid battle career and won a couple of KOTD belts along the way. And it’s also probably why Real got to keep his belt here versus Charron as like it or not, he’s become an expert on making you feel his bars, which leaves you at your own peril when a battle against Real Deal is left in the hands of judges. That said, while a consistently spicy Charron did spit a pair of (“How you the Real Deal, you ain’t even the real champ!”) personal-heavy, storytelling-rich and punch-lit rounds to open things up (had the 1st debatable, thanks in part to a nice rebuttal by Real Deal, while the more potent Charron took round 2), a more steadily spiffy 3rd might’ve cost him here as Deal’s more winsome polemics and righteous personals gave him the edge in the final round here to make this one a draw.

Verdict: Debatable

Favorite line: Real Deal –  “My father just died and he plugged it in a bar like an illuminated light!”

Real Deal defeats Pathogenic

Recap: Xmas holiday special Covid video battle from Smoked Out Battles between Real Deal and Pathogenic contains plenty of mayhem-rich punches from both battlers, despite the normally joyous day. On the flip side however, a more personal-savvy, witty and name flip-lit Deal lands more haymakers for the win.

Verdict: Real Deal (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Real Deal – “If he say he got the sweeper, it’s for elephant shit!”

Real Deal defeats Beretta Broke

Recap: That “Day one’s/February 29th nigga’s” line by Beretta Broke was fire. But with a huge slip-up near the end of his turn and nothing much to offer besides some witty barbs and a hitting punchline here and there, a consistently punch-heavy, scholastic with the bars and rebuttal-lit Real Deal is able to handily beat back Beretta to get the win in this 1-rounder from No Coast Raps.

Verdict: Real Deal (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Real Deal – “Everyone think they a beast…till they meet Booker T!”

Xcel defeats Real Deal

Recap: In this punch-lit 3-rounder from IBattleTV, KOTD champ (belt not on the line here) Real Deal gives Xcel all he can handle with a wide array of piercing 4-bar set-ups, boastful barbs and blistering personals. But with a consistent run that featured some stinging wordplay, plenty of righteous darts that landed, some rarely seen wit and a gang of rigid mayhem, it’s Xcel who edges both of the opening rounds for the win.

Verdict: Xcel (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Xcel – “And I got the biscuit, I’ll lift your spirit up, I’m optimistic!”

Real Deal defeats Henny #3

Recap: In this 1-rounder from Kill Switch Battle League, Real Deal gets off to a hot start with a gang of fiery punchlines that were backed by some dope wordplay. However, with a drop on overall potency during the final 3rd part of his round, R.D. risked losing the match what with an elongated turn. But any chance of challenger Henny #3 pulling off an upset would be taken away 2 minutes into what was a resounding start via a surprising choke, thus giving Deal the vic.

Verdict: Real Deal (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Real Deal – “I’m not the burden you should bear homie, I am a grizzly, you don’t want me on ya neck like a side bitch’s hickey!”

Real Deal defeats Defron (Rematch)

Recap: Solid turns from both Real Deal and Defron in this online 1-rounder from 1Outs NZ. But it’s the slightly punch-heavier and slicker with the wordplay Deal who gets the win here.

Verdict: Real Deal (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Real Deal – “Who wants beef?, go ahead and point him out like Henry Hill!”

Real Deal defeats Sobr

Recap: Virtual one-rounder from 1OutsNZ sees Real Deal use a bunch of sizzling name flips, a variety of spicy New Zealand references, fiery 4-bar set-ups/punches and some stifling wordplay to easily beat back a lyrically solid, but subpar esp. when it came to name flips Sobr.

Verdict: Real Deal (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Real Deal – “I will turn your posthumous album into a CD coaster!”

Real Deal defeats Lazy Eye

Recap: Going after opponent Lazy Eye exceptionally hard with the personals, but also mixing in some nice punches, metaphors/similes and name flips here and there, Real Deal does enough to edge his 4-bar punch bent, but mostly pedestrian New Zealand foe and get the win in this virtual one-rounder from 1OutsNZ.

Verdict: Real Deal (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Real Deal – “You ugly as fuck, bitches be in a midlife crisis at a Crossroads and still wouldn’t let Lazy fuck!”

Real Deal defeats Randy

Recap: Ok, I’ll admit to having no idea who Jonah Lomu was until I heard Real Deal mention his name here, which in turn is a credit to RD’s pen and research game. That said, not much of a contest for RD here in this 1-round 1OutsNZ virtual battle versus Randy as the KOTD champ’s flexing punch/wordplay game easily takes out his mostly subpar opponent.

Verdict: Real Deal (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Real Deal – “Your pen game’s super sloppy like David Tua’s body, so I’m killing dreams unlike that Philistine, I’m turning David to a body!”

E. Farell defeats Real Deal

Recap: One-round, social distance video bout between Real Deal and E. Farell from iBattleTV sees the more punch-heavy, wordplay-lit and consistently spicy Farrell get the win over a solid, but none-too-over-the-top showing from Deal. Let it be noted tho that this wasn’t a total loss for Real Deal what with his son kicking a gritty series of bars at the end to prove once again that the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree.

Verdict: E. Farell (W) 1-0

Favorite line: E. Farell – “Talking how you rep your city, well I brought the pole in it, I gotta stick in the Pitt and it’s not deoderant!”

Chilla Jones and Real Deal (Title Rematch) [DEBATABLE]

Recap: At least this was one (the 3rd in their controversial trilogy) was a lot closer, so much so that we could call it a draw in lieu of Real Deal stepping it up from his last bout against Chilla Jones by displaying much more versatility, consistency and potency with his bars. Loaded too with plenty of mentions regarding their last battle and a boatload of wit as well as breakdowns of each other’s style from each side, for its competitiveness alone, Jones vs. Deal 3 is easily the best match of the series. A slightly more punch-heavy Jones edges the first round before a (“So when I beat you, fans that loved us both turned on me too, cause you’re such a nice guy, you’re awesome dude, but every face needs a good heel that’s why I’m curb stompin’ you!”) personal-heavy Deal returns the favor in the 3rd. The deciding 3rd round, for all its fiery 4-bar set-ups, stinging personals and flashy schemes/punchlines, can go either way what with a condensed turn by Deal matching an elongated turn by Chilla when it comes to bar efficiency.

Verdict: TIE

Favorite line: Chilla Jones – “Go ‘head, make mockeries of my passion and purpose, but I will leave you in grave [engrave] and I’m just scratching the surface, how ’bout a bullet in ya eye Deal [ideal], that would be perfect!”

Real Deal defeats J Short

Recap: Real Deal travels all the way to Manchester, UK, and doesn’t hold back, spitting a gang of piercing punchlines to go along with some fly rebuttals and a bunch of racy personals on his solid, but none-too-crazy opponent J Short’s battles with sobriety to handily get the win in this 3-rounder from Premier Battles.

Verdict: Real Deal (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Real Deal – “I’m nice for no reason like Canadian citizens!”

Chilla Jones defeats Real Deal (Rematch)

Recap: People who judge battles based on emotion shouldn’t be judging battles, because that can be the only reason Real Deal got the win (and the KOTD chain) over Chilla Jones here and that’s just not right. Hell, even I gave Real Deal the 3rd round, a punch-heavy, personal and at times heartfelt turn that surely touched anyone who’s dealt (or is dealing) with ailing family members. But the reason Real Deal got the final round here is because he consistently punched better than his opponent, NOT because he emoted better. And then of course, there’s a matter of the first two rounds: clear wins to anyone within earshot for Jones. After a solid, aggressive and at times punchline-spazzing turn by Deal in the first, Jones would come right back with a spitfire, over-the-top, personal lit and wordplay-heavy drenched with haymakers. And while the 2nd round was a little closer, combined with Real Deal’s inconsistency on potency and bent for pedestrian lines, a Jones’ that while he wasn’t quite as heavy-handed as he was in the first, was still more versatile with the punches, flexing with the name flips and way more personal savvy with the bars clearly took that round too for the win. Indeed, the controversy surrounding this battle’s verdict was warranted and KOTD should be ashamed of themselves for allowing this.

Verdict: Chilla Jones (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Chilla Jones – “I used to like your style specifically ‘cuz yours was different, now Real dropping lines got y’all hooked, no debate…but it’s more than fishing!”

Real Deal defeats PoRich

Recap: A KOTD battle drenched in witty/hard-hitting personals and wild, entertaining schemes gets the serious treatment from Real Deal in the deciding 3rd round, the Pittsburgh vet using a series of righteously hitting darts to edge the final round for the win.

Verdict: Real Deal (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Real Deal – “No friends are trying to hang at your pad, you loser, you drunk-ass abuser, you can catch him on the weekends like A Star Is Born, just some drunk hanging in his garage like Bradley Cooper!”

Real Deal and Dego Diavolo

Recap: From IBattleTV, plenty of wide-ranging cultural references, rich similes, ringing mayhem and even Real Deal confessing to a love for booze in this matchup with a punchline-lit Dego Diavolo that stayed competitive to the end with a draw after Diavolo edged round 1, a 2nd round debatable and Deal taking the 3rd with a little help from his flow-challenged opponent.

Verdict: Debatable

Favorite line: Dego Diavolo – “I’ll finger-fuck ya bitch till every finger jam!”

Real Deal defeats Marv Won

Recap: Mostly lackluster battle, oddly filled a plethora of dated bars, between veteran spitters Real Deal and Marvwon doesn’t pick up any steam until the deciding 3rd round which sees the two get far more lyrical with the punchlines and struggle bars. However, it’s a slightly more consistent Real Deal, both with the flow and the punches, who edges round 3 to win this one.

Verdict: Real Deal (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Real Deal – “They thought I’d be dead or strung out, so now they see the inspiration in me, when I came out the hood, it blew their mind like Clayton Bigsby!”

Real Deal and Quill [DEBATABLE]

Recap: In front of a UK Code Red crowd, Real Deal and Quill both put on an entertaining show littered with witty barbs, dope punchlines and solid off-the-dome theatrics. A tight battle that also featured Deal devoting an entire 3rd round to Charlie Clips’ affability and Quill spouting a fire mid-round freestyle, after a more condensed Quill edged the 1st and a 2nd round debatable, the more cohesive and congenial Mr. Deal takes the final round to force a draw.

Verdict: Debatable

Favorite line: Quill – “Out of all the places I’ve been, your city is the least frightening, you imagine your hood as something else…Grease Lightning!”

Real Deal defeats Human

Recap: No Coast Raps 1-rounder between Human and Real Deal is a dope one as the former kept it spicy with a boatload of fiery punchlines and stirring wordplay/multi’s. Faced with some hardbody comp, Real Deal would meet the challenge, using a continually fierce punch-game, witty barbs and some piercing wordplay/personals/schemes to edge things at the end.

Verdict: Real Deal (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Real Deal – “When I hear Human with Killers, I think cool song by a rock band!”

Real Deal defeats Starr

Recap: This Skytier Northwest 3-rounder sees a slow-starting Starr get busier and better with the punches as the battle proceeded to the point of even winning the 3rd round. However, by then it’d be too late as a gang of stinging punchlines, witty barbs and brazen personals by Real Deal in rounds 1 and 2 had already sealed the win for RD.

Verdict: Real Deal (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Real Deal – “You have the intelligence of a 4-year-old, the only times Starr’s goes over heads is the more you know!”

Math Hoffa defeats Real Deal

Recap: Even with a not-so-great, but solid 1st round and a 2nd round that while hitting with effective punchlines, witty schemes/personals and bully bars all over the spot, was still beatable considering his opponent’s capability, for two rounds Math Hoffa does more than enough to beat back a mostly subpar, redundant theme-dishing and filler prone Real Deal. And tho the punchline/scheme crazy RD we’re used to seeing finally showed up to easily take the 3rd, by then it was too late.

Verdict: Math Hoffa (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Math Hoffa – “You trash Trevor, and I know you been knew that shit, I found his rap book at the hotel, I picked it up and threw that shit, a couple of minutes later raccoons was going through that shit, I swear I heard on read a line and the rest of ’em boo’ed that shit!”

Sketch Menace defeats Real Deal

Recap: KOTD 3-rounder offers up a plethora of intellectual wordplay, boastful barbs, fierce schemes, piercing punchlines and witty personals from both Real Deal and Sketch Menace. A close one between two emcees that were pretty rigid with their lines, assisted a bit by Real Deal spouting some indirect bars on other subject matters, an also more haymaker-friendly Menace edges rounds 1 and 3 for the win.

Verdict: Sketch Menace (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Sketch Menace – “Hassling people like ’10 dollars is all it costs for this CD from me bro’, aka it’s gonna cost you 10 dollars for him to leave you alone!”

Real Deal defeats Stevie P

Recap: Getting out-witted by a boatload of piercing/witty personals by Stevie P in round 3, still doesn’t stop a free-styling, intellectually-savvy, punch/scheme-heavy and performance stunting Real Deal from taking both of the opening rounds for the win in this competitive 3-rounder from Smoked Out Battles.

Verdict: Real Deal (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Real Deal – “Tonight is the biggest battle of your life, for me?, it’s just another Tuesday in November!”

Real Deal defeats Metra Flako

Recap: Battling over RZA’s epic “Stand Up” beat, Real Deal goes totally off-the-dome with some Wu-Tang references mixed in to not only flex his freestyle ability, but beat back a solid, but nowhere noteworthy effort from Metra Flako in this 1-rounder from No Coast Raps.

Verdict: Real Deal (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Real Deal – “You in trouble dude, like your shirt, but I’m getting the W!”

Real Deal defeats Chuck West

Recap: Only an adept freestyler who happens to be battling in Chicago could spout a Rex Grossman line knowing it’d absolutely kill as Real Deal does here. The Pittsburgh vet using a gang of nifty off-the-dome darts on his way to handily beating a rapid, but so-so spitting Chuck West in this 2-round freestyle battle from No Coast Raps.

Verdict: Real Deal (W) 2-0

Favorite line: Real Deal – “Why the fuck you got me up here battling a Black Milhouse?!”

Real Deal defeats Raptor Warhurst

Recap: Not privy to the history between Raptor Warhurst and Real Deal, but damn did Deal have a lot to get off his chest, using an elongated, but brazen, highly personal, witty, wordplay-lit and punch-heavy turn to rip a new one in the UK rapper’s so-so multi’s and more stinging punchlines/personals and take this 1-rounder from Code Red.

Verdict: Real Deal (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Real Deal – “You try to check my pockets, your family will get your picture inside a necklace locket!”

Real Deal defeats Tru Tones

Recap: Tru Tones offers up some solid lyricism and a bunch of witty teacher jokes, but in this 3-rounder from UBRV, a more scheme/punch-heavy, personal-lit and mayhem-dishing Real Deal gets the win with by taking both of the opening rounds before a debatable 3rd.

Verdict: Real Deal (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Real Deal – “Your crew got more virgins in it than the Islamic afterlife!”

Real Deal defeats Joey Gambello

Recap: A cleaner 3rd round by Real Deal is the difference here as in this close and competitive battle that saw a gang of rigid struggle bars, lucid personals, fiery gun bars/wordplay, piercing/witty punchlines and livid mayhem, after Deal and Joey Gambello split the opening rounds, the Canadian rapper’s hiccups in the final round (which otherwise a pretty righteous Turn), would end up costing him this 3-rounder from Beastmode.

Verdict: Real Deal (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Real Deal – “I bet when you and girl lying in the bed at night, you hear the noise and she goes to investigate!”

Tone Montana and Real Deal [DEBATABLE]

Recap: It’s a different type of stumble, but against Real Deal here on No Coast X, Tone Montana proves to be his own worse enemy again. This time wasting his 3rd round on a predictable and shortened race angle after going into the 3rd round, IMO, winning this battle upon splitting the 1st and edging the (“I ain’t saying fuck your race, all I’m saying is that I’ll go to the White House and burn a cross on Columbus Day!”) 2nd. Thus, Real Deal, who was pretty solid throughout, dishes a hot enough 3rd round to force a tie.

Verdict: TIE

Favorite line: Real Deal – “Let’s get violent Tony, I’d love it if we took it to fists, the end of Candyman the only time Trevor catching a hook from a bitch!”

Mackk Myron defeats Real Deal

Recap: Mackk Mtyron uses a ferocious 1st round, littered with (“In the trap, I seen more birds fly than ‘Fuck you!'”) haymaker after haymaker, to end this one early versus Real Deal, who while solid in the first, sputtered badly in the 2nd before choking. And while Real got his mojo back to spit an okay 3rd, he still couldn’t withstand Mackk’s potent race-themed bars/impressions and continually heated punchlines in the final round.

Verdict: Mackk Myron (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Mackk Myron – “I hit his mama last week on the mini-sofa, I pulled out and left one on the wall like a penny poster!”

Real Deal defeats D’Mon

Recap: Washington rapper D’Mon displays moxie, versatility and steady aggression, but besides the aesthetics on the ‘bust the bottle’ line, little in the way of haymakers on his way to a loss against a more consistently nice and heavy punching Real Deal in this one-rounder from Skytier Northwest.

Verdict: Real Deal (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Real Deal – “Your wife is a slore and you let her skate despite getting hit, you hope she’ll care again [Kerrigan]!”

Real Deal defeats Illipsis

Recap: Illipsis scores with some nifty punches here and there, especially in a festive 2nd round that he edged with some killer personals. However, too many dry spots combined with elongated rounds cost him in the deciding 3rd round against a more resilient, witty at times and punch-heavier Real Deal.

Verdict: Real Deal (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Real Deal – “I was baptized in the walls of Galilee, blessed with the pen, but ‘Oh yeah!‘ I can coem off the stop with the savagery!”

Real Deal defeats Afta

Recap: If there’s one minor critique against Real Deal, it might be that he’s too smart for his own good. The Pittsburgh rapper sometimes getting a little too aberrant with his cultural references and similes in a battle rap world where while non-conformists are accepted, self-identity is not often varying. That said, here against West-coast battler Afta, after losing round 1 to his swift-rapping, witty and heavier-punching opponent, the ever reliable Deal ups his wordplay, personal vigor, wit and bar efficiency to edge both of the latter round for the win in this 3-rounder from PnR Battles.

Verdict: Real Deal (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Real Deal – “I talk different like when little kids pretend to be Beavis!”

Reepah Rell defeats Real Deal

Recap: A strong 3 rounds laced with nice (“I told him from the gate, I’ll do a number on him like a Holocaust tat!”) punches/angles and witty (“You worried about the next opponent, the next card, trying to create some views, homie, this custody battle is the real deal and it’s judged, you’re right, maybe I’ll pray for you!”) personals from Real Deal gets taken out by a stronger two rounds from Reepah Rell, who even without the face paint, displays (before slipping up immensely in the 3rd) a versatile barfest that featured fiery name flips, crazy (“There’s a reason I ain’t wear the paint, y’all thinking Deal could change the game, cool, I brought the poker face!”) wordplay, potent old head bars and seismic (“See, I ain’t gonna knock you for being a teacher, honestly that’s big for you, but now it’s teacher lounge, I brought the cig for you!”) punchlines to hold on for the win.

Verdict: Reepah Rell (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Reepah Rell – “You not fucking with my gunplay, ways of dying?, here’s one way, I toss a round in his cap…you playing music on the subway!”

Real Deal defeats Siyo

Recap: From Ireland’s Rap is Full league, the witty barbs and brazen personals/punches from Dublin rapper Siyo score at times, but overall fail to pack enough consistent heat to beat back, in the opening rounds of this 3-rounder, a more consistently scheme-hitting, set-up-lit and versatile punching Real Deal.

Verdict: Real Deal (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Real Deal – “You thought this match would change your life, well its sad to say you’re fucked, game face, Trevor gotta crack the whip and son Simon like its Castlevania!”

Soul defeats Real Deal

Recap: A dope and highly competitive battle from Don’t Flop that was littered with a boatload of stifling punchlines. fiery schemes and witty personals, after the two split (Soul taking rd. 1, RD taking rd. 2) the first couple of rounds, a slightly steadier hitting and more condensed Soul takes the 3rd and deciding round over Real Deal for the win.

Verdict: Soul (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Soul – “Yo, he grew up without a TV in an RV, so it makes him sad, his first car was his house!”

Kaboom defeats Real Deal

Recap: After somewhat of a slow start that allowed a pointed (“You beating me? You got a Riley Cooper’s chance in a Panther party!”) Real Deal to easily take round 1, Kaboom gets back in his bag with some elite round 2 (“The SK will knock Deal back-n-forth like negotiations!”) guns bars, before dispensing a literally classic (“Fuck ya guns, fuck ya bullets, wigga, beef ain’t your style, you be busting in the air, what’s your beef with the clouds?!”) ‘Fuck U!’ thesis on his opponent in round 3 that broke the tie and earned him the win.

Verdict: Kaboom (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Kaboom – “Fuck ya dead mom, you gonna join her when I dump lead, lay you down with her, hope that bitch casket got a bunk bed!”

Real Deal defeats A. Ward

Recap: A. Ward and Real Deal put on a dope, competitive and punchline-lit match for a KOTD crowd that stayed enthralled throughout. The newbie Ward kept it aggressive and fiery for the entire battle, while displaying excellent showmanship, piercing punchlines, witty zingers and salacious personals. And while Real Deal also helped himself to a bag of stifling personals, the gym teacher/battle rapper would also come through with plenty of jaunty sport bars, Christian-laced darts, boastful barbs and shrewd set-ups/wordplay. A matchup that was also littered in white culture references as well as a couple of nice rebuttals from each side, after a slightly punch-heavier Ward took the 1st round, the more haymaker-friendly Real Deal edges both of the latter rounds for the win.

Verdict: Real Deal (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Real Deal – “You got me fucked up…like Jesus Christ in every depiction!”

Real Deal defeats Reverse Live

Recap: While the mostly raucous punches from Reverse Live made their mark throughout this No Coast Raps 3-rounder, a more versatile, wordplay/similie-lit and personals-heavy Real Deal delivers enough heat to take rounds 1 and 3 (call the 2nd debatable) and earn the win over his fellow Grind Time alumni.

Verdict: Real Deal (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Real Deal – “There’s always one awkward fat kid breaking the skinny jean rules!”

Real Deal defeats 100 Bulletz

Recap: If hardbody personals are your thing then this sizzling 3-round bout between Real Deal and 100 Bulletz will more than fit your palette. To think, this isn’t even about 2 guys with a history of disliking each other as much as it’s about a couple of veteran battle rappers simply doing their research. And whether it’s Real Deal going after his opponent’s lack of a Top Tier status in the game or Bulletz going straight for the guts with allegations on Real Deal exploiting his family members deaths during rap battles, when it came to anything goes in battle rap, both competitors came with it. That said, a debatable 2nd and 3rd round makes for a deciding 1st round, which Real Deal dishing an elongated, but still potent and a bit more versatile turn that ultimately got him the win.

Verdict: Real Deal (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Real Deal – “I violate her with my spawn when I finish on her face, I got her eyeliner looking like a widow’s at a wake!”

Real Deal defeats Q.P.

Recap: A comfortable split of the first two rounds immediately gets fraught when (“His bitch gave me head under the table, what’s that?, off the books!”) Q.P. admits to forgetting his 3rd round and resorts to an imperfect freestyle spree that fortunately, he’s talented enough to pull off without a premature stoppage. Nonetheless, abled vet that he is, for Real Deal a well-written barrage of fierce personals and lofty (“If my whole circle clap like the cuddle break, you gonna make me raise this bitch in the air like I couple skate!”) quips had a pretty good chance at beating Q,P.’s forgotten round anyway.

Verdict: Real Deal (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Real Deal -“You and your baby mom’s put out a sex tape thinking that would do numbers, it was the first time in the history of porn the role of the plumber was played by an actual plumber!”

Real Deal defeats Aye Verb

Recap: Despite his choice to run with very condensed, but well-packaged (“Verb, I’m back out the slump like when scoliosis hit you!”; “Let’s set the mood people, what type of nigga go to school, get out of school, go back to school to be a school teacher?”) ) rounds (when directed at his opponent), Aye Verb could’ve easily had this one, as Real Deal in between dishing some nice (“You a Hitman?!, I guess not, that description fits Gerald, you just write about gangsta shit like F. Scott!”) wordplay and rich (“This coke head has more issues with drugs than High Times!”) personals, still didn’t impress as much as you would’ve thought he would against another battle rap vet. Yet, tied going into the 3rd, it’s quantity as much as quality and with Verb literally spitting for only two minutes (half of which was nothing but aggressive filler), it’s Real Deal who uses a plethora of fiery storytelling bars to avoid what would’ve been a somewhat embarrassing loss in front of a throng that most likely came to see him.

Verdict: Real Deal (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Real Deal –  “Smack, I swear to God sometimes y’all be picking favorites, ’cause y’all choose to book marks, long story short we must be on different pages!”

DNA defeats Real Deal

Recap: 6 years after they battled in an epic freestyle battle on the streets, a couple of Grind Time vets, Real Deal and DNA, finally do it for real on Black Ice Cartel. DNA easily takes the first round with more potent bars and wicked wordplay versus Real Deal who stayed aggressive with his punchline game, but was inconsistent with his verbiage. A much closer second round still had DNA coming out on top, dropping a harder slice of performance (“So make sure you come correct if you offer a deal, bars, or you’ll see two arms swinging air, that’s a windmill, [or] you can get the .4 piece with the toy, that’s a kid’s meal!”) personals and name flips to edge Real Deal comeuppance of fierce (“Even haters quote me with flame emoji’s”) punches and stinging (“This gonna be the worst day for Eric since Dre Day dropped”) metaphors. Last round saw DNA get personal with some resident Dot Mobb jokes/lines, which weren’t really effective enough to take on Real Deal’s dope storytelling (You should know if it’s WCW, I’m knocking Eric Bischoff [bitch off]”) bars and steady wisecracks.

Verdict: DNA (W) 2-1

Favorite line: DNA – “I’m awesome with skills, go both ways, this .40 for real, torture his grill, Michael Carter Williams, I’m on point in the Mil!”

Head Ice defeats Real Deal

Recap: A more concise and diplomatic Head Ice and an always (“Your fucking old ass is one stroke away from redefining Harlem shaking”) confident, but punchline sketchy Real Deal split the first couple of rounds here in this matchup on KOTD, before Ice’s signature Harlem swag along with a crunching (“As far as my bodies in this rap shit, I’m the American Sniper!”) bar game edges him round 3 and the win, when put up against Deal’s lack of consistency in the final round.

Verdict: Head Ice (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Head Ice – “I ain’t kidding with you, shells big [points] as cow’s nipples, give him Down Syndrome!”

Real Deal defeats Madness

Recap: In this 2-round battle from KOTD, while Madness’ trailer park white boy-ism punches and jokes keep him in the game, it’s a rebuttal-lit, scheme/personal-heavy and punchline crazy Real Deal who takes both rounds for the win.

Verdict: Real Deal (W) 2-0

Favorite line: Real Deal – “You reppin’ Magic?, fuck that shit, I got the punch that ruptured Houdini spleen!”

Real Deal defeats Syd Vicious

Recap: From Don’t Flop, a versatile Real Deal, scoring with a variety of stifling punchlines, witty personals, solid off-the-dome heat and spicy storytelling bars, puts up enough points (esp. during a killer opening round) to beat back a mostly competitive effort from a mayhem-lit and punch/personal heavy at times Syd Vicious, who after getting edged by RD in both of the early rounds, was on his way to at least taking the 3rd if not for a couple of slip-ups.

Verdict: Real Deal (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Real Deal – “And this is Syd from Atlanta?, this for the ’92 Pirates, no way I could let him slide!”

Real Deal defeats Sno

Recap: Real Deal uses a variety of gripping personals, hitting (“Twinz said he putting out a trailer for this and you asked if it was double-wide”) jokes, nice race quips and steady rocking bars to perform a bodybag on Sno. Who with plenty of lame set-ups, a whole lot of filler and weak lines like “Where I’m from we got so many guns, if we start shooting for the starts, we might fuck around and shoot the sun out the sky” clearly showed that he only showed up to pick up his paycheck.

Verdict: Real Deal (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Real deal – “Don’t judge a book by its cover, I’m Billy Hoyle with them knee highs and velcro snaps”

Real Deal defeats Planz

Recap: Not much in the way of stifling punchlines during this Got Beef 3-rounder between Real Deal and Planz. But with the Aussie rapper’s rapid punches lacking aplenty when it came to substance, even a workmanlike performance by RD, dipped with solid racial burners/name flips, righteous personals and witty barbs, is enough to pitch a shutout.

Verdict: Real Deal (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Real Deal – “He knows I’m part German, so he’ll probably do the ‘Heil Hitler!” if I ask him to throw the hands with me!”

Illmaculate defeats Real Deal

Recap: Capped by a killer 3rd round classic that him flexing with a shitload of spicy punchlines, Illmaculate’s casual but potent rebuttal game and winsome 4-bar punches/wordplay throughout this battle earns him a 30 over a more-raucous-than-usual and personal heavy, but overall topsy-turvy Real Deal in this dressed up 3-rounder from FilmOn TV.

Verdict: Illmaculate (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Illmaculate – “It would get ugly if a strap on me like Barkley kicks, but I’d rather take his top and leave something missing like Barbie’s tits!”